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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Well, ok, but I was all set to give you some pointers on how to get them to help you.
  2. The Airone was made between '39 and '51, so you have a few more years to go.
  3. Could you get the wife and kids to help?
  4. What, you don't work on your bike for your holiday? For shame.
  5. Relays or safety cutout wiring- the two most common culprits. Just try one thing at a time, so you can identify the offending part.
  6. Those are good points Tenn. Somberero. Apparently, the V11 benefits from from running some extra grounding straps as well. And I think any bike would be improved by soldering some of the main connections rather than having the plug-ins. What did Wayne O. set up? a two color LED with a pair of resistors? That'd be dirt-easy and as small as I could think of. Green on 14+V, yellow on anything lower.
  7. jrt

    valve adjustments

    I think the smaller values are an attempt to cut down on engine noise and pass stricter noise regulations. I could be wrong, but that's my impression.
  8. jrt


    I think they have been a Guzzi dealer for awhile. They've put in donations at all the midwest rallies I've attended. They have a good reputation- I've never heard anyone speak ill of them, but I've not ever dealt with them myself.
  9. If you don't know how to fix that, I don't know what to tell you. I do have some instructional videos, however.
  10. Did you check that all the wires are back on the battery? There's several...so could one have fallen down into that tiny space behind the battery? Do you have a VOM? you could check to see if you are getting current to the starter when you hit the switch (unlikely...but hey, it's an idea). [edit- oops- sorry I didn't read Dan's post]
  11. Sorry to hear it. I liked that fairing too. Not much other damage to speak of?
  12. jrt

    GRISO & BREVA 850

    No one pointed this out- but I really like the raw aluminum block on these bikes. Back to the way it should be
  13. jrt

    finally got me a Guzzi

    Good choice! Here's to many happy miles!
  14. I spent the day looking after Catalina. She got her first set of vaccinations yesterday, and man, do those things put a crimp in her tiny lifestyle. Sadly, this means no riding for me. Happily, I can sit around and listen to some music. Mmmm, music and squalling. I bought the latest offering from Van Morrison which is a collection of Country/Western songs. I even got it on vinyl! It's not very country, and it's still Van the Man. Well, back to the kid... vaccinations are the devil's work.
  15. jrt

    GRISO & BREVA 850

    This is why it's confusing to me. I'm not even sure they CAN use the smallblock (which originally was designed for what- a 500cc? and it's a dry sump...and it holds a miniscule amount of oil, so cooling would be a big issue). But unfortunately, it seems both blocks are reaching the end of their useful life. However, if they had used the smallbock motor at least they would have saved a bunch on weight, which to me is more important than having more raw horsepower. Eh, what do I care- I'll probably never have either, anyway. Damn kids...get off my lawn.
  16. Why can't you weld the plastic on it? It might not be pretty, but a good plastics welder should be able to fix it.
  17. jrt

    GRISO & BREVA 850

    Biesel, you rock! Nice looking bikes- what's the difference from the 1100's? For that matter- why offer a lower displacement model? Money? Emmisions? They don't look any lighter....I don't understand the marketing. Any opinions???
  18. jrt

    New models/ spy photos

    Guzzi's new marketing strategy? Not that there's anything wrong with that....
  19. Funny, I did the opposite run on my G5- from Norfolk to Houston (with a detour to Florida to watch a space shuttle launch) in sixty something hours (3 days?) before I passed out under a freeway bridge south of Houston. I realized I needed sleep when I started hallucinating. Ah, to be 19 again.
  20. This "great food" of which you speak intrigues me. Sounds like a blast- I might have to join in if time permits. I'm involved in the MGNOC Nationals this year (in Iowa BTW- I'll post info in a couple weeks) so I may be committed already. If you need a place to stay on the way up, let me know.
  21. Do we get a present if we get this quiz right? Oh, wrong forum. Nevermind. I've heard the small fairings work pretty well- I haven't tried them, but if the angle is correct, they should cause a good pocket of still air for you. I doubt, at 6', whether it would protect your head though. I use an R90S fairing with some success, but still get some buffeting around my head at 80+mph. At slower speeds, it works well. In addition to the overpriced MG fairings, take a look at some other options like Givi or Airstreaming (some vintage stuff looks good). Just do a general search for 'flyscreen' and it should put you in the correct size range. http://www.airtech-streamlining.com/vintage/prodvintage.html or http://www.omarsdtr.com/fairings.html for example
  22. Pay no attention to the peanut gallery. One strap goes around the square spine (drops between the cleft of the gas tank) and the other end gets bolted to the tank attachment in back. If you want, you can swing by my house and check out mine. It's 9pm (should this be in a different thread?) so I'm off to bed, but tomorrow I can shoot you a picture or two if you like and email them to you. Or you can stop by- I just picked up a six of Sierra pale and a six of Goose Island. Is Ned's open late on Wed. night yet?
  23. Ouch. Sorry, man. Sounds like you have several options for replacement though. Good luck.
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