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Everything posted by kiwidave

  1. I have the same bike he in Canada. Was it locked up or just in a shed. It would brake my hart to lose it.
  2. Lots of very interesting reports and happy Guzzi owners. About March I will be getting back at my 2002 LeMans.
  3. On my 2002 LeMans I have pulled 225 KM for quite some time on the road but I was full throttle. So I don’t no how fare out my speed is but it was fun.
  4. Thanks for your help.
  5. I am trying to reply to all the help that has been given to me. Thanks everyone for the important very help full..
  6. Thanks for your input and help.
  7. I love the paint on your bike. I am thinking of have my 2002 to your paint. Is that a factor paint .
  8. I need some help here . I can do the work no problem just which brands do I use/
  9. kiwidave


  10. I have 2002 Moto Guzzi LE Mans Re vin ZGUKRAKR42M114723 Red. Has 60.000 KM I LIVE IN Canada. Bike has been off the road for two years. I am going to get it back on the road this year. Just needs front fork service and up dated springs, Rear shock needs service or replaced. I love the bike. I will add a photo later.
  11. I have been away from the sight for quite sometime as I could not remember my pass code but I found it now I am ok.
  12. I have 2002 Moto Guzzi LE Mans Re vin ZGUKRAKR42M114723 Red. Has 60.000 KM I LIVE IN Canada. Bike has been off the road for two years. I am going to get it back on the road this year. Just needs front fork service and up dated springs, Rear shock needs service or replaced. I love the bike. I will add a photo later.
  13. If you are still having problems get hold of Kiwi Roy he is the best at these problems.
  14. kiwidave


    I like your greeney.
  15. I love the help everyone has been giving you. Just put a voltage meter on the battery and see if the battery is being charged. Check at idle and then rev the engine to 3000 rpm. Should read about 14.5 volts.
  16. I have the same problem on my 2002 LeMans. So Roy the problem is not in the start. You say it is in the wiring. I have replaced the starter ones and no more problems for two years now the problem is back. So I will look into the wiring. This happens mainly when the bike is hot.
  17. I run pilot 3 very happy with them, Set tire pressures on the max for loaded riding. For shorter trips I lower the tire pressures. Love them in the rain.
  18. I installed two relays one for low beam and one for high beam. I just used the stock wiring and relays to trigger the relays. Battery still charges at 14.7 volts. My head light is so much more brighter even the high beam dash light is very bright.
  19. My 2002 LeMans needs new heavy front springs. Does not have Ohlins front forks. Does someone no wear to pick these up. I have factory fork seals.
  20. Thanks this is all good reading.
  21. I have a 2002 with 60,000km on the clock.i need to install heavier springs in the front and service both. Rear shock needs service also. Were can I get springs from.
  22. kiwidave

    Decent Tune-up

    I set my bike up last year. I just used the voltage meter on the TPS. Your all seem to be missing one of the settings on the TPS. There are to spec one to start of and then your running spec. I have the factory manual also have a set of mercy gauges. Bike runs very well only problem when I get up in the mountains as I back the throttle of or light throttle there is a light popping out the throttle body's as soon as I get back down the mountain every thing is good. I think I need to get the cable and plug into to EMC and set the fuel trim. I do run a cooler spark plug also.
  23. kiwidave

    Decent Tune-up

    . Now you are a pro.
  24. I hope to be there next year.
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