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Everything posted by jrt

  1. The "TED" talks are good as a whole. I encourage members to check out several other areas. Thanks for posting- I enjoyed them.
  2. www.fark.com for when you need news www.zombo.com best when you are in the throws of a paralytic heroin overdose.
  3. What what what??? I need that! Thanks David! All that hard drinking is paying off!
  4. Aaahhh, wintertime approaches and the cranky bears seek food and shelter. ease up, gents. It's about a month too early for anyone to get their panties in a wad.
  5. Hey Ben, how about a Can Am Spyder? Has anyone here ridden one?
  6. Send it on to Guzzitech.com. They collect Guzzi tattoo pictures. Nice looking. Ouch.
  7. Ben, that bike looks very nice. Fotoguzzi- so does yours. I enjoyed seeing the pic of the KLR also; I had one in that color scheme. Fun bikes. Heavy in the dirt.
  8. Looks good. More, please.
  9. Then ride. Problem solved. Open the gas fill occasionally. FWIW, I have not had any tank suck since I removed the grommet under the filler cap. Is that what you removed?
  10. Those are good looking bikes- I'd like to try one out sometime. Nice to see some more Texicans on the board. I'm dislocated into St. Louis right now- soon to be in Boston for a year. Have fun at Lukenbach. Jason
  11. What's this "social life" you speak of? Those words just don't make sense to me....
  12. Those old roundfins just don't break. They are so dirt simple that even I can keep one going on the road. Loopframes are even better. They don't break and they don't brake.
  13. Early '80's Guzzi G5. I have 350,000 miles on one. It's like riding a sofa...a sofa that corners. I know, probably a bit old.
  14. You're going to have to change your sig line to add your new bike Glad it worked out.
  15. That's the one. It's a rotary fitting- hollow in the middle, but shaped like a banjo. Hence, 'banjo fitting'. This is a dumb question- are there banjos in Europe or is it historically an American thing? 'paddle faster, I hear banjos' seen on a t-shirt.
  16. Looks great, but aren't you a little young to be riding a motorcycle? If the newer speedo cables are like the older ones, then it probably just slipped down out of the square drive on either the transmission or the back of the speedometer. I've had that happen several times on my older Guzzis. Unthread the ring nut at the back of the speedo (or the transmission- whichever is easier) and thread it back together making sure that square end fits into the receiver. Less complicated than it sounds....
  17. ditto...except for the ohlins part. I have stock equipment in that area, but it seems to work just fine for me. Ignorance is bliss....
  18. "Just enough" is the key. Don't loosen them enough to freely turn. Also- put a paper towel below the fitting to catch any fluid if it drips out. That stuff ruins paint/clearcoat/whatever else.
  19. Dan- thanks! It's always a work in progress.... Raz- I didn't realize he had posted in other threads. Why would a car spambot target a weird motorcycle marque? It don't make sense. Just don't. Oh well, not worth getting mad over. Just let me know and I can delete it with a magical delete button.
  20. I got as far as "On a serious note" and you lost me. I don't think you're going to get this so-called "serious" in this thread. Too late. That bus has left. (check your tire pressures and make sure the tires aren't cupped)
  21. Deleted jersey's post because it was an ad for a car exhaust.
  22. I did the write on on how to put bars on the sport. Here's some pictures (some older, some newer), but you can get an idea of what it will do. Also, there are some pics of my homemade shift/brake levers. They look better in person than in the photos. http://picasaweb.google.com/jrtelford/GuzziV11Sport# Also, also- don't shy away from one of the earlier ones based on reports of 'poor handling'. Some owners have no complaints about the handling of their short-frame V11's. Mine feels very solid and planted in corners. J
  23. It's not too bad, but the tank reminds me of a kidney bean (that's it! For sale now, the Moto Guzzi Phaseolus!) Good photoshop skills- I gotta give him that.
  24. From the BBC: 141 words for 'drunk' drunk,• adj, euphemisms include: Ankled (Bristol) Badgered, Banjaxed, Battered, Befuggered, Bernard Langered, Bladdered, Blasted, Blathered, Bleezin, Blitzed, Blootered, Blottoed, Bluttered, Boogaloo, Brahms & Liszt, Buckled, Burlin Cabbaged, Chevy Chased, Clobbered Decimated, Dot Cottoned, Druck-steaming, Drunk as a Lord, Drunk as a skunk Etched Fecked, Fleemered (Germany), Four to the floor Gatted, Goosed, Got my beer goggles on, Guttered (Inverness) Had a couple of shickers, Hammer-blowed, Hammered, Hanging, Having the whirlygigs, Howling Inebriated, Intoxicated Jahalered, Jaiked up (West of Scotland), Jan'd - abbrev for Jan Hammered, Jaxied, Jeremied, Jolly Kaned Lagged up, Lamped, Langered (Ireland) [also langers, langerated], Laroped, or alt. larrupt, Lashed, Leathered, Legless, Liquored up (South Carolina), Locked, Locked out of your mind (Ireland), Loo la Mad wey it, Mandoo-ed, Mangled, Manky, Mashed, Meff'd, Merl Haggard, Merry, Minced, Ming-ho, Minging, Moired, Monged, Monkey-full, Mottled, Mullered Newcastled, Nicely irrigated with horizontal lubricant Off me pickle, Off me trolley, On a campaign, Out of it, Out yer tree Paggered, Palintoshed, Paraletic, Peelywally, Peevied, Pickled, Pie-eyed, Pished, Plastered, Poleaxed, Pollatic Rat-legged (Stockport), Ratted, Ravaged, Razzled, Reek-ho, Rendered, Rosy glow, Rubbered, Ruined Saying hello to Mr Armitage, Scattered, Schindlers, Screwed, Scuttered (Dublin), Shedded [as in " My shed has collapsed taking most of the fence with it"], Slaughtered, Sloshed, Smashed, Snatered (Ireland), Snobbled (Wales), Sozzled, Spangled, Spannered, Spiffed, Spongelled, Squiffy, Steamin, Steampigged, Stocious, Stonkin Tanked, Tashered, Tipsy, Trashed, Trollied, Troubled, Trousered, Twisted Warped, Wasted, Wellied, With the fairies, Wrecked Zombied And if you've made it this far:
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