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Everything posted by jrt

  1. jrt

    Bad news

    That's disheartening and not a good trend. Mark is out, Ned's is out, now MPH. How long 'till the Washington crowd has had it?
  2. You just never know where those things end up after a crash...... This really brings on two questions: 1) why is a small motorcycle classified as a "toy"? 2) why is there a significant quantity of lead in motorcycle grips?
  3. If the frame parts follow the usual values, you can get them here: http://www.thisoldtractor.com/gtbender/loo...cifications.htm just find the size of the bolt and cross it to the torque. My guess on the frame (and it is just a guess) is that you put the center spine down first, bolt it in and assemble the porkchops onto that. The rear drive and front forks will be last. I guess I'm just saying work from the center out to the edges. Now, if you had a loopframe, I could give you more details....
  4. I'm still partial to the R90S fairing. I think there may be pictures in the 'How to' forum. Good luck!
  5. jrt

    Hey BFG!

    don't tell him, but program it in backwards, so his bike slows down the more gas he gives it....
  6. If you want to have an honest discussion on the subject, I would suggest not using the term "global warming". For one thing, it is vague and for anther reason, it just ignites passions that obscure any meaningful discussion. I would suggest using a term such as 'climate change'. There is no doubt that the earth is in the midst of climate change. It has been since day one and hopefully will be until day...last. last day. end of the planet. You get my drift. The concern and predictions that science makes regarding climate change is that, as the average temperature of the earth increases, then we will see certain weather trends in regions. Some places are going to get colder, some places are going to get hotter. Most everyone will see increased variation and probably will see increased intensity of weather. But don't believe me. I do teach a course in climate change, but I suggest reading the data for yourself. EDIT: Oh, and Ratchet is just poking certain folks. Don't get yer panties in a bunch.
  7. This is kind of a different league, but I have a Shindy damper on my Eldorado. Works just fine. It is smooth and even throughout the range. I have it set pretty light- I don't honestly recall what the heavy damping feels like, but I don't recall it as being real hard. For the price, I heartily endorse it. For a less expensive option that might need some engineering, you could look at the damper sold by Mike's XS, a website devoted mostly to the XS650. http://www.mikesxs.net/products-20.html Hmm, not all that less expensive. They were 50 bucks not too long ago. Oh, well. Go with the Shindy, it looks better.
  8. This thread is quickly spinning out. Bring it down a couple of notches, ok? It's interesting you get three pages, John. I only get two so far. Must be the exchange rate.
  9. Why is this turning from...well, whatever it was, into a second amendment discussion (that's gun control to our non-American friends). C'mon folks, holster it. Please. This discussion rarely works out. Here, I'll start. Obama's election should really help out wine growers. Discuss. Yeah, I know it has nothing to do with anything. Good luck.
  10. Obama won't make a large change in anything overnight. That's a true fact. It is the nature of the US govt. that no one branch has more power than anther, so they are in constant conflict and a moderating influence on each other. In light of our history, I view that as a good thing. What *will* make a change are the little things each person can do, be it help out a neighbor, donate some time to a worthy cause, or simply write a letter to your congressperson. The President (or Prime Minister) only steers the ship of state- the Citizens are the oarsmen. Do something that matters. The foundation of any country is in the character of it's people. We should take ownership of our country (we all should take ownership of all of our countries), be educated on the world affairs and hold our leaders accountable and hold them to task for their jobs. That's my take on Obama's message and whether you believe in it or not is entirely up to you.
  11. There's some nice looking bikes in this thread
  12. You don't want much, do you? If all else fails, you could talk to someone with a CNC mill. It should be a(n expensive) piece of cake for that machine.
  13. My bike has a similar behavior. The seat isn't stuck, but it doesn't come off easily. What I do is engage (disengage?) the lock...ok, I turn the key... then push forward pretty strongly while lifting the back of the seat. Basically, I grip it right underneath the cowl. If it is really sticky, I give the cowl a glancing forward blow with the palm of my hand. Not enough to damage anything, just to jar it a bit. Hope that helps. Jason
  14. Is that worth a point? Maybe only if it was a tattoo?
  15. Keep the battery tender on the battery as often as you can. It'll keep the battery more healthy. glad your bike is going again!
  16. As opposed to this same one over? I vote 'another', thankyouverymuch.
  17. I'd also suggest you check the battery. Mine clicks like that when the battery is low. From there, check for a weak ground (really), then check the solenoid, relays, and progressively more complicated stuff. Dunno what to say about the idle- was it cold out?
  18. I'm surprised Roy Orbison hasn't been mentioned yet (that I've seen). We've got an old album of his spinning right now. doo waa doo waa
  19. Well, that's a relief. If there's one thing I can't take, it's a bent last.
  20. My wife would soooo kick my ass if I got an iPhone. Jealousy, you know. She has a blackberry. I still use smoke signals or rhythmic banging on rocks for the most part.
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