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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Non-standard factory logo. My guess is a LM III tank.
  2. jrt

    I'm a hedonist

    yeah, well look what happens when you do.
  3. Yeah, I remember my grandfather (Papa) taking me out on his Honda 305 superhawk when I was just a tiny little sprite. He made me wear a football helmet because that's all he had. Good times!
  4. The Irish war (anti war? I dunno) tunes are always creepy. This doesnt have anything to do with this nor that; I just happen to be listening to the album. (Bruce Springsteen "we shall overcome") "Mrs. McGrath" "Oh, Mrs. McGrath," the sergeant said "Would you like to make a soldier out of your son Ted With a scarlett coat and a big cocked hat Oh, Mrs. McGrath, wouldn't you like that?" Chorus: With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a Now, Mrs. McGrath lived on the sea shore For the space of seven long years or more She spied a ship coming into the bay "Here's my son Teddy, wisha clear the way" Chorus "Oh captain dear, where have you been Or have you been sailing on the Meditereen Have you any tidings of my son Ted Is the poor boy living or is he dead?" Chorus Then up came Ted without any legs And in their place, he had two wooden pegs She kissed him a dozen times or two "Holy Moses, it isn't you" Chorus "Now were you drunk or were you blind When you left your two fine legs behind Or was it walking upon the say Wore your two fine legs from the knees away?" Chorus "No, I wasn't drunk and I wasn't blind When I left my two fine legs behind A big cannon ball on the fifth of May Tore my two fine legs from the knees away" Chorus "Oh, Teddy my boy," the widow cried "Your two fine legs were your mammy's pride Stumps of a tree wouldn't do at all Why didn't you run from the big cannon ball?" Chorus "All foreign wars I do proclaim Between Don John and the King of Spain I'd rather have my Teddy as he used to be Than the King of France and his whole navy" Chorus
  5. Boy, I like the look of those hollow plug wires...chrome, of course. I couldn't find any blinker fluid antifreeze. It's cold enough now that I'm worried one of mine get frozen 'on'. Should I be concerned?
  6. Or Moto Int. in the states. Greg F installed one on his Ballabio, if I recall. BTW, Mattress, if you dual plug your heads, you will need a new ECU. Al is probably the guy to talk to about it, as he was a pathfinder on this mod. Not sure how much it gained him, but it does have cool factor. Close as we got to the bong:
  7. jrt

    MG Rookie

    Welcome- and thank goodness you came out ok. Enjoy the bike!
  8. They are technically illegal, but you have as much chance of getting a ticket as any Harley. Pricey? How much do you want to pay? Sorry- I don't remember offhand.
  9. On thanksgiving day, I bought a mylar helium balloon for my daughter- it's still floating, although barely. A regular rubber balloon would have been dead the next day. I had no idea that infants liked balloons so much, but it's kept her entertained for days. Better ballooning through chemistry!
  10. By the time the show hits Mpls, I'll be in St. Louis. And you seriously suggest I ride from St. Louis to Mlps on my Guzzi....in February? I'm tough, but I'm no Gary Cheek.
  11. I'm in Iowa City, but not for much longer- we're moving to St. Louis at the end of the month ( ) If you have time, drive over on some Monday evening (6-8pm) and visit Jim (the proprieter) and the other Guzzi enthusiasts at Ned's in Riverside, IA (Riverside is about 10 miles south of I.C.). Free sody-pop and popcorn and a good time is had by all. It's pretty well attended when the weather is good, and there's always two or three people there even in winter. Shoot me an email off list and I'll send you contact info. Jason
  12. Dude, I'm a chemist, not a psychic. That said, males have the different chromosome, not females. In fact, the 'male' Y chromosome is 99% garbage, soooo take from that what you will. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa...85583414B7F0000
  13. +1 on Gary. That's a great offer! That's really nice, and not the first time you've helped out mostly complete strangers. I tip a beer to you. Staedler, you can't lose on it. (check yer oil more often, dammit ) oh, btw, who was right on the other thread?
  14. Um..cough....bullshit....cough. You can trust me in this if nothing else- I do have a PhD in chemistry. Air is 78% nitrogen, the rest is mostly oxygen. There's a smattering of other gasses and water. The difference in behavior between the two gasses, O2 and N2, is nothing we will ever experience unless we drive our Guzzi's on Saturn. From a tire's perspective, those gasses are identical. Yes, O2 is more reactive, but it doesn't react with rubber fast enough to make any difference. One advantage of "nitrogen" over "air" is that it has less moisture in it (if it actually is purified nitrogen). As the tire heats and cools, less water will condense inside the tire- therefore less corrosion of the rim. I think this is about it. Dinitrogen is the same size as dioxygen. Dinitrogen has the same compression characteristics as dioxygen anywhere near "normal earth" conditions.
  15. jrt

    Holiday Gifts

    Dude, that is soooo wrong on soooo many levels.
  16. jrt

    Great service !

    Yeah, Dan's allright. Don't camp next to him at the Guzzi rallies if you value your sleep, though. In fact, just stay away from all the Wisconsonites.
  17. Man, tough love around here. I'm sorry to hear of your troubles with Gaerne. I have a set of Gaernes for my dirt riding, and while they are acceptable boots, my street Sidis are far better built.
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