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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Don't forget, it breaks down more regularly than other models.
  2. jrt

    Tenni guys

    Someone needs to get their tenni-cles around you. Oh ya, now were havin' a whale of a good time. (looks cool with 3D glasses)
  3. This just in from Phogadelic, Ireland, one Mr. BefastGuzzi was involved a serious, though non-fatal, single vehicle accident. The victim, who's name has not been released pending notification of his family, was heard moaning 'fry me a river' as he was taken from the scene. Mr. Belfast, who was questioned at the scene, reportedly frothed at the mouth, then told the police to 'let go me string' and 'fadithon abbdoru gterobaro bbbthtthth!'. He was dragged about by one of the officers who was trying to free the victim, but refused to let go of his vehicle. The officers at the scene were hesitant to take Mr. Belfast in custody as they 'might get some on me', so he was released provided he maintained his medical treatments and motorcycle augments. the accident: Belfast fleeing the scene...
  4. I was trying to be nice. I said 'use a crash bar like I have' instead of 'use training wheels like BFG has to by court order'.
  5. I thought he was playing a flute.
  6. The stock guards are not big enough to protect the valve covers or heads in case of a tipover. I would suggest that after investing in those nice valve covers (I'm jealous), you get a set of proper guards or use a crash bar like I have.
  7. Don't make me angry. You won't like it when I'm angry....
  8. Zeb, that's a cool picture! Do you have it in hi res? Someone posted a picture of a Guzzi engine used as the base of a glass table. I don't have the picture, but I remember seeing that- oh- and the one where the engine was used as a beer tap. Lot's cheaper than an overpriced V7... BTW- for that kind of cash, it should have a red frame.
  9. Oh, no. It was my own stupidity. I think I ran the bike too lean for too long with tight valves. Eventually (30,000 miles in or so) I burnt an exhaust valve. It wasn't at all the fault of the manufacturer.
  10. Very nice! What kind of tank is that?
  11. Windchill forgot to use this stuff-
  12. Resort to that, eh? Can't find the jello movie, so you start up with the rap music? You'll get yours. I'll have to admit she's a damn site better looking than I am, but you missed an important distinction. Here, I fixed it for ya.
  13. They're ALL California spec machines. No difference between yours and anyone else's with the same year. uh, yes. A long time ago on my tonti frame.
  14. I've also read that it is not necessary on the newer Guzzis. Definitely had to on the old ones.
  15. Sorry- forgot the "u" But I must disagree, sir. THIS is art. Be sure to play the video (videou?) clip on the 4th or 5th page.
  16. Just depends on the cops, I think. Even Italian cops can be pretty cool. These folks were very friendly when we met them in Milan. They even pulled some guy over (that's his bike) and made him take pictures of us all. It really depends on where you are. Here in Iowa City it's weird- IC is a small University town, so it has the typical 'student vs. townie' mentality. Every cop I've met here thinks that the students are guilty of malfeasance every time, all the time. I think the police are just bored. But mainly, I'm with V50man- I wave at kids, other bikers, cops, even farmers out on their tractors. It's good publicity. Edit- thanks to a fellow member for reminding me these were patrol officers, not Carabinieri....
  17. What's that red discoloration at the exhaust joints? Is your bike growing mold?
  18. jrt

    Mandello del Lario

    Definitely worth a visit to the factory. I really enjoyed how they showed off their heritage of great bikes from the 30's up to the most modern. And all of these were right out in the open- not hidden behind glass. I especially enjoyed looking at the latest models, like this one:
  19. Probably depends on riding conditions and temperature. In LA, I'd tend toward heavier oil and in South Dakota, maybe a lighter oil. Bear in mind that he differences are minimal. We're not talking gear oil vs. sewing machine oil. I'm told that most of the wear on an engine is right after startup, before the oil is circulating through the bearings and goo gaws so a lighter oil would pick up more easily. Conversly, a lighter oil will thin out faster also (?). Not sure about how linear the behavior of synthetic oil is. Probably more important is to just change your oil regularly.
  20. The 'world spec' numbers of dlaing's are probably safest. They certainly make the bike run well. The range is anywhere between coz's numbers and the tightest ones listed. So- intake 0.1-0.2 and exhaust- 0.15-0.25. Anything much tighter and you'll risk burning a valve. At the worst, you can drive the valve into the piston, but I don't know enough about piston/valve clearance on the V11 to give you a valve setting that would cause interference. Much more likely is the 'burnt valve' scenario. Too loose and you'll hammer the valve train. I like to set my valves on the loose end of the spectrum, and in several hundreds of thousands of miles, I haven't worn out a camshaft. I have worn out lifters and pushrods, but it sure takes awhile. This is a case where there is no specific setting that is best- there's a range, so experiment and see what works best for your bike.
  21. jrt

    Memories of yoof

    Pete, I deleted your duplicate post- hope you don't mind. I bet a lot of us started out on 2 strokes. I started out on a Yamaha 80cc dirt bike. I have wonderful memories of that little thing, but I never, ever want to own another 2 stroke bike. Wife, yes. Bike, no.
  22. jrt

    Gear Lash

    Ok, and I'll give you my take- I have an Eldorado, a G5, and a Sport. The Sport has a LOT more lash (or snatch) than any of my other Guzzis. I don't know why, I don't know how to 'fix' it (if it needs fixing). It bothered me early on, but I've adapted to it.
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