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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Movin' to Montana soon... Gonna be a dental floss tycoon...
  2. looks like he just discovered his thumbs
  3. My current likes it....
  4. You can always check the TPS setting, make a note of it, and then richen up the setting a bit (if it's running lean which it probably is). It's not like it can't be set back, right?
  5. What Mike said. Try riding a Cali first. Even after putting on a better seat, better shocks, etc. I never got used to the forward position of the pegs on the Jackal. Loved the bike, hated the seating. I like to sit up straight on a bike. If you want something seriously comfortable , roadworthy (and theft-proof to boot), consider a mid 1980's Guzzi SP1000. You'd make Pete Roper proud.
  6. Thanks- I'll be interested to know what happens. I expect not much difference, but I'm nosy. Does the O2 sensor need to be that close to the head?
  7. jrt

    Heads up!

    I completly agree- Actually, I rather LIKE the quick steering of the '01.
  8. Yeah, but the choice is ride cold or not ride. Besides, the aerostich suit is bright enough to keep me warm....
  9. Take a look at Jaap's bike- I think he moved his fuel pump to the front. It's a tight fit, but it can be done. I'm not sure what all needs to be moved, though.
  10. Que? J'ai corrigé le poteau original
  11. Hey Frank- what kind of gas mileage are you getting now compared to the stock ECU? J
  12. jrt

    Heads up!

    Someone lock Belfast in the closet.
  13. Having a full tank of gas helps prevent vapor lock from occurring as well. [edit] gas = petrol
  14. jrt

    Gel grip size

    Do you have access to an air compressor? If so, put the nozzle of the 'blower' or 'gun' or whatever the handheld thing is that you use to blow off parts...put it under the end of the grip. Blow air into the grip. The grip usually lifts right up and off. You can use compressed air to put them on also. I can't find the kind of grips I'm using- pro grip or something like that- they look like a honeycomb of 1/4" holes. Very comfy.
  15. That's a good idea- both of them. I wonder about the insulation though. Just as it will keep the heat out for longer, so will it keep it in longer. Sheet- you just gave me an idea- on old tube amps (don't start with me), there's a piece that wraps around the tubes and has fins- it's a tube cooler. I bet something like that- on the fuel pump- would help to cool it. hmmmmm
  16. jrt

    Italian Day

    Congrats- and nice pictures, but I'm a bit confused- I thought the Scura was a black twin, not a red single
  17. There's a lot happening in a shift, so this could be any one or several of many things. Sure-there could still be some air in the clutch, but does it disengage at idle when you put it in gear or does it lurch? Maybe there's just a tiny bit of air- the hydraulic activation works adequately, but moved the actuation point on the lever so you're not used to it. Other considerations- At what rpm do you shift normally? Higher (5-6K) rpms shift smoother than lower (2-4K) rpms. There is also a lot of drive lash in these bikes- more than the older ones it seems, so matching rpm to wheel speed is important. How fast do you snick it in the next gear and let out the clutch? edit- oh, and welcome to the forum
  18. jrt

    How to highside

    Damn, I hadn't seen that. The fittings on my '01 (at the tank) are just plain old worm drive hose clamps.
  19. jrt

    V11 Quota

    No, a single will never last that long. With proper maintenance, a KLR is probably good for 60K though, and then all you have to do is replace rings and give it a valve job. So- not too bad. Perfect trail and commute bike for your neck of the woods, David.
  20. jrt

    How to highside

    Ouch. Glad it's no worse- imagine if it caught fire....or broke your knee.... I'll say it again- this has been a rough summer (N. hemisphere) for V11s and pilots.
  21. jrt

    Bike cleaning

    The exhausts are stainless, so I don't think chrome cleaning products would be indicated. As far as the old T goes, usually the culprit was water in the spark plug boots or in the distributor cap. The V11 has no dist. of course, and the caps are soooo much better than the old ones. I'm bad about washing my bike- real bad- like twice a year, maybe three times at most. I spray on S100 on the hard metal parts that pick up oil and dirt (engine block, rear drive and wheels) then liberally hose it off- not spray, just light running water. Then I wipe down everything up top with a damp rag or I use some simple green sometimes (again with lots of water). Seems to work pretty good.
  22. jrt

    Stucchi x-over

    Oh, yeah- I get those two confused
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