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Everything posted by jrt

  1. I put on my black gown, my hood and my mortarboard and walked out of a beautiful, mid '70s (23 C) sunshining day into the bleak and unpleasant University of Iowa Graduate College commencement ceremonies. I sat in an god-danged hot, humid arena with a bunch of overeducated sorts who babbled senslessly about 'future of this' and 'leadership for that' for three hours, crammed into a tiny folding chair without enough room to even breath, not that it mattered because the stupid acetate gown I was wearing doesn't breath- AT ALL. I think I lost 2 or 3 pounds (about a kilo). On the up side, I graduated three students as newly minted doctors (Ph.D., Chemistry), and I got to hood them myself. All in all, a good day. I'll post pictures when I get some.
  2. Mostl likely a fuse, I would guess. To check the relay, just swap it out with any one of the other (four pole????) relays and see if your winkers start winking again.
  3. And getting outta sight gas mileage, I'll bet. (nicely done, btw- not my cup of tea for a bike, but that's an outstanding job by any account)
  4. I'm not Gary, but I can look on the Guzzi-US website and come up with the MI dealers: DETROIT EUROCYCLES, LLC Guaranteed Ride Participating Dealer http://www.detroiteurocycles.com/ 18301 NINE MILE RD EASTPOINTE, MI 48021 PHONE: (586) 778-8900 GT MOTORS 816 E HOWE AV. LANSING, MI 48906 PHONE: (517) 485-6815 I've heard good things about both (Lansing is a bit of a drive for you, I think). Sheesh, on second inspection...I've been to 9 Mile rd. There's an REI up in there somewhere....I wish I'd have known at the time that there was a Guzzi dealer nearby.
  5. Well, I hope she's easy to get back to normal. Glad she's not bent up or broke. It's too nice a bike for that. Is that a later model dual points setup? Is it a drop-in fit? I like the lowers on it too- they look larger than the metal running boards-under-pegs setup that I've seen. I bet that larger size is convenient in wet weather.
  6. Well, if everyone walks away, then I suppose it's a good ride. Sorry to hear about (your?) Eldo, and I"m not surprised that you can keep up with the Duc. Those old ladies can move if you ask them to. Just curious- does Washington have a helmet law?
  7. Desperate is more like it. Actually, it's pretty easy if you make it in two parts. One part that is the hinge and has the threaded holes for connecting the shift-linkage- the whole thing is just a rectangle. The other part can just bolt onto that- it's harder to make because it is a compound curve. Heat it up and put it in a press (or a pair of pliars and a torch)- easy enough. Desperation, man. desperation.
  8. It may not be much help, but I had the same problem, so I made my own shifter that is a little shorter and lower. You might not need shorter, but if you make your own, you can put any curve you want into it.
  9. jrt


    OK, it's a very good looking bike. I have to give you (Franko) that...
  10. I'd also look at the filler cap. Maybe take a ride with the cap loose and see if it dies. If you are looking for an electrical suggestion, I have three- 1) the connectors into the headlamp bucket are awful, and if they get loose or corroded then it will kill the bike. 2) there is a (10 gauge?) red wire running up into the rectifier board that if it comes loose, then the bike will die- this particular wire coming off it's connector is how my G5 usually dies It's to the front of the board in a vertical orientation.... but the lights and everything go out when it comes loose. 3) I've had the connectors come off dyna coils. Not the plug wires but the low voltage connections. Unless you have one coil, it doesn't sound like this is your problem.
  11. The two eyes on the shifter (A) are there so you can have some up/down adjustment in the angle of the shifter. I have all these parts except the transmission coupler, so I can only offer conjecture... My thought was that the transmission coupler attached to the stock dogleg right off the transmission. I could well be incorrect, though.
  12. Beautiful bike. I am all about slow food. We rarely eat out and I do a lot of cooking. It gets old sometimes, but then we go eat out again and I'm amazed at how much better our food is. Plus we get to talk and sometimes work together. It may be 'too sweet', but the food is better. Unfortunately, (in the US at least) many houses built since the '50s are not designed for cooking. The kitchen is a rediculous small affair that only one person can operate in. I prefer the old farm kitchens where everyone can hang out and cook....and drink.
  13. From the title, I thought you had seen my daughter after lunch.
  14. Pete, that's interesting. My great idea of a center steel gear might not be so great after all. It's not the first time. But I'm kind of surprised to be honest. Using different metals should have an ameliorating effect on the problem of galling- I thought that was caused by using two contacting soft metals. Now what am I going to do with the set of timing gears that I've had on the shelf for the last 10 years? Well, anyhow, this isn't the place and I will bow out. Hope your bike is ok RossoAndy- I'll hoist a glass of wine for you.
  15. I think the way around the first point is to make the crank gear out of steel. I don't think there is an argument against your second point.
  16. I bought a little Optimate charger on recommendation of my dealer. He claimed it would charge about anything and bring a few batteries back from dead. After using it on 3-4 good batteries (two WestCo sealed, several lead acid) and 2 very dead batteries, I am very impressed. One of the WetCo batteries was very dead and wouldn't recharge. Even though it was a year old, they gave me a new one- no questions. I brought back another lead-acid battery back from death with a 5 day desulfation cycle. I like it- it's a great little charger and it should work on Oddities and and other batteries.
  17. I think you meant to say "couch". The T, T3, G5 (which is really the best of the bunch) all were rolling couches. Ah, the times me and my gal had on that couch.....
  18. I had an R90S for a bit. Now I have a Sport (red frame). Sorry, but the bikes are worlds apart. The R100 you have is more comfortable for long legs- I felt a bit cramped on my Sport until I modified the ergos. It's still just a touch on the short side, but now it's acceptable. The clip-ons also killed my wrists. I put low rise bars on the Sport to mimic the R90S ergos and while I am more comfortable, it also decreased teh weight on the front end so steering got a bit lighter. Not in a bad way, but I could feel it. The wind protection on the R100 is also better (I'm assuming you have the R fairing). I put an R90S fairing on my Sport and it works pretty well. Can't speak for the bikini fairings. The Sport has power, cool factor, handling and class way over the R bikes. I dearly enjoyed the R90S, but the Sport has better draw. I'll admit, I'm biased. I've been riding Guzzi's for 20 years and I only rode the bimmer for about 5.
  19. Touché. I'm big enough to admit when you win.
  20. jrt

    K & N RU 1780

    No, I think your post was read and interpreted correctly. Things went wonky anyhow.
  21. LOL! Doesn't Vonnegut look more and more like Samuel Clemens as he (Kurt) gets older? Both were great American satirists, and what could be a higher compliment than being called a Satyr? I can't even fathom this. I can't remember the last time I WASN'T reading a book. Maybe not a great book, but I have to read before bedtime. Periodicals? Not so much except science journals and pornography (jest kiddin')
  22. The torx does sound like a good idea- good call Big J. And I'll third or fourth or whatever Ratchet's statement about Craftsman allen keys. Junk. And the warning about using stainless. Don't. Put some PB Blaster or PJ Blaster or whatever that stuff is on the bolts and let it soak in over the holidays. If you can't fix it and won't be riding, then you might as well put some solvent in it now and let it set a day or two. Good luck.
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