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Everything posted by jrt

  1. jrt


    Don't be giving it away- I haven't seen it yet! Not that the podium will be a surprise.
  2. jrt

    Return of Zebulon

    Looks great! So, is this the missing bike? Did you get her back? J
  3. I know how it goes. I have weeks like that all too often. Have a nice ale and let it pass.
  4. It's not you Nogbad. She's just worried about her weight, and is trying to trim a few pounds. one dram at a time.
  5. You mean this one? terraserver
  6. 'marelli software'- that makes sense. In addition to calling Harpers, you might also speak to Todd and Co at MPH Cycles. Heck, call up three or four national dealers (MI, etc.). More (educated) opinions are better....
  7. Dave, When you reassemble the clean transmission, put a bit of baby powder on it- the powder absorbs the oil and helps locate the leak. Dunno where I first heard that.
  8. Clean the connections and grease everything up first. I bet your problem is just lack of lubrication. No nasty jokes, ok?
  9. You didn't happen to see this fellow in the vicinity, did you?
  10. Hogjockey- did you get your PCIII from Todd E? If so, he's the man to talk about tuning. What's your mileage up to or is it still ~21mpg? I think mid-30's is more typical. The air temperature sensor is a resistor in your airbox. If you can get at it, then hook some leads across it, measure the resistance, and compare to the Guzzi chart (I'm going to try to include it, but numbers are very low resolution...dammit). Same with the oil temperature sensor. Here's the relevant verbage from the factory manual: And you're correct- it makes no sense at all (Dashboard Monitorpage??? WTF is that?) Check the attached file- it contains the table of temp/resistance valuses.
  11. "bingled"?? (credit to guzzitech, shrapnel italia page)
  12. jrt

    Defensive ... moi?

    That's great news. The California model has been in production for literally decades (starting with a loopframe). It's a proud historical name for Guzzi, and I hope they continue to use it.
  13. Guzzi valves are loud- that's just the way they are, and one side is always louder than the other. Do you have Ti pushrods or lifters? If rods, then valve spec is very tight (I'll have to look at home for the numbers) If lifters, I don't know what to tell you- probably factory settings will do since the lifters don't have as much dimensional change.
  14. But not all frames have the attachment points for that brace.
  15. Any more info on your squeaky bike John?
  16. Oh, my bad. I just skimmed ya'lls posts and and mis-read it. Frankly, if you're fighting frame-flex on a spiney, it's a loosing battle. I do, however, recall a Japanese sight that had some aftermarket frame stiffening bits. Try this: http://www.guzzisport.com/html/v11taisaku.html I don't read kanji, though, so I can't help you much. They have some really trick bits for the various models.
  17. Yes, and yes, and I don't know where to get one, but I bet McMaster-Carr (a materials/metal company) has your hookup. It would just be two heim joints and a threaded rod type deal. Paul has a picture in the hollow axle thread that shows a different rod: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...indpost&p=15185 And Zebulon also fitted one on his Daytona (keep a lookout for her) I added some cheesy red arrows to indicate what I was talking about. I can't get the Ghezzi-Brian site to work for me- all the images come up '404'. J
  18. mmmmkay. Well, this topic didn't work out so well. I'm closing it down, because it's just devolved into a 'you're country is full of silly connigits' thread.
  19. jrt

    It's HOT...!

    Hmmm, you mean shovelling all the coals? Just funnin' ya.
  20. jrt

    Mail order Parts??

    Agreed with Twhitaker. All of the above are good dealers. I'll through mine in the mix too, cause they'll do you right. Ned's Auto and Cycle in Riverside, IA 319-648-3241 For a light lens, a Buell dealer is going to be your cheapest option as Jim said. I dropped my bike over onto a rail, cracked the fairing, slightly bent the stalk...and the lens is fine Eh, no blood, no foul.
  21. You guys are so nice Well, my open-onion is that you shouldn't use shims on the frame- if you have to, something's up with the frame. A full set of measurements is available in the manual if you feel so inclined as to measure it up. As far as the reaction rod goes, it has been replaced in the Ghezzi-Brian models with a threaded rod, so I say go for it Ratchet! But I'm afraid that a lot of the slop is...just there. There's a lot of transfer through gears and each one of them contributes. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed this. There is quite a bit more slop in the V11 than in my older Guzzis.
  22. jrt

    Defensive ... moi?

    Nope, they're done.
  23. Mr. Bean, those are aluminum Mistral pipes. They should be available at the usual sources. I can't afford Ti either They're really nice- sound great. I think I might have gotten the ovals if I could have found them, but I'm very happy with the rounds.
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