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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Yeah, the single plate clutch is the biggest unknown with the Scura. No guarantee that it will grenade, but it is a documented correlation. Guzzi's make a lot of noises, so don't be overly concerned with them. Do check the items you listened- sounds like nice preventative maintenance even if they are not necessary (I can't tell if they are or not based on your mileage).
  2. Should be fine. If you're worried, then find and write down Guzzi dealers between you and your destination. I have 18K or so on mine and no problems, so I think you have a couple gas tanks left in her. I know what you mean about not riding because of life altering upheavals. In my case, a 1.5 year old daughter really does cut down on riding time.
  3. Agreed- let's stick to the topic, gents. Take the banter to the banter section.
  4. hmmm, I'd have gone with disabling the cutout. But- that's just me.
  5. take a close look at the mating surfaces. If they're clean and flat, then that's not the problem. Could there be a small crack? What do you mean by regulator? There's a pressure regulator on the r/h side- is that what you mean? Where is it leaking from- the outlet of that pressure regulator or the seal at the tank? Gas tends to follow crevices, so where you see it might not be the source. A piece of toilet paper is sufficiently absorbent that you can follow a fluid leak.
  6. jrt

    Vacuum tap

    They may have come that way from the factory. Mind did and I'm the original owner. I added barbed hose adapters and a small hose and the Guzzi didn't mind a bit.
  7. I'm sure Richard was expressing his frustration at the inability to control nature. John, we are all sympathetic to what you folks had to endure and we all express that sympathy and frustration in different ways. I gotta admit, that Sport is one sad picture. In another, I saw one of the riders- he had his head turned about half way around and starting to grimace at the photographer- classic. I really felt for the man. There are many of us out here willing to help- let us know what we can do for you.
  8. That's good (I think). I wonder if Guzzi can spin this into a positive- something like "bikes so tough that most of them survive a flood and bikers so crazy that they'll brave one" The MGNOC Mass rep, Tom Halchuk, has set up a fund. Details: http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=13197.0 I'll send him $100 when I can get to my other computer. I hope a few others will chip in what they can.
  9. Sorry boys, I'm taken. Holy moly! An internet first!!!!
  10. I know how you feel Richard, but I read that particular bike had already been submerged under 6 feet or so of water. It was tied to a trailer at the time. Note, there is no trailer anymore. A Guzzi rider on a beemer forum is talking about starting a fund. My feeling is that it is a nice gesture- see how it works out and perhaps move it to a Guzzi forum (like wildguzzi). deleted url- see below
  11. I just read this thread on the US MGNOC site- a flash flood basically wiped out the US National rally. I'm thankful no one was killed, and saddened by the losses of attendant Guzzisti and locals. There are some powerful and sad images herein: http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=13162.0 I said it there and I'll say it here- If anyone from the Natl's is passing through St. Louis and needs a place to stay...just pm me.
  12. jrt

    poor running lemans

    Ditto. Keep the revs up- the motor is far happier above 4K.
  13. This part raises a red flag for me. I used sewing needles- they're smaller and fit up into the connector better. An alternative is to use one strand from multistrand wire and weave that into the contact. Go small. I don't know if this is your problem or not, but it will improve your technique, I hope.
  14. Thanks for posting these- looks like fun!
  15. Just make sure it's the *fork* that's flexing and not the connection to the handlebars. They are often mounted on rubber washers to isolate vibration.
  16. That's a neat looking speedometer.
  17. Not to be curmudgeonly or anything but what's the intrinsic error on a dyno? I've seen many postings where some change gives 2-5 unit changes in horsepower or torque. The absolute values are around 70ish HP or ft-lbs. That's between a 3-8% difference. Is a dyno capable of measuring with this level of precision? My understanding from what I've read is that dynos aren't particularly accurate, and different dynos can give different values. But I've never seen the precision issue brought up- how repeatable are the measurements and at what level is a change in the value statistically significant? Just curious-
  18. Have you adjusted the throttle body synch? That helps with the vibes a lot also. I don't keep a record of my valve settings before adjustment (I should), but they are usually pretty close to correct. Often, it's just about the process of the adjustment rather than the need. It's 105 F here today. I'm staying indoors.
  19. My only experience with this would be from a couple vacations there. My opinion would be like Skeeve's- it's such a small island (even the big island), that I would go crazy if I lived there. The gun laws don't bother me. On the other hand, it would be great to live there for two or five years and come back to some open road. I'd learn how to surf (again) and the water is great. I wouldn't take my bikes- buy a cheap enduro once you're there. I wonder how much work I'd actually get done?
  20. Kevin, thanks for posting these pictures and descriptions. Looks great! J
  21. jrt

    New here....

    Part of your answer can be found here: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5691 They are nice looking bikes. Enjoy!
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