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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Yeah, baby!!! Not much of a start, but a great finish!
  2. I worked as a plumber's helper on the University Campus- it put me through my undergraduate studies. I can tell you without a doubt- women have FAR better graffiti than men. BEWARE OF LIMBO DANCERS - On the bottom of the stall door, Women's bathroom, Broad Ripple Brew Pub, Indianapolis
  3. LOL. ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
  4. jrt

    Stucchi x-over

    Nice, Belfast. Those are low/high rpm bypass units? And, might I say, you certainly clean up well and almost pass for hominid. The coat hides the disfiguring scars, I take it?
  5. $350??? You can get a brand new, BMW stock, S fairing for less than 300. 46 63 1 233 732, S fairing shell (with dashboard), $285 I got one from bobsbmw.com (no affiliation- that's just where I happened to find one). Look in their downloadable airhead parts catalog. I personally think the Omar's fairings are really cool looking as well, but they won't give as much protection. I think Dave Washburn put one on his bike. The S fairing gives good protection from about the shoulders down. The tradeoff is that below ~70 mph, there's too much weight on my hands (even after adding bars). One other benefit to the S fairing is that I don't get any water in my dash. Never. So I don't worry too much about the recurring problems of corrosion and shorting that some people see.
  6. As long as I'm not a psoriasis, I don't care. nice avatar, btw.
  8. Belfast, Belfast. Just the fact that you can quote the Spice Girls has undermined my high estimation of you. I see an intervention in your future. I'll admit my phrase wasn't specificially 'girl' oriented, but at least I can claim illiteracy. That's irony. :hanging-my-head-in-shame-smilie:
  9. jrt

    Looking for a V11

    Also try www.mgnoc.com, the US Guzzi club. There is a classified ads there. Welcome to the Forum and welcome to the States.
  10. jrt

    Stucchi x-over

    Still no picture. Well, not for me anyhow. I'm pretty sure BFG can see it. It's orange, right?
  11. So, what's to prevent you from using a plain old headlight? Is the mounting different? The connector? Are the conventional headlights much less bright than the Bosch unit?
  12. For whatever reason, I've seen some V11 stuff for sale recently (like today). I don't know any of these sellers nor do I have any interest in the items: A magni fairing on ebay (no bids on it yet). In maroon. Looks pretty cool- might match up with the wine-colored V11?? Konrad- who was or still is a member here, though I haven't seen him post recently- has a V11 seat for sale, aftermarket- I'll attach a picture with his contact info.
  13. You should have enabled voting on this thread- so far Jaap wins. Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet soup?
  14. You still have questions? By the way, if you want joan, look no further than the pacific: http://dmsp.ngdc.noaa.gov/html/hurricanes/1997/joan.vis.gif
  15. jrt

    V11 Quota

    The quota is very heavy for offroad, but it can be done. In stock trim, they suffered from surging at low rpm- incidentally- they have a single intake injector. I've heard the stock seat is typically unbearable as well. Quirks aside, they are fun to ride and really tall. And all the details like surging are easily addresed. For 'off roading' or even dirt trails, I'd go for a true dual sport. I've got a KLR650 that I flog around. It is way too heavy and archaic for technical work, but man, is it ever fun. They're a lot cheaper than Quota's also. Speaking of which- I've seen several for sale recently. There's fellow in OK, who's name escapes me now, selling a quota (was in MGNOC newsletter). I've known him from rallies for a couple years and I know he's compulsive- so that would be a bike in good shape. There's several listed on the mgnoc site as well.
  16. If by tough you mean ruggedly handsome, then yes. As long as they don't fight back, that is.
  17. That's great news (except the accident and frying the ecu part). We are lucky to have people like Cliff around. I've always wanted to get one of his ECUs because they have techie cool factor and I like to support quality homegrown..work. Guess I'll have to start saving my pennies. Thanks for the report Frank J
  18. jrt

    Stucchi x-over

    The Stucchi is stainless, but on mine- it got discolored and dirty looking awful fast. Doesn't bother me any, but it sure ain't pretty. Mike- that's a great looking special sport!
  19. Want to make some money? Bet against it. Now, it's probably not EASY to change the filter, but you won't have to remove a cylinder.
  20. I didn't think much of this until now (I'm slow), but you know, the funny thing is that I was starting my bike the other day and the starter didn't go when I hit the button. It went the second time...so I think I'm going to be in for this as well and I'll probably disable the kickstand safety also.
  21. I've been to exactly one track day, so I'm qualified. Heck, even if I'm not- I'll fake it. First time out is a little nerve wracking, but it's amazing how fast you will get comfortable and start to enjoy the track. Don't fall into the psychological traps of 'am I fast enough' or 'what if someone passes me'. Ride at whatever speed you are comfortable at. Focus on improving your riding- one thing at a time. It is physically gruelling- take some light, carb-rich snacks. And water. Lots and lots and lots of water. Salt pills also help as will sweat a lot and lose electrolytes. It's fun- relax- listen to the instructors (I assume you'll have some instruction since it's the first time) and enjoy it. It's a blast. No oncoming traffic.
  22. jrt


    There- I fixed that for you.
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