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Everything posted by jrt

  1. How do you expect me to read the whole post? I'm only half-way through moby @#$$#! (don't tell me how it ends). And yes ,the Russian sever is about 10% in cost; my understanding is that they don't pay the same royalties as western states. Anyhow- Pavlov's dog just peed on my harddrive. I mean....these guys wear makeup, don't they? Am I right?
  2. Christ, yer goin' all Ratchet on us there BFG (no offence Ratchethack... ) Don't matter that pandora didn't have it. My favorite Russian music server does have it. Both of them. I'll download Pampered Menial and give it a listen. Boy do I love that mellotron. Sure am looking forward to hearing that. Almost as much as a glass armonica or a perhaps a theramin. Say, I bet you'd like the Reverand Horton Heat- ever heard of him? Nogbad, it's like country swing, but on speed and LSD. And maybe cocaine...and some more speed.
  3. No..they're still are a good option. Sidecars are fun. So are popsicles, swingsets and swimming if you if you do 'em right.
  4. They are, but I won't tell you which finger...
  5. Well, I can't say I have any pavlov's dog, but I have rather a bunch of Van's albums. Hmm, Pandorahasn't heard of them either. You pulling my leg here?
  6. Wait a day or so to go over the bike and assess what real damage occured. If England is anything like the States, don't agree to anything.
  7. aah, you'll be looking for Aimee Mann, then. See track 10.
  8. I side with vintagegear on this one. No, a sidecar doesn't ride like a traditional bike, but they are fun as heck to drive and they are a good option for families. Remember (or be informed) that sidecars were one of the only available transportation modes for families prior to the introduction of the Model T. Besides, if you drive a sidecar, kids absolutely love you. They all wave from the sidewalks and stuff- it's cute. the paintjob on the green one... now that's at least a misdemeanor.
  9. bleah, I can't take anything in my coffee, but coffee. You should have given them a stern lecture on how this will cause you to lose time.
  10. yes, it'll run better. do it if you have the chance.
  11. jrt

    Long way round

    there's a dvd out of the series. I have it, but haven't had a chnce to watch it yet. Amazon carries it, I think.
  12. Huh, interesting. Is that the same thing we called the rotary table? I used to work on a (obviously smaller) drilling rig in Texas. Foul, foul, dangerous, stupid work that paid outrageously well for an 18 year old doing it. I was derrick-hand for about a year. At least we were on land....
  13. Those are for water- I bought a bunch of them for my lab.
  14. This was the first quiet day we've had in awhile. Catalina (our newborn daughter) has a terrific allergy to what we think is cow's milk (we're still pinning it down) so we haven't gotten much sleep lately as she has been very uncomfortable. After changing her diet- I'm hoping it's clearing out (touch wood). Anyhoo, up early, toast and coffee for breakfast. It snowed and rained last night so I cleared the walkway of that heavy, heavy crap. Lounged. Lounged again because I'm a scientist and feel that experiments have to be reproducible. Then I converted some old film (8 mm) of my family from the 1950's and 60's into a DVD, so my mom and brother can have a good laugh at ourselves (My brother and I were very young...I think he had ADD from looking at the tapes). It was nice to see my Dad and Grand-dad again- they have both passed away several years ago. Lounged a bit more. Catalina was very quiet and sleeping all day- as long as she was being held. So I held Cat and lounged some more just in case. Read some Jim Thomson, because that much good stuff should be counterbalanced by some evil. Did a few diaper changes so that end should be taken care of (no pun intended). Listened to a bunch of music- including Commander Cody (on vinyl). Then I finished off the day by putting the chassis and output transformers on my soon-to-be-new EL-34 PP valve amplifier and soldered in a couple easy wires. I'll take care of a few more later. Then I logged on here. Now it's time for bed and a bit of lounging after that stressfull day so I'm having a wee dram of Lagavulin.
  15. That was a great rally. Sonya got the longest distance (female) rider award. I remember meeting you Bill- your bike is cleaner than mine.
  16. jrt


    looks at corner... shuffles feet ...cough...... Oh, hey- uh, barfast, was it? How's the insurance business?
  17. Or you can ride 'goofy foot' and let your toes do your feeling for you.
  18. I agree, sir. I've had some excellent adventures in Missou. The Ozarks are wonderful- friendly roads and friendly folks. And this is coming from a guy who grew up (growed up?) in TX. I do try to stay out of East St. Louis, though.
  19. huh, I just bought a used cc&lpa album yesterday...weird.
  20. jrt

    Daft Signs

    The one that really weirds me out is the cooter (turtle) recipes. BTW- hoppin john is great. Cain't go wrong with black-eyed peas.
  21. Zundapp 250? More importantly, what's that sidecar-looking thing hanging on the wall?
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