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Everything posted by jrt

  1. I like the tank and the Norton pipes. Good styling cues from the past. That's not supposed to be an Excelsior badge, is it?
  2. jrt

    When 2 Ghezzi met

    bellissimo. That must be a wonderful sound in stereo!
  3. Wow, that sounds really awful. I'm so sorry, Pete. Tell you what, you pop over here- oh, about February and I'll show you some balmy weather. And by that I mean udder balm. I bet our friends in Minneapolis can show you an even nicer time.
  4. jrt

    Martin Barrett,

    Found this secret video documentation of Mr. Barrett competing in a timed insect-avoidance competition. Sponsored by Greenpeace, I think. Martin is on the white bike. Or maybe this is just a counterpoint to the goldwing post. http://2st.dip.jp/bikemovie/src/up5837.wmv 21 MB, so be warned.
  5. I'm all over that like a cheap suit. You did the adjusting at low rpms or at speed?
  6. jrt

    Mail order Parts??

    I think MPH cycles in Houston had them for competitive prices. Worth calling Todd and company anyway as they do support the site and Guzzis in general. I don't know of anyone closer. For strictly mail-order stuff, you can peruse www.mgcycle.com. lot's o' parts.
  7. Carl has a program that'll do the drawing in ascii. Oh, wait...that's no fun.
  8. Tungsten (Wolfram for our German friends) is slightly more dense than DU without all that pesky radiation. Irirdium is even more dense, but it's a little on the expensive side (~$1000 US per gram). Besides, with DU the flywheel is decaying to Thorium, which is not very dense at all. Heck in 1.8 billion years, it'll barely be 21 pounds, let alone 28.
  9. New tag line for Red line: a good oil, a better furniture polish, the best aphrodisiac.
  10. Ouiji, you must be one of us that used to balance the carbs on older Guzzis by putting your hands over the exhaust and blipping the throttle. Works like a charm.
  11. I have an '01. It's dependable as gravity, rock steady (within my limits) and I like the silver engine. The suspension is perhaps a bit harsh, but I haven't ridden an Ohlin's equiped model to make the real comparison. Would I trade mine in on a new model? Nope. If you just want a new (used) V11, go for it. I bet it'll be 3-4 years before we see a streetable MGS, if at all. Meanwhile, the depreciation on the V11 has almost bottomed out, so you won't lose your shirt on the resale.
  12. Welcome. And you're right- you can't eliminate it, but you can 1) avoid it by staying ~5000+ rpm, 2) minimize it by changing out the exhaust/crossover/add PCIII or a host of other add-ons or 3) make sure your throttle bodies are well synched as a strategy to minimize it. I'm not confrontational, so I generally just avoid that rpm range. Enjoy! And don't believe anything Belfast says, because he's been off his meds for like a week now. Jason
  13. You're doing better than most of us, then.
  14. You're the writer. I'm just trying to stay out of the collateral damage.
  15. Totally agree about the non-studded Oberon pegs. But the studded ones... I happen to think the Buel pegs are quite acceptable once the antennae are removed. Can't address when they touch down, but I was willing to give up a slight bit of clearance for comfort.
  16. jrt

    Tarmac inspection

    Sorry to read that. Hope you heal up well. What's up with all the wrecking and crashing and dropping lately? Sunspots? Patchy September ice?
  17. I'd like more speaking lines in the next production, please. I have bills to pay, ya know. And these bikes don't polish themselves.
  18. Waddya got? Aluminum or wood? I'm rather particular.
  19. step away from the damn tv and put on an album. Rj, have you seen Carol recently? You might reconsider your stance. edit: damn, Nogbad beat me.....
  20. You could go kick Belfast's over.
  21. Sounds more like you're flooding it. If a jet is blocked, it would run lean and the plugs would be whitish. Worst case is you have a burnt valve. I had similar behavior on mine. Do a compression test on the cylinders and eliminate that possibility. More likely is the enrichening (choke) circuit. Check your choke seating- you could really be flooding the motor. The chokes on those old Del Orto's sometimes dont seat real good particularly if the cables bind up.
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