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Everything posted by jrt

  1. jrt

    u joint

    Richard- I'm sorry to hear that- As Paul/Carl say- try to find a used one. What happened to the (German) LeMans with no front end that was sold on ebay recently?
  2. jrt

    Tool Pouch

    I carry a mini-voltmeter as well. J
  3. Another interesting observation by Dave Richardson was written up in the last MGNOC news. I don't think it's worthwhile putting into this faq, but it will make some good rumor-mongering. So, apparently MG had some issues with cam wear on the hydraulic valves. Richardson et al looked into this, as did the factory. It seems that lack of oil is a major contributor, and there appears to be a couple of solutions that are being applied by the factory- 1) new design on cam that has more holes in it so it lubes the followers better and 2) use a higher rated synthetic oil (sorry- I don't remember the grade, but I think it was SL or whatever the highest grade is). Now, the real interesting part is WHY there was a lack of oil, and it seems to stem from the oil-jet piston cooling that was added along with the new lifters. This contributes to a lower oil pressure at idle or low rpm, since the oil pump was never changed out to account for the new holes in the oil system. Richardson apparently has one test bike where he put an oil pump from a Centauro on it (it's higher capacity)- testing is on-going, but that bike hasn't failed yet. I don't know of any Sport (uh, Sportin) motors that suffer because of this, but I did think it was an interesting article.
  4. I had a similar experience (albeit with Mistral pipes). I used a spacer and longer bolt on one side of the exhaust hangers- moved the exhaust out about 1/2 inch. It allowed the exhaust to be more level, and frankly I can't tell that there is a spacer there. Not much help, but it's what I did. J
  5. My bike's in for a new tire, new brakes, fresh oil kind of thing. It's running like a striped ape. At least I still have my Eldorado. You guys want to see women on bikes? This should keep you busy for awhile: http://www.cyclegarden.com/cgi-local/Guzzi.../imageFolio.cgi And this... http://www.motoguzzishop.com/Girls_Gone_Guzzi.htm
  6. Tom Waits is pretty good, but hard to listen to. Like a Guzzi, he requires involvement. I don't listen to mainstream much anymore. Too bland- even the 'edgy' stuff, which more often than not ends up as un-musical. The other fun concert I saw not too long ago was Leon Redbone. Sheesh, he was funny as all get-out. For motorcycle songs- don't forget two of them- Arlo Guthrie (the motorcyle song) and Richard Thomson ('52 Vincent or something like that). Now, I'm just going to mosey off into the Montana sunset, lookin' over my dental floss ranch..
  7. Yeah Jaap, I didn't get that either. DMoon, I didn't carefully read what you wrote earlier- I just noticed you're in the Quad Cities. Seriously- Seriously drive over to Riverside (about an hour west of you off of 218) and go to Ned's Auto and Cycle. Ping me off list and I'll give you directions. Their phone # is 319-648-3241. Best damn dealer- of any brand- in the area. If nothing else, it'll be worth the drive just to talk to Jim. Ned's is open late on mondays (6:30-8:00) in addition to regular weekday hours. On monday's a lot of folks just hang out and kick tires, eat popcorn etc. Jim has a gray/red Le Mans on the "floor" (it aint much of a floor)- I don't remember the price. My bike is down there right now getting new tires and brakes. Jason
  8. Oh, thanks man. thanks a freakin' lot- that really helps my self-esteem. you're just jealous I'm gonna go sulk now. My bike's in the shop, Rj's makin' fun of me. damn.
  9. I saw Frank Zappa...does that count?
  10. You rang? lastest version posted on the original thread
  11. Latest version of the faq: edit: it appears I can attach word files (don't worry- I use a mac- no viruses). Al- party on! Guzzi_buyers_faq.doc
  12. jrt

    Scura RS

    NICE!!! I like the way all the colors complement each other. Is that the fuel pump above the radiator?
  13. Hi Folks, Here's a rough first draft of a 'FAQ' (ok, more like a manifesto) for those folks interested in buying a Le Mans or related. There's some holes in it, and some omissions. Download, read, and please post suggestions for clarification, additions or anything else. I'd love to add it in, then give it to Al to put into the faq section. In particular, if you remember some of the differences in the model years, I'd like to include that. I'm sorry- I had to put it in pdf format- I couldn't upload a txt file that anyone could modify. If you'd rather have a txt file, I can email it to you directly. Thanks! Jason Guzzifaq.pdf
  14. Me either. MGNOC is not much of a 'club'. More of a 'land' version of the V11lemans website in that it is just a loose association of like-motorcycled types. Rallies are 25-35 bucks, meals included, and run about 25-100 people. 100 is a BIG rally (like Iowa). MN was 75 people or so last year, because it was a fairly central location. Rallies are pretty much about the riding....and the food for some. It is fun to show up even for a day to check out that many Guzzi's in one place. MGNOC main website Upcoming rallies: MAY 20, 21, 22 20th ILLINOIS MOTO GUZZI RIDERS RALLY Location: Nine miles north of Oquawka, Illinois on the west side of the “Great River Road” at “Big River Forest”. Contact: Stan Overstreet, 309-867-6705. More Information will follow. JULY 8, 9, 10 15th IOWA MOTO GUZZI RALLY Elkader, Iowa city park and campground. Contact; MGNOC State Reps, George and Kay Vignovich, 515-285-7209. Email: g.vignovich@att.net. More information will follow. JULY 22, 23, 24 MINNESOTA MOTO GUZZI RALLY Cushions Peak Campground, 5 miles west on Highway 16 from Houston, Minnesota. Registration before July 1st $30. At rally $35. Make checks payable to Todd Kneeland. Contact: Todd Kneeland, 218-485-0417. Email: tmusemn@mchsilcom. More information will follow. AUGUST 5, 6, 7 21st WISCONSIN ANNUAL MOTO GUZZI RALLY Wisconsin Moto Guzzi Riders rally takes place at Lake Joy Campground, situated between Mineral Point, and Belmont Wisconsin on Highway U.S. 151. $25 before July 1 - $30 at the gate. Send your pre-registration to: Dan Prunuske P.O. Box 293, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. 53916-0293. For more information see rally ad in this same issue, or phone: 920-887-3128, or visit www.wmgr.org.
  15. Well then, happy birthday Ben (or christmas...) Enzo- good call on waiting. One major incentive for getting a Prius is better gas mileage. With your Echo, that incentive is minimal. A second reason is to reduce emmisions (which is why we bought ours). There is still minimal incentive on going from a very efficient car to another very efficient car. The third reason is the geek factor. I love tech. It's why I drive a Guzzi.
  16. Not an endorsment (because I don't use his services), but I do remember getting a card from a guy named Tim Smith. He's in Illinois and he's way into Guzzi's (might be the state rep). I think that he sells motorcycle-centric insurance. I don't know much about it (see above), but you could contact him maybe. I think his email is Guzz- @ aol.com (remove spaces but leave the "-" )He posts on the topica MGCL list pretty often. worth a shot.
  17. very cool- I hope you continue to enjoy the bike. They are certainly easy to work on considering some of the other models out there. I tend to agree with v50man- use dino for 1-2000 miles before switching to synthetic. For the rear drive, I think it calls for a moly additive, but amsoil should either be good enough or contain additives already. I never ran any additives in my old Guzzi, and the drive box got 200,000+ miles, soooo....make up your own mind. Hope to see you at the MN guzzi rally! Jason
  18. I have a pair of alpinstar citysport boots. http://www.aerostich.com/product.php?produ...61&cat=0&page=1 as the aerostich folks say- mercifully devoid of weird fluorishes. They fit great, are comfortable from 0 F to about 90 F (if moving) and decent protection.
  19. jrt

    Way off topic

    Fusil oils (metabolic byproducts from the yeast). Gives beer a nasty flavor. Personally, I'm fond of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Best I've found yet. Actually, David, the Mendicino is also a pretty fine beer, but we don't get it here.
  20. At idle, mines about 550 mV. I don't have data for 'fully closed'. No PCIII.
  21. Or as Cap'n Haddock would say- Thundering herd of zapotecs! Finally met Mr Vapor Lock yesterday and here's my impressions: It sucked. Or blew...take your pick. It resulted from riding my bike around town- 2 miles here, 2 miles there, just shopping with my wife for plants and stuff (yes, plants...no not that kind ) on a warm day. The oil temperature in the sump was registering about 100 °C. I think it happened because I got the motor good and hot, then let it set and the heat rises to either the pump or the filter. There wasn't much wind for cooling. I was also low on gas, so I wonder if that contributed to it. After 30 minutes it was cured, the oil was down to 80 °C, but it was an aggravating 30 minutes. So now I have to figure out what Al did as far as his space age fittings and whatnot. Or I might look into relocating the pump. It looks like there's enough room to put the pump and the filter on top of the spine and use 1/2 or 3/4 inch of hose to connect them (lot less plumbing that way). Also, I was wondering about putting a heat shield on the bottom of the spine- a rectangle of plastic or something- but I also wonder if maybe that would trap heat between the deflector and the gas tank, instead of just deflect it. Or, take a cue from Steve, and plumb in a T fitting at the return hose with a valve on it to bleed off the pressure? That sounds safe. J
  22. So, HJ...how is the socialized medicine system doing in Canada? Little slow on the lithium?
  23. Gotcha Jerry. I've never had any trouble from my neutral switch (I know...others have). I'd look for a faulty connection. One possible location is the ground to instrument cluster If you want to disable the sidestand switch, it's very easy- just short the (sensor) wires under the tank to make it tidier. J
  24. I'd like to solicit your opinions- I'm going to a track day late this month- the first I've ever been to. As many of you know, I adapted a set of handlebars to my V11 sport (essentially turning it into a Ballabio). A description is given here. I also have a BMW R90S fairing on my bike. It's a great setup for longer distance riding. Annnnyyway, I'm wondering- should I use the fairing at track day or not? Should I use clipons or the bars I have on now? I haven't decided, but I'm leaning toward leaving it alone (using bars).... Pro-clipon argument: more aggressive stance, better front end traction Pro-bar argument: more comfortable ride (I have to go to a wedding also- ~3-400 miles RT). Also, I will normally ride with the bars, so why not use them on the track, if that's what I'm going to be using on the street. Pro-fairing argument: It reduces wind Anti-fairing argument: It'll break if I crash I'll definitely get a new rear tire- I 'hopped' around a corner today (woot). Interesting, but not altogether fun. So...Thanks for suggestions and discuss amongst yourselves..... Jason
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