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Everything posted by jrt

  1. I think Jaap (forum owner) did just this- look for a picture of his bike in the gallery.
  2. jrt


    Dude, you should get a bodge for that, easy.
  3. Isn't that mixing you're metaphors?
  4. Thanks- I should have checked my speling. Also interesting- Speyside is about half the cost of Lagavulin, Laphroig, etc... I'll have to give it a trie.
  5. Your wife wants a comfortable bike. Just put some fringe, saddlebags, and one of those orange triangle flags on the Duck and she'll never know. Bob's your uncle and all that.
  6. That's only funny because we all have one.
  7. Mark, are those output splines as sharp as they look? They appear much more worn than just 24000 Km's worth. Glad you caught this before it went!
  8. jrt


    you need to get out more!
  9. Well, this is just my opinion- so- Speed and money are correllated on a cube root. 1) Changing the internals won't get you much advantage- a couple horsepower on a motor that already is running close to it's limits. Leave the bike alone and lose some weight, your money is better spent elswhere (vida infra) That said: 1a) contact Carl Allison, who just advertized a day or two ago that he is selling some parts. If you're determined to buy some cool stuff for the bike, he's got it. Good places to spend a small amount of money. 2) get a Roper sloppage tray. Money (probably) well spent. 3) get a decent (Succhi X type) Crossover. They rock. Both 2+3 will be less than 500 and 2 will provide peace of mind, while 3 will eliminate the flat spot and make the engine sound great. Sound is 1/2 of psychological aspect of going faster.
  10. To go with the Buell setup, you need to mill out the mounting brackets on the footpegs. It's not difficult, but they don't fit otherwise. They also push your feet out from the bike centerline by 2-4 inches. The MPH Cycles kit is a bolt up affair using (I think) stock footpegs and worth looking at.
  11. Also, consider one of the earlier year models, like an '00 or '01. They have some distinct advantages over later models- (cosmetic) the cases are the proper silver color for an engine/transmission and (geometry) the shorter frame and steeper head angle give a more 'live' feel to the ride. It's not twitchy, not in my experience, just quicker handling.
  12. My lovely wife on my G5/sidecar outfit. I'll try to find a picture of me later. In the meantime, she's way better looking.
  13. Damn, I'm feeling insignificant at 5' 11". Good thing I've got an inflated ego (is that what it's called?)
  14. (no offence, Zenben- it's the only arrow there is)
  15. Seems to work fine for me. So- does the Cali Vintage have a larger gas (petrol) tank or is that just an elliptical optusion?
  16. jrt


    I'll start: Ratio of the circumference of the front wheel to its diameter: 3.14159 If it's off from that, you have troubles. (sorry...I couldn't help it) I think I have a page of standard torque values- I'll look and see.
  17. When you talk about 'big improvements'....it really should be written "big" improvements. It's a lot like the newest cola drink with the "bold" "new" taste. Frankly, Guzzi does improve the models, but those improvements are incremental. Oil jets under the pistons for cooling. I'm not sure it really needed that-I haven't holed a piston yet. The front balance tube gives a bit more low end, but I seriously doubt that you would feel any power difference between my '01 Sport and an '04 Sport. I went for a drive last night and was again surprised at how well my bike runs. I shouldn't be by now, but I still am. Slow learner, I guess. I think my bike must have been built on a tuesday, it runs so damn well. The biggest issue with this particular bike is the casework- if it starts peeling (and it will), then it will look like crap. If you get a really good price on it, it may still be worth it to you. Since this bike is advertised as an '04 and it isn't, you should be able to back out of the deal. But just because it is an '02, doesn't mean it's cursed. edit: if you hold out for another bike...keep a lookout for a model with ohlins suspension. It's apparently nicer than our proletariat suspension, and since it's used, you get the depreciation.
  18. The fuzzy black paint peels off- if it is smooth paint, you're ok. With the help of other forum members, I wrote up two faqs you might be interested in: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5692 http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5691 The second one contains how to decode the model year from the VIN number (in the US anyway).
  19. Sonya (my wife) really likes her 750 Breva as well. The fit is just right for her, and the power delivery is so predictable that it never surprises the driver. I hafta admit, it's a nice ride.
  20. Is the Breva 850 available in Europe already?
  21. It's on the animaguzzista webstite. Go to 'officina' and it's under the 'Manuali' link. Jens, who runs Guzzitech.dk, sells a DVD with a ton of manuals, tips, tricks, spare parts catalogues, etc if you would rather not download. His site is well worth a visit and his DVD is on my list of things to get....
  22. http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...pic=607&hl= http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...ic=2732&hl= http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...ic=1021&hl= http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...ic=1069&hl= You're not the first. The above links are not all-inclusive- I found eight pages of hits with "rear brake" as a search item. There are some good suggestions in links posted above- add a spring to keep the pedal up, clean everything, and clean it again. Glad your trip was ok and nothing too upsetting happened. (Your transmission will be just fine. Do check the rear wheel bearings, though) EDIT: in this case, "everything" refers mostly to the brake caliper which picks up and retains crud. Even cradles and nurtures it perhaps.
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