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Everything posted by jrt

  1. Do you happen to use Steve Martin's All natural Penis Creme?
  2. I've seen them on various bikes- yes they will fit. The plastic is kind of thin, though. This is one of those 'get what you pay for' fairings. Still, for 50 bucks, it might be worth playing with.
  3. permatex hylomar? It's soft/non-hardening and might fill up a porous cast. I've had tremendous luck with it, my only reservation being that I don't know if it can be used on a head gasket. J
  4. jrt


    whew, you had me worried there mike. FWIW, I followed the Guzzi plan for break-in and I have zero oil consumption and the bike runs just fine. I did vary the rpms a lot and all that good stuff. I did the motoman method of break-in on my Eldo rebuild. It's too early to tell how that worked, but it also seems to run fine. So- maybe both methods work.
  5. Bilby, I don't believe there is a workshop manual specific for the Rosso. There is a workshop manual for the '00/'01 Sport and 90% or more of the information is a direct crossover. You can download it from yahoo (you have to join the free 'yahoo groups'- get a fake email addy for it). http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/v11manuals/ download the (large) V11_owners_manual.zip and the 'tree.gif'. Follow the tree for the directory structure. You can write it onto a CD and carry it in a laptop for those portable mainanence interludes! J
  6. Sad story, but I'm glad it's not far worse. I've seen towtrucks pick up bikes with the forklift attachment in back, bike on it's side. So much for THAT bodywork. What upsets me about this in general is that the company isn't liable for damage they do. At least that's what I've been told.
  7. There's no bikes in that magazine. Also, why does the title read 'sexy girls from Florida and USA'? Did Florida secede?
  8. jrt

    My Route

    Two things I find indespensible for long rides are Excedrin (it has asprin AND caffeine!) and wooly sheepskin so I don't get the dreaded monkey butt. Oh- and start excercising if you don't already- work up some arm strength.
  9. jrt

    Tire Replacement

    I'm running Metzler Roadtec Z6. Not the stickiest, but it holds to the edge so I've got no complaints. In Iowa, you don't find the tire edge often enough. Seems to last about 8-ish thousand miles.
  10. I'm not trying to scare you- really- but I bet Carl would post this if he were around- hopefully he is out riding. Anyway- scroll down to Carl's post (#10) and he details some of the issues he had with a low speed crash: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3292&hl= I couldn't find his original description, but this sums it up pretty well. Anyway- at least you know what you'll be in for. J
  11. I think it's just oil vapor that is blown out the breather pipe and drips onto the crossover. You could add a little cup at the end of the vent tube if you want to catch it.
  12. Sorry to hear this Doc. Especially after you worked so hard to get a Le Mans. Fate is a mother, sometimes. If you rebuild, then carefully look at the frame. Carl found that the frame is fairly easy to bend at the head tube, and once that's done- the bike is history (from a financial point of view). Glad you are allright- that's the important bit. J
  13. jrt

    copa italia

    If that doesn't work out for availability or price, then check out ebay or a guzzi wrecker, buy 'regular' parts and have them painted.
  14. Well, a rough calculation from Young's modulus of compression of aluminum suggests that under about 4000 psi compression (from 100 ft/pounds torque) the change in length of the aluminum piece will be 0.02 mm. Sorry to mix English/Metric units there. Found this interesting site (a calculator for Young's modulus) http://www.allmeasures.com/Formulae/static...ngs_modulus.htm
  15. You'll get more hits if you drop the space in metalloprotein. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=metalloprotein Actually, David's place of employment is one of the premier research institutions in the world for this subject. Simply put, a metalloprotein is any protein that has a metal in it. An example is hemoglobin- the protein that carries oxygen in your...I mean our blood (yeah "our" that's right, I'm one of you, my skin always has this pallor). Hemoglobin is a protein, but the business end that carries the oxygen is an atom of iron. The protein part is mostly scaffolding. PS: And for 'energy supplements' or 'diet and exercise enhancements'. That sh*t is about as effective as the products that claim to give you a couple extra inches...in length and girth. Eat well, excercise. That's the ticket. (David- don't be giving me away now...)
  16. That's great-this one is a little cheaper and a lot nicer. Oh, and it's really good bread.
  17. No, I think the version of the workshop manual is in the yahoo group. It is for the earlier (2000-2001) models, but most of the info crosses over.
  18. jrt

    The end is near!

    Nice perspective, Pete..er...Mr. Roper.
  19. THANK YOU KB!! That's the number I was looking for!
  20. How does one do this? http://www.diana.dti.ne.jp/~f-500f/gtop.htm
  21. You are quite welcome, sir. If you read French, Spanish or German, you can download a couple of pdf versions of the owners manuals here: http://www.guzzisti.it/officina/manuali/officina/
  22. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Disp...temnumber=47257 16 bucks http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Disp...itemnumber=7914 dolla-ninety nine
  23. Why pay money when you can download it for free? http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/v11manuals/ Be sure and read the readme and follow the directory system Cheers, J
  24. You guys are crackin' me up. And congrats on getting a chemist as a girlfriend, David.
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