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Everything posted by 4corsa

  1. 4corsa

    Damaged Goods

    Should any of you end up buying it for parts, I'll be happy to buy the seat from you! Btw, I just had the forks serviced on my 02 Scura - they are the Ohlins Road and Track series, same as used on many Aprilias up until around '06.
  2. Looking for a stock OEM seat for my 02 Scura. I think all V11 seats will fit. Must be in excellent condition. Maybe you have one still sitting around from when you upgraded to a Corbin! Please send me a PM. Thanks.
  3. My V11 Scura has always knocked (pinged) under hard acceleration - that is until last weekend while I was out for a ride and saw a sign for CAM 2 Racing Fuel! This shop in the middle of nowhere South Jersey Pine Barrens had the 110 octane (leaded) on tap. Since the bike has no catalytic converter we decided it would be fine (he said the engine would love it). My tank had about 2 gallons of 93 unleaded in it, and I added a little over a gallon of Cam 2 ($8.90 per gallon, so i put in $10 worth). We figured the resulting average would be around 98 to 99 octane. A mile down the road I tried hard acceleration in various gears and rpms and NO KNOCKING!! The engine felt better than ever. I'm now going to keep a 5 gallon fuel filler of CAM 2 (I will try to find the unleaded 103 octane version), and add a gallon or so of it after each time I fill it up.
  4. I just ordered a tube - thanks for the help! GD
  5. Thanks - awfully nice of you to offer to help out while you were in town!
  6. Going to grease the u-joints next weekend (including the dreaded front u-joint) on my '02 V11 Scura. Planning to buy an angled attachment for my grease gun. I've seen the spec in the service manual for the grease: "Non-saponic, 180 degree (Celcius?),...etc. Seems to be mostly in metric, and I have a feeling when I get to NAPA or Pep Boys, i'm not going to be able to find that info on the labels. Anyone have a proven brand name/type that I should look for? Thanks!
  7. Looking to buy a used front fairing with turn signals, brackets, etc for occasional use on my Scura for long tours. Please send PM. Thank you.
  8. Thanks - Great website! I also found the following info from a previous V11LeMans posted thread: - The seal kit is an Aprilia part # AP8123975, or Ohlins part # 04730-01. Price ranges from around $65 from AF1 Racing to about $180 at Harpers.
  9. Both forks are leaking on my recently purchased '02 Scura with 13k miles, and I need to order new seals. It has the same Ohlins forks as the LeMans Rosso and Nero Corsa models. I emailed Ohlins and asked what series my forks are, but no reply after 2 weeks (thanks Ohlins!). Does anyone know what series my forks are, and where to order the seals? What is the best fork oil to use? Anything else that should be replaced while they are being serviced? Thanks! Greg
  10. Looking to buy a set of Tekno brackets and bags for my 2002 V11 Scura.
  11. Looking to buy a 2003 - 2005 V11 Le Mans - Nero Corsa first preference, or Rosso Corsa. Will also consider a standard Le Mans as well. Must be well maintained and good condition. Best if located on the east coast US. Please PM me with any information. Thanks, Greg
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