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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Excellent choice of color, too. They're a hoot, aren't they!
  2. sommmmetimes. I just love fans. How did you know? I just finished rebuilding an Emerson Hassock fan. New bearings, new paint...the hole shebang. I'll have to get you a picture of it
  3. It's not submerged on the V11. On earlier models it was, but nowadays with these-here modern machines, you can access the oil filter directly. On the bottom of the oil pan is a "manhole cover". Remove that (a 22 or 24mm bolt head fits it...same size as the axle nut, I think), and use an appropriate tool to reach up and unscrew the filter. Sorry I don't remember- I just got back from 5 hours riding and I'm cold as heck. Cant' think straight. Some people (like me) just advocate removing the pan entirely. That way, you can see if there is any particulates that are just swimming around in the oil. Doesn't happen often, but sometimes you find a bit of gasket sealant....
  4. I'm here. I'll send it on to Bob and see what he says. Might be a week or so.
  5. What, you haven't seen the "hooters" thread?
  6. That just shows a lack of imagination I've got big hands.
  7. Dunno why your quotes weren't working. But there is no comparison between the torque of the V11 and the T3. I've got a G5 and an '01 sport and they aren't even from the same planet, much less factory. The V11 is waaay more powerful, refined, smoother, pulls like two freight trains (maybe three), and pretty much out-performs the G5 in every way. That said, I still love my G5 and wouldnt trade it for the world. BTW- I doubt you'll find a better price, but have a close look at the bike in case something is funky with it. You could part it out for more than $3600, I'd bet.
  8. I think you're looking at a new headlight insert. Same thing happened to my '01, but it was repaired under warranty. I would remove the shroud as soon as possible, to keep it from scraping all the paint off the inside of the reflector housing. I think some folks have just run the lamp without the insert. I'm sorry- I don't remember. Do a search, though, as I'm sure it has been covered as some length.
  9. I think she beat you too it.
  10. As cool winds bring fall Peaty malt sings syren song Pour me another I think I meant 'muffin'. Could have meant 'ruffian'....I need to think about it for a momentus.
  11. Are you kidding? This is a change to get an even bigger garage. Let's see, buy the scotch, open a bar, lose the bottle, lose everything, take out a loan, start a tie-dyed t-shirt business and follow a band around, sell the t-shirts off and invest in dental floss ranch in Montana and a small hotel in Belize, wrangle floss, start up an encrusted tweezers business with a sideline in muffin research only to invent the next big muffin annointment tool, slip on some unbaked muffin batter and pith myself (I've had worse) falling into a coma, only to wake up ten years later, refreshed and sparkling with zircon encrustations, find the bottle of Glenavon, rub rocks in my head for breakfast, sell the hotel, sell the bottle of scotch, buy a 4 car garage and Bob's your uncle. Sign me up.
  12. Those two guys should really get together. Perhaps at a dinner party?
  13. jrt

    V11 with LMII fairing

    I think the esteemed Mr. Allison had a mockup of a V11 with full wraparound fairing. I thought that looked pretty nice too.
  14. jrt

    Moving to St. Louis

    well, thanks guys- Geno, I'll have to have you over for a glass of wine when we get down there. If I see any convert nutters, I'll be sure to dodge 'em. From what I've learned, St. Louis is a pretty nice place- I can see why people like it. It'll be a big change for us, but for the best, I'm sure.
  15. My father in law is pretty handy with metalworking-perhaps you should talk to him. He's retired and makes bike parts as a hobby (mostly Henderson, pre WW I Harley and other archaic, eh, nostaligic machines). I'd be happy to send you his email address. disclosure- I might ask him to make two sets if I like your design (I also ride mostly one-up) J
  16. jrt

    Warranty World...

    Good for you and good for Guzzi!
  17. Well, a great job opportunity came up for my wife, so we're leaving our work here at Iowa and moving to St. Louis. Should be interesting. Any Le Mans riders in SL? I have a few questions about the city.... Also, a large garage is on the shopping list, so if anyone happens to be passing though, they'll have a place to stay.
  18. jrt

    Torque Chart

    I'm sorry to say I don't remember where I got this. I think John (BJ) Schwartz is the author, filtered through Greg Bender. Anyhow, it's general enough to be of use here. BTW, it's also on the web: courtesy of Greg B. Torque specs for loopframes through T3 torque_specs.pdf
  19. You must be getting one for your cock. It's nice to see that you care so much for Serge.
  20. jrt


    Well, I suppose you could mount a Strutt epicyclic train clock. My father-in-law has decided to make one. Should only take 4 months or so, but damn they are cool. On the other hand, they may be a bit bulky.
  21. I kept the wife and the bike...and the other bike...and the other bike...and the other bike...and the other bike...and the other bike...and the other bike...and the other bike....and the other bike. OK, one other bike is hers- small price to pay since it's a Guzzi. Should I say my wife keeps me? Some guys get lucky, I guess.
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