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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Huh, I guess I missed this one earlier. Alan, check out my "installing bars on a V11" in the FAQ. I put wider bars on mine, and it indeed does lighten the steering. It also takes some weight off the front end, so you have to adjust your riding style if you push it hard.
  2. jrt

    computer question....

    I like to take a proactive stance in computer protection (PCs anyway). Zonealarm is either free or pay depending on what you use, and I've found it to be a very effective firewall. For spyware, if you are worried about it, both Spybot-search and destroy, and Adaware are good and free. Even if you delete all your cookies, history files, etc., if someone really wants to know what you've been up to, they can get that data off your drive unless you do an overwrite with random 1's and 0's over all the free space. But, that's like Ben says- to get rid of child porn and treason.
  3. Looks like they "unpainted" the engine. Good call- I'd like to see more of it (the engine, that is). Right on, Todd- I'm glad to see these pictures and read that people are getting Guzzi's!
  4. #2 I think Rizoma (sp?) makes billet caps.
  5. Dammit, you're going to make me watch that movie again, aren't you?
  6. Wow. That was a quick decision, Bill. Congrats!
  7. Quite possible. Dealers do have to put up with a lot of crazy people. Dude, that's harsh... Oh, and let's please not turn this into a PCIII vs anti-PCIII flamewar. We've been throught that before and it doesn't do anyone any good.
  8. Were you riding it hard (i.e. hot)? If so, my guess would be vapor lock. That's exactly what mine did. The argument against vapor lock is that you had it AFTER you filled up. If you filled up with cold gasoline, and it had time to circulate but not heat up, then vapor lock is a poor diagnosis. In that case, I would suspect a bad or intermittant electrical connection.
  9. That's a lovely piece of work. I'm not looking forward to pricing, because I can't affordi it.
  10. jrt

    Carl gets his Norge

    I think of these models as a 'perimeter frame' which, although it's used for other bikes, also describes this one. Maybe that's for the 940 custom?
  11. Dis many fingers is 10,000! ok, that's lame. Lemme get some coffee first.
  12. I still would like to try a Sport, similar to mine, that has a PCIII. I can't and won't say anything bad about PCIII's, simply because I've never tried one. What I can say, is that I am very happy with the way my bike runs without one. I may buy one someday just to try it out, though. Dave, am I going to have to ride to San Diego? Damn that town with all it's...climate...and seals.
  13. OK, girls, put the knitting needles down. Basically, NorBSA has a stock bike that he wants to put a bunch of aftermarket stuff on- all at once. The dealer was mainly suggesting to take it slowly and add a couple of things at a time, tune it or just run it for awhile, then add more. If you get to a point where you are happy with the bike....there you are. There may not be a need to buy every aftermarket goody.
  14. I have a set of heavy valve springs that I bought from Manfred and recently, I was told that they break . You might want to check the springs and even perhaps replace them on your heads.
  15. Cut through the chaff Two oz. single malt one (small) ice cube Apply Scotch to glass. Add ice cube, swirl once and enjoy.
  16. jrt

    Your AVTAR

    They're supposed to mean something? Wha?
  17. From the WildGuzzi site: http://wildguzzi.com/forum/index.php?topic=8581.0 Looks like Todd Haven got Carl his new Norge. It looks great! Many happy miles, Carl.
  18. I'm packing up all my parts, to get ready to move.
  19. I think it's almost certainly a perception issue. I've driven Guzzi's for 20 odd years and I think the V11 sport has more driveline lash than any other model I've had. It helps if you stay higher in the rpms (a good idea anyhow) and you have to learn to be smoooooth on the throttle. Check the suspension eyes anyhow- that's just good common sense advice. But put the bike up on a stand and see for yourself how much you can rotate the rear wheel while in gear. A lot.
  20. Mattress, I like your avatar. The Dude abides. Christmas, as a commercialized holiday, doesn't do much for me. It's a good excuse to hang with family and friends, though. Really, why would anyone complain about that? (it's a rhetorical question...) New Years, on the other hand rocks. Any excuse to blow up several pounds of high explosives is A-OK in my book. I mean firecrackers. I said firecrackers, didn't I?
  21. Mostly MG!! My wife has to look at it also. Plus, she has great...no you can't have a
  22. I kind of doubt it. RTV is pretty flexible. On the other hand, if it gets underneath, it might act as glue???? I'm looking for a front and rear spoke/disk brake wheels for my Eldo- prices I've seen range from $100-250 per rim depending on who you buy it from. I've also toyed with the idea of converting the Eldo to the Guzzi Mag rims..I dunno, I think that would be kind of ugly.
  23. Sorry to hear about your Mom, but happy Birthday (Martin too! Sorry I'm late) Time for me to drive the four hours to St. Louis....I'll have plenty of time to think.
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