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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Thanks Baldini; that had my wife in stitches. Me too.
  2. jrt

    k&n filters fittment

    Just zip-tie it to the frame (the big square spine). Works great.
  3. You might get some info out of this one, too: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7181
  4. Hmmm, 'sound'? The guy must be a ding-a-ling. No offense to the Griso, but the Diavel? beautiful bike? Blarg.
  5. Isn't it all perspective? There could be a cloud by the.... oh, nevermind.
  6. jrt

    Parts question.

    You could look into one of the 'Edgeguards' that were sold a couple years back. Basically, it replaces the mudguard with a plastic plate. Or you could make one up yourself, if you like.
  7. But what the heck does that mean? I'll agree, there's some good bike porn in the movie, but how does this fellow find 1) the money and 2) the time? And with the gratuitous shots of machines like mills, lathes and saws....what is he making? Not gas tanks, not wheels, not speedometers. I have all that in my basement, and I can barely find the time to knock out a simple peltier-driven fan for my fireplace. Summertime is ok for projects time-wise, but then I have the conflict of riding-time. Damn, I'm feeling cynical.
  8. Nice! looks like you actually ride the thing, and that's a refreshing visage.
  9. Funny you should mention an x-ray machine. Not pertinent to this discussion, but funny nonetheless. I assure you that the alleged child is, in fact, an actual child. I have the bill of sale and everything. The lethal metal blades you mention...well, they are pretty sharp. I was thinking of putting some rubber trim on them since I'm tired of picking up dead birds, the occasional cat and neighbor's finger. Perhaps if I just welded up the bearings? That might improve safety a bit, although I don't need to remind you that this is the USA, where the use of deadly force for protecting one's home is the kind of behavior (behaviour) that is actually encouraged.
  10. What the heck you talkin' 'bout? I was raised in Texas....we *never* sell our barbeques.
  11. The weather here in St. Louis has been awful . 25 C for the highs. Chance for sun tan. Yesterday, we had a bit of wind, but it has been still for almost a week prior. This evening we are getting rain, but it should clear out soon. The only reason I can gloat now is that we had about a month of above 38 C everyday this summer. Winter will probably be brutal.....
  12. Well, there was at least a Nobel prize for the allotrope of carbon known as buckminsterfullerene (or simply fullerenes). http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1996/illpres/carbon.html Not as noteworthy, but one of the longest answers I ever had to a homework problem (as a grad student) had to do with the molecular orbitals of fullerenes. sorry....
  13. And if you want to power it on or off, then use a relay.
  14. jrt

    New project

    You have altogether too long of winters there. Actually, it sounds pretty dang cool- good luck and take lots of pictures!
  15. jrt

    LED Tail Light system

    It's an interesting look, even though it's not for me. PS- Scura only has one "r"
  16. I love that stuff. Thanks. I've taken a bunch of week-long-ish tours and just a couple that lasted all summer, but always by myself. Being 'out there' is a lot of fun. The camaraderie in these photos is evident, and the scenery ain't bad either! Kudo's to your Dad!
  17. Hmm, this thread prompted me to take my Ducati ST4s out for a ride. Conclusion: I like them both. The V11 is set up for sport-touring, so the V11 and Duc do the same job, but in different ways. I wouldn't say the V11 is exactly sedate, but it certainly doesn't have the raw horsepower that the Duc has. The V11 has better, or at least more usable, torque and it has an equal grin factor. Both have been trouble free as long as I've had them. The Duc has a more red paint job and the tires leak air more slowly.
  18. It isn't Belfast's old bike is it? After that story about how he never changed the driveshaft oil and ran it through the shrimp cocktail....well....nevermind.
  19. I really don't know the answer to this, but is the 5th gear just like every other 5th gear on those boxes? I know there were some straight-cut gear boxes, but I just don't recall on which models. In any event, you might contact Charley Cole of Zydeco Racing: http://www.zydecoracing.com/services.html He specializes in transmissions and rear drives and comes highly recommended (though I have not used his services myself...yet). J
  20. See there! I told you my Sport was worth hundreds. Yes, but hundreds of what, exactly?
  21. Just warn them that the finish on the wheels is soft, so be extra careful not to scratch them. Don't use levers on the exterior of the rim. If you haven't done it, now would be a good time to grease up the rubbers in the cush drive. And the splines, of course, when you remount the wheels. Oh, and check the bearings- there were some reports of water intrusion on one side (can't remember which one). J
  22. Welcome back. What are you having for a drink while you work on the bike?
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