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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Coming sign of the apocalypse? Is it snowing there? I'm pretty sure you could find a way to graft a Connie transvert onto the Breva. OK, you probably can't but it'll give you something to complain about. Have a great ride on it, Pete! Cheers,
  2. That's altogether too rational.... seriously- you are absolutely correct on all your points.
  3. Money is and is not the issue. Part of the problem is simply *getting* to people. You can't drive in- there are few existing roads. Those that still exist are under water. Some fools were taking shots at helicopters who were flying rescue- so the helicopters pulled back (I don't blame them). I'm saddened to see the reaction of people in the wake of a disaster when their best response is looting and shooting. Unfortunately, it seems to be the norm. Money was spent on bolstering the defenses of NO over the years, but recall that the city is SEVERAL FEET below sea level. The dams and levees that failed should have been fixed and built up in the 1960's/70's/80's. At that time, such spenditures were considered 'pork barrel' and so only half-assed construction was funded. The Corps of Engineers (the Army group that oversees these projects) and the City went through a practice hurricane excercise last year...unfortunately, they only practiced with a cat 3 hurricane. oops.
  4. jrt

    ebay scam?

    I haven't looked at the ad, but I'm a cautious person when a price gets above $50. OK, so I'm cheap, too. Can you pick the bike up in person? Then it would be worth bidding on in my opinion.
  5. Between the blondes and the party boat...can I immigrate? Please?
  6. The CD is on yahoo. Look in the "V11 root" folder and it's a zip file. The set of CD's for the 750 was floating around here somewhere- you can prolly get them for free if you look around. Of course, then you have to set up the directory structure, etc.
  7. I reckon I'm happy with the one I have.
  8. LOL, I was wondering how long it would take. Don't you know what time it is?
  9. Hi Nuevototem, Is the "KM countercable" the speedometer cable? I doubt that is the problem- it's the same design as the old 5-speed and they never leaked. Water gets into the transmission from the breather at the very rear of the 6-speed. Water off the tire is directed right at it. It should really be changed out to the old style hose fitting.
  10. Here comes more urine for your bonfire- accident rates are much higher for first time riders and especially so for first time riders of large displacement bikes. It's just too easy to outrun the brakes. When you crash (not if....everyone crashes sooner or later) hopefully you won't be too busted up, but you will have a hell of an expensive bike to fix. My is get an off road 250, 350, or 500cc beater. Learn to slide and ride in the dirt and on the street at the same time. Those MX bikes have a great power/weight ratio, so they are FAST, they stop well, you can run over curbs and potholes and generally learn to be a hooligan and when they fall down it's no big deal. They're made to have scratches on 'em. Oh- and take a motorcycle proficiency course. Best money you can spend on a bike. now- of course you can buy a Ballabio as your first bike. It's a free country (depending). The Guzzi's are great bikes, and with proper care, they can last a long time. They are certainly a lot of fun to drive. The Ballabio and the entire V11 range is now out of production. You might find an older dealer stock, but your other option is to buy a used one (which is a lot more fiscally responsible). J
  11. Just noticed Frank's ad. I'm not advertising for him- I just thought it was interesting. For those who don't know him, Frank Wedge is the director of the US Moto Guzzi Natl. Owners Club. He likes to ride and he likes to ride looooong distances at a high velocity. He's been at just about every rally I've ever been to, but he usually only stays a couple of hours, then gets back on his bike and hauls ass somewhere else. I guess he goes through bikes pretty regularly and cycles (no pun intended) through all the models. add is here: http://www.mgnoc.com/Classifieds/classifiedads.htm It's a LeMans with very much lowered footpegs and ginormous bags. The bags look goofy to me. J
  12. Look at the easy stuff first, then move on to the harder bits. Check the intake boots for cracks, check valves fer chrissakes- it takes 20 minutes and a beer. Make up names for the parts and impress your girlfriend. Check your plug gap (again) for that matter. Changing out the air and fuel filters is more involved, and being as lazy as I am, I would check those later. Coil or crank pickup are unlikely and catastrophic when they fail, so put them on the late list. Also- it kind of sounds like your throttle bodies could be a bit out of synch. Do you have a vacuum gauge to check that? It's pretty easy.
  13. Don't laugh- have you ever seen Frank Wedge's V11? He lowered his footpegs about 3 inches. The "evoluzione" kit relocated the footpegs and the brake lever about an inch down and back- you can see the hole on the porkchop. The brake pedal moves with the right peg, the shift lever doesn't move. That's ok if you have long feet, otherwise, I guess you reach. It's a very sturdy conversion, but I'm not sure it's sold anymore. Should be easy to make it up though. It's just a bolt and a spacer.
  14. The 28/30 Nm IS a typo- I got suckered with it also. Two threads by pete roper will be of interest to you: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2384 and a much longer and interesting description of the bevelbox: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2391 I think you will need a couple of tools. EDIT- the posts linked above are the ones pete references. lots of people posting here all at once!
  15. That's a nice sound as you round that corner- I bet it's awesome in person.
  16. No, but I think Rich Maund put some rubber-cushioned 650 pegs on his (???). I could be high, though. yes, but putting some miles on the bike is the real solution. Get 10K miles in it and she'll be smoooth. I think I've seen throttlemeister and manicsalamander bar ends put on. What's the bar made of- steel or aluminum? The interior diameter is different, and most bar ends are made for steel handlebars. ah yer a handsome devil....I have this 'friend' by the name of Belfast that's interested in your phone number....
  17. jrt

    Spring Swap

    How did you weld up the cracks in the plastic? Heat welding? I access the locking collars with a long punch and careful tapping with a hammer. Not really optimal, but I like my knuckle skin. Glad to hear the spring swap worked.
  18. Actually, I'm not sure where it comes from. I got it from my local dealer for just over $100 US. It is VERY simple construction- if you like metalworking, you could make one yourself. Not sure, but just from a cursory glance, it looks like it would fit the LeMans. The only problem I can see is if it interferes with the LeMans fairing. The bolt pattern will be the same. Agostini has a good picture of the mounting on their website (under accessories for the V11 sport)
  19. Wow- I haven't been keeping up on this. I hope the Big Easy and all of those under this storm are able to weather it safely.
  20. Or you can add a crash bar: (sorry it's a lousy picture- I'm a very sleepy 6:30am jrt taping up his bike for track day) I've no idea whether they work or not- never tried 'em.
  21. What's going on- sunspots? Everyone is a little punchy it seems. Cheers, Spartacus
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