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Everything posted by jrt

  1. jrt

    MG 1200 Sport!!

    I kind of like the dual mufflers...other than that, it looks like a Breva.
  2. I bought what I think is the last replacement shield in Iowa.
  3. I'm going to be pretty much occupied with moving for the next month or three. Don't think there's a lot of time to look up bikes. I know which I'd RATHER do, but it don't work that way. Cute bike though. Weird frame.
  4. jrt

    Another new guy

    I'm sorry to hear about your brother, and may he ride with and watch over you. I'm not sure I have much to say about looking over the bike. If you have time, check the valve clearances. Put the bike up on a center stand and spin the rear wheel (to make sure the brake is not binding). Check the disk for heat-discoloration. There might be some, but it shouldn't be too bad. Spin the rear wheel backwards also- if it starts groaning (no kidding), then the caliper probably needs to be cleaned out. If the brake is ok, spinning the wheel will also give you an idea about shape of the rear wheel bearings. A few here have reported bad rear wheel bearings for a variety of reasons. I'd check the front wheel also as well as steering head bearings. Pretty easy to do if the bike is on a centerstand. I've driven my Sport all over heck and gone, and they just eat up the miles. With the better fairing of the LeMans, you shouldn't have any (non weather) problems. Maybe take some aspirin with you for the inevitable muscle and joint pain of a long ride. Map out a few dealers on your route, in case you do have any problems. When you get home, there's at least one great dealer in OH- Joe Eish. I've not dealt with him, but I've heard nothing but good things (make sure you join MGNOC so you get a discount with him). I'm way out of your way, but if you pass through Iowa City, you have a place to stay and some turkey leftovers. I usually smoke 2 birds for Tday. Damn tasty.
  5. jrt

    Bar End Weights

    Use steel shot rather than (toxic) lead shot.
  6. use a little fingernail polish?
  7. jrt

    Head Guards

    An alternative is to use crash bars- like these:
  8. Could be. I've never seen that particular nut (cap) leak, but they are always over-torqued. Turpin, did you put a thin film of oil on the new gasket before installing it? Also, don't be too quick to decide where the oil is coming from. Oil migrates easily and it can be hard to find the true source. Give the entire area a good cleaning then put a thin layer of talc on the area. Drive the bike some, until it starts leaking again. The talc will soak up the oil and allow you to pinpoint to leak. That's a trick I learned from this board, I think.
  9. Guzzi 750S. Beautiful to this day.
  10. Does that include VAT? Seriously- what is the real cost of the UFI filter and the Mobil1 filter?
  11. The drawback to that plan is that I refuse to spend penny one at WalWart. So, I'll find them somewhere's else or just stick with the UFI. To me, it seems like a weak economic argument anhow. I can either pick up two or three filters down at the motorcycle shop that I visit regularly, or make a special trip to WalMart, which is a waste, because I won't go in anyway. Frankly, I find changing the oil and filter to be distastful anymore. I've changed enough oil in my life, thankyouverymuch. If I can pay Jim to change my oil (~20 bucks), that is more than fair considering my time and anquish and dealing with used oil. Doesn't argue against using a Mobil one filter...just a different viewpoint on oil changes in general.
  12. Try using "world" specs or "Raceco" specs or something in between. US specs are too tight (so, don't use the values in your maintenance booklet). Here's the FAQ: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=611
  13. When did you last set your valve lash, and what values did you use? Valves set too tight make the bike idle poorly when hot.
  14. I'm surprised no-one has posted this yet. Purely of archeological interest.
  15. 60 Hz clock. I have give it to you Belfast- not only is the clock back, but there's a dedicated "what time is it?" button now.
  16. But it is a cool looking eagle. Ben, check out the earlier logos that Guzzi used- I think you can download them from www.guzzitech.dk (dk, not com). Just depends on what you like stylistically. Also- be aware that as your skin ages, some lines will broaden out a bit, so don't go for a design that is all detail or in 30 years it'll look like the tattoo-er needed glasses.
  17. And what Robbie said too. Vale is a winner there and it showed.
  18. I say keep an eye on Pedrosa. That boy is going to win it at some point. As far as Hayden goes- he took the safe route in winning. It's not dramatic, but I can't say I blame him a bit. His sponsors pay him to win the championship for Repsol, not to play out his own testosterone-fueled bid for glory.
  19. Well, I'll chime in for counterpoint. I got a tattoo when I was 18. A big ol' phoenix on my chest. I'm happy with it and have no regrets. I'm not happy that tattooing became so popular, but that's life. Wth my luck, pretty soon, every damn person is going to have a mustache. I like tattoos in general, but there are, of course, some real losers out there. Now, as to it hurting- it does. If you really dig pain, you'll want to get a tattoo within a few centimeters of your nipple. That's a special, wincing, sweating hurt that I don't want to repeat. Other than that, it just hurts. Don't drink or do drugs. Pain is easier to take when you're sober. As to lowering my IQ. Maybe. However, I did get my doctorate in science after I got a tatoo. Sheesh, I'd have gotten a Nobel if I had just had sense stay clean. Of course, the argument could be made that since I'm in academia, I'm a blithering idiot. I'm not sure I can counter that one. Anyhoo, I'm thinking of getting a set of atomic orbitals put around one of my moles, but the thing would probably go cancerous and I'd have to remove it. If you get one, put it somewhere you don't have to show it off. Unless you want some cretin like myself to talk to you about it. Finally, I like Guzzi and all, but consider not being a billboard for a company. Remember- it ain't coming off. But, that said, if you're good with it, then I am too.
  20. wow. now that was an unexpected twist.
  21. Day-um. And any person with this in there sigfile: is a closet fan-lover. yeah, I'm talkin to you. This is a man's fan...
  22. Man, they's things is sucked up to my lungs, I was so cold. I did about 300 miles in 35 F and a stiff north wind and wasn't dressed properly. When I came home, I measured my temperature with one of those infrared ear-drum devices and it registered 94 F (for the normal folk, it should be 98.6...my normal runs more like 98.0 by this device) I shoulda be dead at that temp, lol. Nothing a good hottub soaking and a couple glasses of wine didn't cure. Anyhow- on earlier, "non-broad sump" bikes (like all the tonti models), the oil filter is in the sump and removing the oil pan is necessary to change the filter- there's no other access. Not a bad design necessarily, but it does have it's drawbacks. That's what I was trying to allude to and obviously was not clear. My apologies.
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