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Everything posted by jrt

  1. I won't argue one way or another, but I will say that other pictures I've seen have the same setup. I believe it is original.
  2. Yeah, it sucks to run out of room. I hardly know where to put my 12.4 KV pulse generator anymore.
  3. I'm sorry to hear that, Pete. I hope she (and you) are ok.
  4. I believe it is the original frame/engine/bars. Not sure about wheels, but they look original as well.
  5. Aw, c'mon, without answering any of the criteria?
  6. Umm, nope. I'll give a hint on Monday (my Monday, not you Aussies)
  7. I haven't seen a quiz in a while, so I'll have a go. Here's one I've never seen before, so it hopefully will be a decent challenge. If you were in Davenport this Labor Day weekend, you are disqualified. I need the maker, the year, the displacement. I believe the paint is original.
  8. There's been one instance of a poor coating job resulting in flaking. I don't know which company, but it wasn't jet hot®. I bring this up to suggest that you look into various companies and how well they do the job.
  9. Art Deco is a pretty good observation. I wouldn't buy them but they look fine- I think they'd look better if they were oval or at least had rounded corners. Need to mold to the pre-existing lines.
  10. It's a Veglia onboard computer.
  11. OK, ok, back on topic. What's the gas mileage (or kilometerage) of a Breva 1100? That's a really good question. (I'm not trying to shut this down- by all means, keep on talking about the Buell...but somebody give up some gas mileage numbers!)
  12. Yep. It's already assembled, so it just needs to be bolted onto the crankshaft. The bolts were supplied with the clutch. It uses a special transmission input hub (also supplied) so that needs to be changed out as well.
  13. jrt

    New Breva for me

    Silly me, I thought he was referring to this thread. Edit: ha! I was right! well, kinda.
  14. jrt


    I really like the look of those tanks, but it seems like it would be blinding to the driver.
  15. Aerostich also sells a 'lite' version of the boot. I like the looks of both styles- very businesslike.
  16. I have a Rich Maund seat as well- it's better than stock (by about 4-6 hours). But- the real answer to your question is "whatever fits you best".
  17. jrt

    Silly new toy

    Sorry, I'm taken. But I do have a great ass.
  18. jrt

    Silly new toy

    poor girl (whoever she is)
  19. That is too bad. This is entirely based on my own anecdotal evidence, but it just seems like most Guzzis are as reliable as gravity, but there's the occasional one that's a real dump.
  20. I don't have one on the Sport, but I do have one on my other Guzzi and one on my 650- just move the grip outboard a bit and the vista cruise fits in snug to the switchgear.
  21. jrt

    Silly new toy

    My mom doesn't bake no mo'. She does a lot of kayaking, camping and trail maintenance for Natl. parks, though. Agree about the suspension, but I'm going to leave it softly sprung. She's no racer and Texas roads are bad enough to benefit from a soft bike. helicopter- no that's not my mom. She's more like a Oh- I meant saint-like. Not sheep-like. Damn, Belfast woulda been all over that one.
  22. jrt

    Silly new toy

    Now I officially have too many bikes. I recently bought an EX250 for my mom (yes, my mom) but it may be awhile before I can get it down to Texas for her. Soooo, I've been riding it around for a couple days. If anyone is headed that way from the midwest and wants to cart a bike down, I'll help pay for gas. Anyhow, these little bikes are amazing for their size. It's a dog below about 7K rpm, but dang it opens up and moves from there to it's redline of 13,000 rpm. I'm real impressed with it. It handles well, has good brakes, and I've already gotten it up to 100mph. This is a 250 fer chrissakes. For a starter bike, less than 3000USD new and maybe half that used, this is a good bike. This thing would be a ton of fun on a racetrack, I'd bet. The one I have is plain red, but here is a gratuitous EX250 picture :
  23. It's good stuff- my current favorite general sealant because it is non-hardening and seals very well.
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