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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Rollie Free, Baby! The car originally came with a dinky trailer wheel- I took it off, turned a Guzzi wheel so it would accept trailer bearings, and voila- big-ass matching wheel. I'm TRYING to order a set of leading link forks from Unit forks in the UK. I've had an order in for close to 6 months now... I may have to take my money elsewhere if they don't come through soon. I've also got a set of sidecar gears in teh basement, along with a spare rear drive- eventually, I'll get around to putting them in, so I can improve my bottom end. Not that my bottom needs much improvement, I might add.
  2. I think the Eldo is a great bike, but the frame is kind of dated (i.e. flexy). When I ride the Eldo, I don't "blast". I just poke along and smile. It's that kind of bike for me. Greg Field, I would guess, has a different approach. I'm not sure what it is about the Vintage, but you're right- the tank looks ok on that bike. It's the same old tank as always, though. Weird. I do think it's the nicest looking Cali to come out in a decade or two. Ned's Auto and Cycle, a mere 4 hours from you, has one on the showroom floor. I haven't ridden it, but I imagine it's like every other late model that's come out.
  3. Give the Haven boys a call at MPH cycles. They're close and will give you good advice. You will probably get off a lot lighter than you are thinking. I doubt you need to hone the cylinders, nor need a top end.
  4. There are minor differences in the Tonti frames, but nothing that would keep you from converting a late model into an early model 'look alike'. The early (70's) Tonti frames have shorter swingarms (and so shorter shocks). The later models have various stiffening struts welded in- I don't remember all the locations, but I think it's mainly around the battery box. There are also a couple of tabs on the frame (under the tank) that would have to be removed to put on an older style tank. Also, I'm not sure about putting old style side covers on- the new ones are slightly different. But- Mike Stewart and David (guzziownr) both have done exactly the conversion your thinking of. Heck, I sold Mike the Jackal that he used (hope it still runs! ) If you are shaped anything other than 5 foot tall with 6 foot arms, the real V7 sport will feel cramped. They are cool bikes, but tiny. I'm currently working in the other direction- I'm modernizing the brakes and driveline of my (drum brake) Eldorado. I like that style, but I also like to stop.
  5. They are great bikes- just ugly as sin. Chris is correct- they have cast iron liners. Shouldn't be a problem though- I got upwards of 300,000 miles out of mine. I now have an 81 model for my sidecar and an 82 model that I use for parts, but lots and lots of other Guzzi parts fit. I'm using a LM III tank here because it makes the bike go faster
  6. Not sure if this helps, but I put a RAM in my Eldorado and it cost $500 here in the states. This was just before the dollar tanked.
  7. Just carefully fold the sensor next to the frame and ziptie it on (or wire or affix in some manner). Mine is right next to the main, square frame section. Some people have put the sensor in a box to protect it a bit more.
  8. jrt

    New Tail Section

    Here they are:
  9. Ditto on Carl's advice per MI o-rings. They work. Pete- I've had a clutch come apart and while the clutch itself doesn't make much noise, the transmission sure got banged around every time I took off. That certainly made a fair amount of (unpleasant) noise.
  10. This is the model I bought. It can be made to fit with some work, but it's not a simple cut and paste.
  11. jrt

    New Tail Section

    We'd love to see a picture. Send me a copy to jtsjf@yahoo.com and I'll post it up on photobucket and link it here. It might be as simple as the file size too large.
  12. jrt

    Ready to tour!!! Pic

    Good taste. I've seen them a couple of times in Austin. If you like them, I suggest you might also like Charlie Musselwhite and Duke Robillard. Different, but similar.
  13. I'll echo Mike's post. I tried to post this last night, but I'm travelling and the intertubes are not so great here. If the valve clearance shrinks, something is wearing. Not necessarily something to worry too much about, but do keep an eye on it and make a note for the next adjustment. And another for twinmax.
  14. jrt

    Ready to tour!!! Pic

    Fabulous T-Birds?
  15. jrt

    Ready to tour!!! Pic

    So, where are you going? May I suggest the Guzzi Nationals this year in Minnesota?
  16. Any chance one of you Luddites could film it and post on youtube? Or just sell the video and let Pete make a couple bucks.
  17. That's actually a pretty common behavior- especially on old tonti frames.
  18. Actually, Pearl White like the Bassa might be a nice look.
  19. jrt

    The Pace

    Nicely written article. With all due respect, like all searches on the web, porn wins. http://www.google.com/trends?q=Jaap%2C+Bill%2C+Nick%2C+Porn (link is SFW)
  20. Personally, I really like the red tank- in sunlight, it is an outstanding color. I like where you are headed with this project, but you're right- it looks a little confused at this point. Unfortunately (or maybe not), I don't have any good suggestions, except take a couple of pictures and futz with them in photoshop. Well, that's the beauty of this endeavor- when you get tired of one color, you can always change it.
  21. I would think it to be ok, but be real careful to start wrapping the threads just beyond the end. Said another way- don't get tape into the fuel system. I'll illustrate with a parable. My brother once rebuilt a little Nissan truck engine and wrapped some of the bolts with teflon. A bit or two came off, clogged the oil galleys and he seized the engine. Why not use a paste for sealant? I'm not sure of the particle sizes in it, but some of the pastes are rated for petroleum use- I'm not sure the tape is.
  22. What's the old saying- bad things happen in threes? Keep an eye out....
  23. jrt

    T-3 Fanatic

    I put those reverse cones on my Eldo. They do look good, but you'll need a shim to match the diameters.
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