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Everything posted by jrt

  1. The air compressor trick rocks. You can use a bicycle pump if you have a friend. For really good stick-to-it-ivness, 3M makes a weatherstipping glue that it won't matter if you get it wet, gas, lightning... it sticks. And it's slimy when you first put it on.
  2. jrt


    Jeez, I went out and had plenty of fun on my 37hp KLR. Wheelies, burnouts...100+ hp just sounds like a bad idea to me.
  3. Stalling as you come off the throttle is often a result of valves being too tight, or the bike running lean (and hot). It happened on mine only in the summer and only at low miles. I would suggest checking the valves (20 minutes) and enriching the TPS (20 minutes). You can do the latter at the same time you balance the throttle bodies.
  4. Looking good. That paint job is outstanding.
  5. jrt

    R.I.P Christian Nicole

    I'm sorry John. Godspeed Christian- I raise a toast to you.
  6. Circa 1983: http://www.guzzitech.com/100k/jason3_sm.jpg
  7. Call TxRedneck. No- wait- his grafitti would scare off the customers. No, wait- HE'D scare off the customers.
  8. Hawaii, eh? That has to suck Here's another idea that might be a pain in the butt. What about making the stand a little wider, then welding some all-thread on a tube large enough to go around the nuts (ouch). Tap out the uprights on the stand, and thread them through.
  9. I'll wager that the RAM unit develops some noise after a time. Mine was very quiet at first, but as it wears in, it is getting noisier. Not bad, just a bit of chatter as I pull the lever.
  10. I read this the other day at work- meant to come home and take some measurements for you....but I spaced out. Sorry 'bout that, but Twhitiker did a better job than I would have If I might now chime in and make a suggestion- the paddock stand levers the bike up on two nuts just on the outside of the pork chops. The paint gets chewed up pretty badly, so I would suggest either lifting at some other point (underneath?) or more likely, change the radiused slots so you can use wood or rubber for a contact point.
  11. jrt

    hunter gatherer

    Splendid bike, but not built for the gangly types. Read- it's small.
  12. You can download the (1999/2000) V11 sport owners manual from the yahoo groups: http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/v11manuals/ (requires registration, but it's free) under 'files'- download the owners manual.zip and/or you can download the v11 manual. From that download, follow the directory instructions and you can write out a CD which is very convenient if you carry a computer in your back pocket.
  13. The twinmax works great. I used to have carb stix and this is a huge improvement- in large part because it stores so much easier.
  14. Rizoma makes anodized covers. Sorry- I don't have a link, but I know Al put them on his bike. J
  15. I smell a bodge point coming on.
  16. jrt


    There's lots of Guzzi riders in Wisconsin- you should be able to hook up with them easily: http://www.wmgr.org/ Not sure about finding a Le Man's to borrow....
  17. jrt

    who's the man

    On what kind of Guzzi? I have 170,000+ miles on a G5 (274K km). The transmission is fine- bulletproof. The engine cylinders are fine, but the small end bushings are worn out. The big end is just fine. I also went through my share of batteries and tires, but mostly it was just changing oil, setting the valves and giving it gas.
  18. We got a bunch of rain this last week, so we have worms coming up all over the place. But, that said- there are over 100 trillion tons of bacteria in the soil of the earth- they're found everywhere from the arctic to hot springs. My bacteria will kick your worm's ass.
  19. Coffee addict. Check. Do you have a pet cat named Stimpy?
  20. I do seem to move every 5-7 years, so it's about that time. Oh, it happens. Mostly to the south and west of here, but we are on the edge of tornado alley. Oklahoma and Missouri get them real bad sometimes (Hi Carl!). I'm sure this is not the first to hit Iowa City, but it's the first since I've lived here. This is all just a manifest of the large continental area that gets solar heating and Gulf of Mexico moisture. It's good fuel for 'active' weather.
  21. Well, it had to happen someday- a decent sized tornado came through Iowa City and wrecked havoc. Destroyed a bunch of houses and a fine old church also. Fortunately no damage to our house. We cowered...er...waited in the basement anyhow. Well, mostly. I did go outside when it started hailing. I have never seen such heavy rain in my life. And hail hurts when it hits you in the head. Here's some pictures of the damage- http://www.uiowa.edu/%7Eournews/tornado/ Click on the galleries of pictures- the last part of section 1 and most of section 2 are about 1/4 mile up from our house on the next hill - some of it on the same street. We got seriously lucky. Yikes.
  22. You can do a few things like what Ratchet mentions, but I'm afraid that's just the way it is. On the plus side- you'll get used to it, and become a much smoother rider for the effort. Not much consolation, but it's all I can come up with.
  23. That's dissapointing news. I've got a two month old daughter that I'm grooming as my assistant. We're working on the basics, but she keeps putting the spanners in her mouth.
  24. A bit like me reading Belfast's rants, huh?
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