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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Fine race! Did Melandri drop his bike after the race? After the crowd moved in- and he did a burn out- the camera panned back, and I definitely saw them picking up the bike. What's up with that? The weird thing was the commentators coming off like Rossi was dead or gone. 'Here's the future of MotoGP' and 'Rossi was bigger than the sport, but the sport will move on'. I didn't much care for that, I have to say. Congrats to all the participants- they are an outstanding group of atheletes, and I've enjoyed watching the season's competitions.
  2. Har har. You're worse than I am.... I think we will all have our individual reasons. I'd like one for my sidecar rig. I plan to rewire the bike by hand (so it'll be done right), and I would like to have some extra lamps and some outlets for electric gloves, gloves or vest for the sidecar monkey, and power for a GPS (I'm dreaming) and an intercom system. Since it's a sidecar, I should also provide power for a small refridgerator unit for the beer in the trunk. Dripping icewater is sooo gauche. What I REAALLY want to do is build a cell phone jammer. How smart would it be to give my passenger a Klystron tube operating at GHz (microwave) frequencies?
  3. I'm not sure, to be honest. I spoke with a fellow who put one in his Le Mans ( '90's Tonti frame) and used that as a sport touring bike. He said that after ~30K miles, it started to slip. No more details than that. I don't have but maybe 2000 miles on mine- it's still quiet, fer chrissakes, but then I actually put spline grease on it when I installed. Considering the very low numbers of installed RAM clutches, it's hard to say with any certainty if there will be problems. Oh- one other advantage of the RAM clutch is the easy pull compared to the stock clutch.
  4. Thanks for the single-plate clutch clarification on the Tenni. Let's not talk about it too much or it'll go right to their heads. RAM clutches are aftermarket clutches. They are lighter than stock, single-plate and some people swear by them while others swear at them. Apparently, they work well in lower power applications, but I've read of instances where they wear out when used on higher power bikes that are loaded up for touring.... MGCycle's page on the RAM unit. I put a RAM Clutch in my Eldorado
  5. Thanks for the picture, Paul. I don't care much for the 'eyeball' headlamps, but it's not too bad otherwise. It looks a bit like the earlier (late '90's?) GT prototype that never materialized.
  6. A little work rewiring the headlight and grounding scheme will go a long way toward lifting resistive losses. As I recall, the headlight grounding scheme (and power delivery) is through wires that are too small- thus converting more than a few precious watts into heat.
  7. Got a link? MCN means 'motorcycle consumer news' to me. Although I did find this on google: http://www.motorcycle-cn.com/ (don't bother)
  8. I have two left. How's the rear tire wearing? If it's squared off even a bit, that can give a squirrly feeling.
  9. Yes. EDIT: Based on other discussions, it also appears to be even further limited to the Scura model (?). I thought I had seen a RM clutch grenade, but I can't remember where...
  10. I've not seen that suggestion before- thank you for it. If you send it to Greg Field (that's also his user name here), he might include it in the tips section of the MGNOC.
  11. jrt

    sat ride

    Christ you're an ugly bastard, Belfast. I mean, no offense...but....who whupped you with the ugly stick?
  12. This articleindicates that the fuel pump draws up to 6 A, so that's 72 Watts. Sheesh. I doubt the ECU draws even one amp, but I'd let Cliff (or Dlaing or Moto) answer that one. Coils? No idea...
  13. The 'single plate' clutch like the one John O'Sullivan had is ONLY in a few models like the Scura and the Rosso Mandello (dunno about the Tenni, but I don't think so). Your bike has the heavier, older style, reliable as gravity dual plate clutch. FWIW, I have a RAM clutch (single plate) in my Eldorado, and when it warms up, it sounds just like what you describe. All single plates do that as far as I know.
  14. jrt


    Anyone know what specific changes were made with the new boxes?
  15. As usual- I don't know nuthin' about 'em. No one has bid on them as of this writing, so maybe one of youse louts can get a cheap(er) pair. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Staintune-E...1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. So many words...so few pictures. I present Minnesota:
  17. jrt

    It sucks being a Yank

    This seems appropriate here, speaking of sports and yanks. Written about Cricket (which some people consider a sport ); I am impressed with the seemless stream of non-sequitor phrasing.
  18. jrt

    Oil drip question

    The muffin man is seated at the table in the laboratory of the utility muffin Research kitchen... reaching for an oversized chrome spoon he gathers an Intimate quantity of dried muffin remnants and brushing his scapular aside Procceds to dump these inside of his shirt... He turns to us and speaks: Some people like cupcakes better. I for one care less for them! Arrogantly twisting the sterile canvas snoot of a fully charged icing Anointment utensil he poots forths a quarter-ounce green rosette (oh ah yuk Yuk... let’s try that again...!) he poots forth a quarter-ounce green rosette Near the summit of a dense but radiant muffin of his own design. Later he says: Some people... some people like cupcakes exclusively, while myself, I say There is naught nor ought there be nothing so exalted on the face of god’s grey Earth as that prince of foods... the muffin! Girl you thought he was a man But he was a muffin He hung around till you found That he didn’t know nuthin’ Girl you thought he was a man But he only was a-puffin’ No cries is heard in the night As a result of him stuffin’ Bruce fowler on trombone, napoleon murphy brock on tenor sax, and lead vocals, Terry bozzio on drums, tom fowler on bass, denny walley on slide, george duke On keyboards, captain beefheart on vocals, and soprano sax, and madness. thank You very much for coming to the concert tonight. hope you enjoyed it. goodnight Austin, texas, where ever you are.
  19. I wonder if those Krauser bags are watertight?
  20. Looks like he got inspired by "road dog" http://www.cyclevideo.com/Videos.html
  21. I don't think it will make a difference. oil flow when valve closed (cold) -------- .....| -------- valve open -------- ....|....|| -------- Where || is the part Paul made (or the oil cooler) and | is the internal bypass or regular flow through the motor. so- with the valve open, the oil flows through Paul's part, but whether the valve is open or closed- the oil still flows through the motor. Just my guess. edit- dang it, the spaces dont show up- ignore the periods- they are placeholders.
  22. Well it probably helped pass the time, didn't it?
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