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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Are you an alcoholic, wife-beating, neanderthalic reprobate? I only ask because that describes the typical Scurista. But to answer some of your questions- yes the RAM clutch will fit and solve any potential clutch exploding problems. So will a clutch off a Le Mans, but only a newer one with the appropriate spline for the 6-speed. I would think the RAM clutch would have a more similar feel to the stock units. I cannot answer question #2.
  2. jrt

    Just an update & thanks

    Nothin' wrong with that. I know several people with the Breva and they ride the tires off them. Good luck with it and feel free to hang around
  3. Mainly, you want to filter out the high frequency wind noise- that's the most damaging. If you can find an ear plug that filters out the HF but passes the low frequency, you will be able to hear just fine and it will protect your hearing. Good luck with that.
  4. ditto. I must have 15 pairs in my various jackets and bike bags. I'm not as elegant as Gary- I just use a ziplock baggie in each location and toss in half a dozen. I tend to prefer the harder foam cylinders, but I'll use anything that's available.
  5. jrt

    Hi to everyone

    The tank kind of looks like an Evan Wilcox (same as the tank shop?). I like what you've done with your Le Mans. I suspect that the tank just doesn't get justice from pictures. My biggest issue with the aluminum tanks is the glare you get from the sun. The exhaust system is beautiful; I bet it really sounds great!
  6. jrt

    Got my papers

    sorry bout that other part, tho.
  7. Why don't you call up some of the motorcycle shops- local or otherwise- and ask the owner for an assessment? Ask about best/worst case scenarios, ask about different brands and different styles (bikes, scooters, hell lawn mowers even). Getting advice from someone who's been in the business might provide you some valuable insight as well as a positive way to make some contacts.
  8. Hey Gary, long time, no see. Nice to hear from you again. Guy- Jaap and Gary sound about right.
  9. Jon, sorry to hear your sad tale, but it sounds like you've gotten some good advice. Thank goodness the Eldo made it through. Now that would be a shame. The rest of you louts. Yer not even trying! I've got 9 bikes, INCLUDING a sidecar in my two car garage with a car to boot. neener neener.
  10. jrt

    Got my papers

    From the faq that some handsome, intelligent fellow wrote (using Todd's info):
  11. Make lemonade, Bill. Time for you invest in these bad boys. Scroll down a bit on the page and you'll see what I mean.
  12. jrt

    v11 rack

    You have several options for a luggage rack- there's the "Guzzi" luggage rack that might or might not be available from dealers (try Teo Lamers?), there's the Stucchi rack that looks pretty similar to the Guzzi rack (try Agostini?) or there is the Ventura rack system and I can't tell you who to ask about that. The first two options look great, but are small. The Ventura looks industrially ugly, but holds a metric ton.
  13. Is that an intake tube sticking just below the tank and behind the oil cooler?
  14. jrt

    Lurker about to Plunge

    Paul, I don't know how far it is from you, but Ned's Auto and Cycle in Riverside, IA is a great Guzzi dealership. Jim is the proprieter. They're open late (6-9?pm) on Monday nights if you want to stop by sometime. disclaimer- I'm just a happy customer of his and I like the free popcorn on mon nights.
  15. Ditto to the above comments- that looks great!
  16. Sear's Craftsman keys are too damn small. I highly do not recommend them.
  17. Prolly ok The ones I made up were a bit longer
  18. Leon, I did a very small run of these a while back and sold them to a couple of forum members. I wish I had more left and I would send you one, but I only have one left and that's destined for my bike. The cheapest, fastest way to get one is to just make one or have your local machine shop make one. It's ridiculously simple (if you bought one of my spacers subsitute "difficult" for "simple"). It's a tube: 114.31 mm X 25.10 (OD) X 20.50 (ID) or a wall thickness of 2.30 mm. A piece of 1" OD aluminum tube (use 6061 or 7075) will work just fine. Chamfer the inside edge so it's easier to put the axle through it. If your local machine shop is unreasonable, then pop by your local university. The machine shop workers in either the physics or chemistry departments or the physical plant often do contract work. Good luck, Jason
  19. jrt

    Textile Jackets

    I have a Joe Rocket mesh jacket. There's nary a bit of velco on it- it zips up the front with...a zipper. It's also very plain and just black- "devoid of weird fluorishes" is an apt description.
  20. Lex is the travel forum admin, why don't you send him a personal message? In the meantime, (everyone) don't download suspect files. J
  21. ('cause their too young for )
  22. Check that you don't have an exhaust leak at the header.
  23. jrt

    New To The Club!

    Good gosh, you lucky, uh, fellow. That's a hell of a present!
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