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Everything posted by jrt

  1. jrt

    Crazy Norwegians

    A hospital in Oslo has an interesting proposal for part of their ambulance service Good on them, I say.
  2. Thanks guys. I appreciate the sentiments very much. Now, it may not mean anything, but just to add to the speculation, you should know that Pontiac made a car in '64-65 called a Catalina. Also, a band (an excellent band, I might add) by the name of Big Sandy and his Fly-Rite Boys has a song named 'Catalina', which of course has become her theme song. Had she been born a day later (Feb. 1), then she would have had the entire Beatles Album 'Sgt. Pepper's'...which was cut on Feb. 1, incidentally my lovely wife's birthday. We didn't plan the confluence of birthdays, I can tell you, but it sure makes life easier for me. Again- thanks for your thoughts. Sonya and I very much appreciate them.
  3. Pink? You gotta admit, it makes a statement.
  4. I don't see how- they are made of weak, brittle aluminum. I guess anything is possible though. I broke the toe-part off on mine on purpose, then drilled it out, tapped it and reinstalled with a low grade bolt. I'm not sure it does any good, but at least now it has a place that it is supposed to break off at. In England???!! Dude, you should laws against such blasphemy. At the least, someone should thump some sense into them. Not yet, but I'll get some up today or tomorrow.,
  5. She might be small, but she is mighty as they say. On tuesday, my wife gave birth to our first child- a daughter. Catalina weighed in at 3790 g (8#6oz, or 0.6 stone). Both are healthy and recovering from the trauma. Having participated in labor/delivery, I have gained a hell of a lot of respect for any women that can go through that. I couldn't. A toast to women and children- hope yours are healthy and happy. I'm looking forward to taking her to the Guzzi rallies- guess it's time to get the sidecar going. If only she wasn't going to grow, she'd fit into a pannier. just kidding. couple of pictures (3-400K, so I don't want to link them directly into the thread): http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a353/jtsjf/Sonya_Cat.jpg http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a353/jtsjf/SJF_CAT.jpg
  6. Yeah, I made a set up for my bike and it took too many hours to make it profitable. Even so, they ain't the purtiest things in the world, but they are stout. I like stout.
  7. I'm afraid that I am out of the spacers, but if 5 or 6 folks get together, I could have more made. It takes 5 or 6 to use up all the aluminum- makes it cheaper for all involved. Or just grab the dimensions and take it to your local machine shop- they should be able to do it for very little.
  8. I think KB's recommendation with respect to that seal is a good one. If you suspect it's oil from the drive box, then check it's level. I'd hate to see you post a want-ad for a new one from lack of oil.
  9. Did you ever consider working UP to a 30A? You definitely earned that point. Wet bandana works pretty good as an air conditioner. Not great...but pretty good.
  10. I know this is going to jinx me, but I'm still running my original battery from 2001. Some of them do last quite a while....statistics of small numbers, I guess.
  11. leave the vacuum nipples on the bike- it makes it easier to tune when you do want to get at them. The vacuum ports should be blanked off or plugged at all times when the bike is running- I have a hose that connects the RH and LH side. Connecting the two ports might contribute just a tiny bit to balancing the right and left intake (but I doubt it). I think if you follow the hoses, LH and RH, that are on your bike, you'll probably find that they are the same hose. Just pop it off and connect the manometer. If you run the engine (for a short time) with an open vacuum line in the intake, it won't do any damage, but the bike won't run correctly. So, no need to pinch it off first, then turn on or off the motor or any particular sequence like that.
  12. Of course, the first thing is to track down where the oil is coming from. Can you tell if it is gear lube or engine oil? Based on previous experience, my first guess would be engine oil, but the two have very distinctive smells. One common source of oil spray is the vent system. Do you drive for extended periods at high rpm? If so, you could be pushing oil out your vent, which is a tube that sets down near the exhaust crossover. Speaking of which- do you smell burning oil? Could it be coming from any of the vents that sit above the crossove? Do you notice any leaks or streaks on the motor? There are some potential sources that aren't the motor- have you greased the rear drive spines recently? They have a habit of throwing excess grease out onto the tire. It's an iterative process, but like I said- you need to track the source. No doubt others will have alternative and even better ideas.
  13. Sheesh, that's easy. Go home by way of Canada.
  14. I was favorably impressed with the one I saw here in Iowa. Very nice finish. The thing I thought was weird was that the ergonomics were just like the Breva 750, only on a bigger bike. Very cool, since the 750 is a pretty comfortable bike for me.
  15. jrt

    Great deal on Le Mans

    It's also on the sport-touring site (with picture) http://www.sport-touring.net/forums/showthread.php?t=76806
  16. jrt


    I deleted your other topic- hope you don't mind. have you looked at airtech streaming? They have tons of pictures on their website and might give you some direction to start looking.
  17. I'm wit' Carl- Toyota Prius. I also have a old '82 Chevy pickup. Beat to hell and it looks it, but it runs great.
  18. jrt

    Moto Guzzi for me?

    Hi Jon, My The passenger comfort will be about the same across the entire line of V11 Sport/Ballabio/Cafe/Le Mans serie. And some anecdotal information- my wife was comfortable for about 3 hours on the pillion of my V11 sport. She has long legs. A reworked seat (a la Rich Maund) might improve the situation a little, or you might be able to move the passenger footpegs, but neither of those possibilities have been looked at much on this forum. Best thing to do is wait'll the rain lets up and take the lovely lady for a ride. See what she thinks. As far as gas mileage goes- 39 is seen by some, and I've heard as low as 25 mpg. Depends on a number of factors, but that's about the range. I get 35ish depending on how I drive and I think that is fairly typical. Don't get rid of the KLR- they're fun, albeit heavy, bikes
  19. I believe you are correct.
  20. My sincerest and most humble respect is offered to the proprieter of this shed
  21. I run tubes in my Dunlops. on my Eldorado. I've also run tubes on tubless tires on several Tonti frames. I guess I'm not a good enough rider to tell the difference. The main argument I've heard against tubes is that when they get punctured, they deflate much more quickly. I've not heard arguments against handling. And besides- where does it say those rims are tubed? I can't see the spoke nipples on the inside. I couldn't find any mention of the rims on the website either...so... more info on this please.
  22. "Bi'o" I like that. Cool nickname, Bill.
  23. Oooh. that makes a lot more sense...
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