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Everything posted by jrt

  1. So you're taking powerful hallucinogens as well, now?
  2. I'd like to take this time to apologize for bringing this thread up again.
  3. jrt

    MG Resal Value

    Let 'em think that. Red frames are sexy, and that's all there is to it.
  4. jrt

    Tenni guys

    Oh my, where has the time gone?
  5. bicycle speedo works pretty good, but they are damned ugly.
  6. It's inside the sump- see Figure 11 on the parts book.
  7. And rotor weighs 8% less than the bosch rotor!! Actually, I may have to get something like this for the G5. Thanks for spending my money Fernando!
  8. It has a TV, Belfast...how are you going to sniff it?
  9. Ah, that's good Paul. Belfast, I presume that the valve prevents oil flow through the radiator at lower temps so the motor will warm up- or at least won't run cold, like the Jedi mentions. Be careful when tightening the compression fittings- the threads are weak, and easy to strip. The fittings on my bike are standard plumbing fittings- I was going to wrap them with teflon next time I change the oil.
  10. Yeah, but he's trying to make up for it with ONE BIG POINT Why the heck don't both youse guys take the point? Jaap can have it on even and Martin can have it on odd weeks. Or you can do a MWF/ TTh thing and alternate weekends. There's far too many steady relationships around here, obviously.
  11. Good show! I paid that for my '01 Sport. Enjoy the bike I suppose you're going to want your own forum now?
  12. The weak point on the Sport crash bars is the upper mount- they use the same bolts as the radiator. I've crashed my other bikes with crash bars and always seem to come out ok- I surfed my G5 into a bar ditch at 50-70 mph one time- literally crouched on top of it. I busted the headlight and bent both rims, but the bike was fine. Gawd, I was a reckless kid.
  13. Well, maybe it spins faster, but it's also just better. I put an aftermarket alternator on my Eldorado, courtesy of Greg Field, that curiously looks exactly like what is going to be fitted to the Breva. 600 watts, baby! I can't quite run the arc welder, but almost anything short of that is ok. But, the only electric equipment I have are a pair of Widder gloves. Fernando- get an aerostich suit (expensive, but worth it) and wear a fuzzy fleece pullover under it. I've had that for 4 years now, and I can (3-4 hours) ride in anything warmer than -5 F, and an hour or so at -15 F. My hands (the right one) is sensitve 'cause it has a lot of scar tissue on and in it. Stupid oil field...
  14. jrt

    Tenni guys

    Suede gives it a good buffing.
  15. Phil, don't throw away that angle drive. Can you still make out the gears? If so, maybe someone could make up an aftermarket angle drive, although cutting gears is *expensive*.
  16. A valve in the sump prevents oil from flowing through the oil cooler until the oil hits 75 C, and it doesn't fully open until about 85 C, so you'll be fine. Where's it leaking? Mine has a weep at the lower compression fittings.
  17. I think they're just leaving.
  18. You sniff your monitor? Dude, that's just strange
  19. How come there's only three of 'em in your picture? And don't worry about getting over here. I'm sure that ticket is on its way as we speak. Customs officers have been notified, and border security has been increased.
  20. These fellows seem to have mastered it pretty well...
  21. Crossposted discussion is here. It'll be easier for people to find this way. I'd agree with the above-given advice. Drop the PCIII first (edit- Todd, you make a good point on the other thread- I'm not suggesting the PCIII failed, just that it is one less variable). After that, the most common parts I've heard of failing are (in no particular order): computer/ECU TPS Crank Sensor Temp. sensor but since it's just air/fuel/spark/compression, you might check the fuel delivery, spark and compression. How's the air in Hotlanta? or, forbid, you have a crimped or broken wire or an errant short. There are a couple of very good Guzzi mechanics nationally, but for every great one you find, you'll also find someone willing to say they are crap. Oh well.
  22. Nice looking bikes- they really put those poser Scuras to shame.
  23. jrt

    magni fairing

    dang, it went cheap too.
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