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Everything posted by jrt

  1. jrt

    OT Honda Engineering

    The other side of this coin is a big thumbs up for MCN. And for Traxxion dynamics (good publicity for them). I like MCN because they they don't shy away from writing about complete screw-ups, and also because they have the nuts to go after MSF*. Dunno what to make of the argument, but at least they're arguing. *The gist of it is that MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) is practicing monopolistic business practices and MCN doesn't like that at all.
  2. No rest for the wicked, eh? Stay warm!
  3. Oh, I see. When you said "smoking room", I thought your trailer-home was on fire. (ducks and runs)
  4. jrt

    Bike Saga

    Bummer, I'd be pissed as well. At least the signals are easy and cheap to replace.
  5. Hate to suggest this, but it kind of looks like a photoshop.
  6. Shoot, it made it past three.... Ben, if I ever see you slander Alexander Graham Bong again, I'll drive up to South Canada and start kicking some ass and drinking foreign beer! And besides, the King of Denmark is a socialist. There, that ought it get things started and I'm not even across the pond.
  7. Well, it's just in case. People DO get lost, you know
  8. Yes. I've always wanted to make a DeKalb breakfast-I like the Chicago Guzzi riders. Unfortunately, I haven't managed one yet and now it's going to be harder than ever.
  9. jrt


    Happy and prosperous New Year's to all red-framed V11 Sport owners ("stylistically challenged" model owners as well )
  10. Yeah, I was looking that over the other day also, Docc. I was thinking that the bar stock would be a bit weak without some triangulation. Let's see what Gary comes up with- he has a good eye for design. All my tools are in boxes right now anyhow, so I can't do any work on it.
  11. Call up Mark Ethridge at Moto Guzzi Classics or better yet, go to the source- B.J. Schwartz of Hesperia, CA. Either of those guys will be able to set you straight. B.J. is an old-time dealer, now retired, who rebuilds the Convert transmissions. He's a great guy- unfortunately, I do not have his phone #. Mark might have it, and he will be able to give you good advice.
  12. jrt

    What Women Want

    Good for ya'll! Ride safe!
  13. A CX100 looks just like a mid-80's LeMans, but is built on the same engine as the G5, SP, etc. Really, they are pretty nice bikes. The Netherland Guzzi club has a database of all Guzzi models- well worth a look: http://www.mgcn.nl/dameijer/ click on 'database' in the upper right box.
  14. The mounts bolt up in three spots. This figure should illustrate it- (The rearmost mount is actually on the fender)
  15. So, it should be obvious- I'm curious... My wife and I are having a discussion about when to open Christmas presents. She wants to wait until the morning, I want to open family presents on C. Eve, then let the kids open Santa's presents on Christmas morning. Just curious about what ya'll do.
  16. You're talking about valve covers? They should be about 7 ft/lbs if I recall (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Anyhow- none too tight. Put a bit of old oil on both sides of the new gaskets, and bring the bolts down to touching, then just a smidge tighter and even all around. That should seal it up. The nut under the spark plug is most likely a head nut. I don't have my bike here in front of me. They do occasionally leak from the heads, and that's usually caused by loose oil lines or a busted o-ring under one of the head nuts.
  17. I've had or have a couple of Loopframes, a couple of Tonti frames and a short-frame Spine frame...so I've ridden a few Guzzi's. All of them have their charms. The Tonti is a great carving machine for long, wide sweepers. I really like the inherent stability of that design. It's also a joy on the highway as it can drone on at speed and just seems to be loping along. The ergonomics are the better than the newer bikes. The Sport just seems more brutal to me. Not in a bad way, but the power delivery is far more immediate, much more torquey. The Sport falls into corners faster and brakes much better. Just the seating stance alone is more aggressive (and cramped), so that with everything else, it lends itself to hooliganism (as much as a Guzzi can). I open the throttle a lot more...somewhat just to hear it, but also it feels GREAT! It is undoubtedly much more refined from an engineering standpoint. In my , the Tonti and the Sport compliment each other, but they don't do the same job. For the style of riding you're describing, the Sport (or LeMans) would be ideal. That's not to take anything away from the CX100- I would love to ride those roads again on either bike. Hell, I'd love to ride those again on ANY bike. Fly out to St. Louis, I'll let you take my Sport out into the Ozarks and you can see, and decide, for yourself.
  18. This might be useful for ideas-Greg Bender put on on his Ambassador.
  19. jrt

    Hello everyone

    Hey Ozzy, welcome I think you ought to run over your neighbor's car with the Scura. It's only fair. p.s. sorry, it's "neighbour"
  20. A week? Already? Well- Cheers everyone! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Bitchin' Qwanza, and don't blow your fingers off on New Years! At least, not again.... I'm looking forward to it this year- it's Catalina's first Christmas, and I'm sure she'll have fun playing with the wrapping paper and stuff. Maybe she'll get some hair for Christmas. Her Mama can spare a few strands.
  21. jrt


    Ouch. A couple of things spring to mind- 1) are your shoes thick enough? If you get a blister from the shifter (how's that for alliteration), it implies that your shoes are too thin. Wear boots. 2) you could put a piece of rubber hose over the end, so you have a softer contact 3) you could file off any sharp edges 4) carefully clean and lubricate the heim joints and especially the rocker lever (I'm talking about the piece that is behind the transmission, that rolls on the long bolt) More than anything else I did, #4 helped my shifting. It works as it should now- snicks into gear. Oh- and congrats...not on the blister, but getting your bike back!
  22. Dude, it's up to you. If you like it, then the heck with everyone else. If you don't like, then put the stock bits back on and sell the parts you don't like....freak. Jus' kiddin' I'm sure it'll be cool and it's all christmas-looking.
  23. jrt

    computer question....

    Don't respond to Nog's statements- everything here on this board is public. I don't necessarily think you have been plotting treason, picking up priests, puppies or prostitutes, but rather you are just informing yourself. At least, I hope so. An ounce of prevention, as they say... Also, I think some of the suggestions to replace the drive are valid. Hard drives are cheap. Back up your data files, re-install your operating system and data on a new drive along with preventative software (prevent worms, key-loggers, etc.) and you should be good to go.
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