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Everything posted by jrt

  1. You're a manlier man than I yam. I put on handlebars, a Rich Maund seat and still I use a sheepskin and wear an aerostich suit. With that, I've done many 800-900 mile days, no problem. Aspirin helps, too.
  2. By 'can't get onto the front fitting', do you mean you can't get a grease gun that is small enough or flexible enough to fit onto the front zirk? The most common solutions to this problem are to remove the rear wheel or simply elevate the bike, so the rear wheel drops down. That gives you a bit more space. Some folks have had luck with a rotating or gimballed zirk head and grinding it down so it fits into the space. I'm thinking about grinding a "U" off the safety collar so I can go at it from a straighter angle, but I'm very lazy so I haven't done that yet. BTW, when you do get it greased, tape a piece of paper around that collar to catch the grease that flings off. It's easier to clean up that way.
  3. Go ahead. When you put *both* bikes out of commision, it's ok to cry. I would probably swear and then kick something, thus putting my foot out of commision as well. Do you need the master cylinder or just the reservoir?
  4. jrt


    I was happy to see Pedrosa do well, even if he did fade a bit at the end. That's just the kind of fresh breeze that makes the sport exciting. Yeah, I know Rossi wasn't involved and it would change the whole makeup, but still- decent race overall.
  5. jrt

    Hot Rats

    Uses java. which, incidentally, is a liquid. It's circular (not relative, as some would have you think).
  6. Please dont. Or rather keep it in a race forum- I haven't seen the show yet, and opened this thread expecting some hilarity.
  7. Belfast Standard Time? Jiggering clocks is illegal in most civilized countries. What you do to you brain (clock) is the subject of several research articles and a 1/2 hour special on the Discovery channel.
  8. I actually looked into this- really, really hard- for awhile. I was prepared to shell out some bucks, too. The people I talked with (MGCycles, Manfred Hecht) told me that the roller rockers tended to break. Too bad. I had a chance to ride a V7 sport built up by Manfred that was totally tricked out- roller rockers, roller bearing mains, everything balanced. It was a completely different feel than any other Guzzi I've ever ridden. Like a BMW...uh..no, better than that, but really tight. Not to say you CAN'T make a set. It just wasn't feasible at the time. I would still love to find someone who would make them. Then I could buy a set....For my G5. Edit: btw, when I took my G6 apart for it's too-long-in-the-making rebuild, I did have to replace the cam followers and the pushrods, but the (stock) cam was just fine. This is after close to 300K miles. Dunno what that says about valve train wear in the V11, but I do realize that the G5 is not a high performance motor.
  9. jrt

    Hot Rats

    And the circle repeats....
  10. One thing to look at- that's very easy- is the linkage. Take it apart and take the rotating shaft (just behind the transmission) off the bolt it sets on, clean and grease it, then reassemble. That made a world of difference for my bike (props to Bruce for that).
  11. I did some wheelies on my KLR, but I'm not real good at it yet. So, I went home and baked some cookies.
  12. That's a real good price as long as there's nothing terribly wrong with it. Real good. There's been a couple of warranty recalls for the 2000- a transmission spring and the connector rod bolts *may* need to be replaced. Check the serial number against 'the list' (you can do a search on it in this website). Ride it and have a ball. They aren't crotch rockets, but they are some of the motorcycliest motorcycles ever. Also, check the faq- I did a write up on this a while back.
  13. 4 or so degrees C and rained on me on the way home. Great. Fortunately, I wasn't on the Guzzi, but rather the KLR. It's for days like this that I bought the KLR.
  14. I learned to make pretty polygon pictures of one of my crystal structures. Something like this. Boy, what a pain, because- of course- I work in nonstandard coordination environements. Time for a glass of wine and some sleep.
  15. Are the dogs extra, or are they included?
  16. I could have sworn he's mixing up some ointment...
  17. My first guess would be a loose exhaust manifold, or the exhaust rubbing against the motor or frame. I like those ideas because they are easy to fix. Please let us know what's up.
  18. Sounds like the idle advance is stuck- there's a lever on the left-side that runs down to the throttle bodies and just advances the idle- is it pulled back toward you (advanced) or just stuck? I know you said it's not the linkage, but it never hurts to look twice. If not, then perhaps the idle is set high? The idle adjustment is on the R/H throttle body only. It's set by the stop screw on the throttle cam, if I recall. I can think of a lot of (electronic) reasons that the idle would drop, but very few that would cause it to increase.
  19. Is that a penis on the front of the harley? and btw, this builder's motto was 'if the glue holds..."
  20. I've seen the Crosley-engined Guzzi; it's pretty interesting actually. The long frame and low revving four give it a nice ride aparently.
  21. How does Colin feel about this development? (oh, and congrats)
  22. Notice this is in Veglia mph. Still- that's impressive Greg. I can pull up to about 80 on mine (bone stock) with a barn door fairing before it starts to get a little wiggly. I need to look into my front end though. Hmmm, that doesn't sound right...
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