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Everything posted by jrt

  1. I'm not sure which you mean- could you post a link? I have one of the Guzzi leather race jackets that they gave out to the Breva 750 early adopters (hey, my wife got the bike...all I got was this lousy jacket ) It's good quality- not quite as heavy as the '70s hein gerike stuff. The leather is a bit too soft for me, plus it's European design, so the buttons are on the wrong side. Minor complaints. It is tailored properly and fits me quite well. The seams are single stitch. The zippers are good quality.
  2. yeah, but then they leak all over your side tire.
  3. jrt

    I pidy the foo

    Smart. You gotta weight the cost/benefit ratio.
  4. The front should be pretty straight-forward. For the rear, I always suggest that the bike be propped up high- higher than you think- to facilitate removal and replacement. If you are talking about side-loading the bearing, it's not real critical (or I've been weirdly lucky). Just get the axle moderately tight, then cinch up the safety bolts. For packing (non-sealed) bearings, I use a needle that I JB-welded into a grease nipple. I put the needle into the back of the bearing and put in a squirt of grease, move it two or three balls or cylinders and do it again until I make it all the way round the bearing. It's a mess.
  5. Too early in the year, I hope. If this were Nov. or Dec., I'd agree with you BTW, DRL's are awful, and rob the vehicle of top-end horsepower as well as deflating the tires.
  6. jrt

    I pidy the foo

    Winona is really pretty country. While you are there, ride up the Apple Blossom trail. Fabulous views and good corners. As far as the V11 colors go- I kind of thought the gray and red look like a good combo. Consider painting the fender and tail piece the same color gray as that fender part. I think it would look sharp. Finally, don't listen to what any of us say. Do what feels right to you. Have fun.
  7. Well, there you go. Maybe it was a different machine? I honestly don't remember, it's been so long.
  8. If you ever sell the bike to anyone on the other coast, they'll need the stickers to prove that the bike meets EPA requirements. If they're missing, it's a real PIA to license.
  9. Well, since everyone is showing their butts off. I added a triangle thingy to keep the rooster tail off my back when its wet.
  10. It's been several years, so I could be remembering this wrong-but- My left side switchgear went bad shortly after I bought the bike in '01. The dealer had a Euro Left side in stock and would have replaced it right then and there, but the connectors are different and I didn't want to replace the molex (or whatever it is) connector. So, I ended up waiting on parts an interminable two weeks or so, in February, in Iowa, and then replaced it. Worked out fine. Bottom line- check the connectors or be prepared to do some wiring.
  11. Try this: http://guzzisti.it/page_builder.php?filein...icina/index.htm look under the serie piccola. (0.15 and 0.2 mm In and Ex respectively. The gear and drive box have overflows, so just fill them up. For the engine oil, the capacity is a ridiculously small 1.78 L (2 qt). I recommend getting a sump extender such as one sold by Ed Milich at Guzzitech. He'll even throw in a few stickers.)
  12. OK, I wrote up a response suggesting you save up and get an aerostich suit. I'll stand by that advice, but I deleted the post because I don't think it was appropriate. My two cents of advice are 1) make sure it has elbow pads. I have an old Hein Gericke jacket from my yout' that doesn't have padding and I would have a hard time with forks and spoons if I crashed in it. And 2) our forum sponsors- or Ned's auto- will be up-to-date on the latest greatest appalling apparel, so give them a call.
  13. So that's who she is. I had no idea, so thanks for the tip.
  14. will he buy us a beer if we get over there? OK, I'll do it anyhow. Good luck! Edit: Oh my gosh- I accidentally looked at the V-max....what an U-G-L-Y machine. Some of those old racing Honda's were kind of neat looking, though.
  15. The RAM unit uses it's own hub. I don't recall if the spline pitch is the same, but the RAM transmission input splined hub is shorter than the Guzzi stock unit (i.e. not interchangeable).
  16. The RAM unit is preassembled and pre-aligned. There's no need to align it. Now that you've taken it apart...I'm not sure what to suggest. You need a jig or something to center it up and I would think the transmission input spline would be the thing to use. How you will find center is going to be tricky. I would never, ever suggest that you bolt it back together, send it back to the company and say that it was mis-aligned from the factory.
  17. I like them ok in small doses. It drones on in larger portions. They have one (older) song that I kind of like for grim music's sake- something like Rose or Wild Rose, sung as a dialog between a woman and a man.
  18. Good eye (or ear). And thanks for the pictures. Sounds like you got it under control, so and (please post the dimensions of the spacer when you get it out)
  19. Just make sure that the product code on the back isn't 'group W' and you'll be fine. I noticed that sale on Enco just this morning and would have brought it up if you hadn't.....wait...I just did.... FWIW, I don't have any problem with the Craftsman allen keys in terms of metal. They ARE metallic. It's the SIZES I have a problem with. They are all undersize (in my experience) and tend to round out the bolts.
  20. The Elkinds are middling- maybe not great, but not bad either. Definitely a step up from ill-fitting Craftsman brand and most likely a step (or two) up from Harbor Freight. I've whacked on mine with a hammer to get some bolts loose, and they don't look any worse for wear. I don't do that regularly, though, so I don't want to comment on abusive use. Also, I can't compare them to Bondhus, because I've never used that brand.
  21. Small glass of lemonade, but at least the timing gasket is a super-easy job. Glad you weren't tossed off.
  22. Unfortunately, a lot of folks lost bikes in MN. You might get interest from someone looking to replace a bike. If you relist anywhere, I'll give you the same advice was given me (I'm in the seller's market as well)- explicitly state that this is not a flood bike.
  23. jrt

    Intro / SrChief

    Hi Jeff and welcome. Say, you do have a good gig going...and I don't even golf. I grew up in San Marcos and we went to Pedernales Falls regularly for camping trips. Good to see you here.
  24. Do I feel a chill in the air? Is it winter already? Ya'll get outside and go play....
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