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The Pilgrim

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Everything posted by The Pilgrim

  1. The Pilgrim

    The Pilgrim

  2. Hi. Would be interested in this due to a drop (Tank, not bike .) causing a BIG crack on my 02 V11. Tank still holding thanks to JB Weld but thats 2 yrs now. Any ideas on price yet?
  3. See you there Fergal
  4. Strip as much as you need to get at pipe. Youll be glad you did
  5. Sorry I missed that, as I said, I dont be on much. im still after a seat if anyone knows where I can get one. Cheers.
  6. Any details? Condition, colour, PRICE.? Excuse my late replies as I dont be online much!
  7. Havent seen this request on for a while? Does anyone have or does anyone know where I could get a Corbin or Sargent seat for an '02 V11 Sport. Discuss.
  8. Jeez? Personally for me there is nothing like the full strip and rebuild, Grease oooozing outa all the proper places while on the bench or in your hand is a proper feeling! Small sacrifice in my opinion.
  9. Thanx Dude, but I put a max bid on the Ebay one as I was away at weekend and WON. Good luck with sale of yours! G.
  10. where is your ad?
  11. I saw the one on ebay after I posted so im watching it now. Cheers.
  12. Cheers for the advice lads, most of the local dealers have a sharp intake of breath through gritted teeth when I mention Guzzi. Still working through your options and will keep you up to date!
  13. Due to advice from senior guzzisti I have been told to repost my request on the main forum as the classified ads get overlooked. SO, im after a plain luggage rack for my '02 V11. If anyone has one they are finished with or know where I can get one please let me know. Cheers. Gerry
  14. Alright Guzzisti? I think I have a fuelling issue with my V11. The bike takes a while to Idle after starting but runs really well when warm. On a recent trip I was reaching 35mpg and the plugs are BLACK. I don't think I need told this isn't right but my dilemma is who do I take it to to get it set up? At the moment its running a full Termi system and as I don't know whats been done im ok with a complete overhaul! I live in NI and we haven't a guzzi dealer locally so would be keen to hear of any reccomendations whether franchised dealer or not? I would be ok with a ferry ride to Scotland as can make a trip outa it? Looking forward to your replies Gerry.
  15. Hi, I have now been sucked into the Guzzi Rally thing and am now carrying much more luggage than I ever intended to. Has anyone got a luggage rack for my '02 V11 Sport that they no longer use or can anyone point me in the right direction as to where I could get one. Cheers Gerry!
  16. I had this problem a while back and sorted it by slight adjustment of the height of the lever! I found the lever got stuck down as it hit the 'pork chop' this seems to have worked for me so far but ill keep ye all posted if that changes. Bike is '02 V11 Sport!
  17. No dude I didn't? Funny thing is I got it checked for HEIGHT only a few minutes before and the mechanic didn't say anything about the throw? Never dreamt of it til Examiner said it?
  18. Hi Dudes. I brought my '02 V11 Sport up for its annual MOT on Friday past, En route to Test Centre I called and got headlight checked, When I arrived at test centre the examiner told me the headlight height was fine but the aim was checking off to the wrong side! I cant figure out how this has been overlooked in the 8yrs its been tested! Has anyone else had this issue and if so how can it be resolved. Oh, He passed the bike and told me to 'Get that ---- headlight sorted'
  19. Ive just done the swingarm bearings at 25k ( miles) and would totally advise against touching them unless you reall have to. My method involved welding and a lot of grief. Also at £50 each? Think seriously.
  20. Thanks dude But I'm crap with computers and computer says 'NO' when I try to upload photo, actually it says file too large. I'll get my IT savvy son to help me soon. Yip, they are long and I would like to shorten them a tad but theres a lip/roll on edge that may not allow that? The link pipes aren't an issue as ive a dude on the ball with that!
  21. I currently have a set of slightly damaged Termignoni carbon cans for my V11 Sport. In short the link pipe and the stainless steel outlet pipe and banding have been damaged due to a low speed drop. I intend to replace the offending bits if I can find them. Can anyone help with spares etc?
  22. that's the one! Sorry for any confusion!
  23. ive got the forks rebuilt, parts courtesy of TlM. I had them ordered before I saw your reply. Sorry. as said, forks rebuilt using 5w oil and all other standard parts. Wont have any feedback til bike rebuilt and tested. Watch this space.
  24. Gstallons youre not able to recieve text messages!
  25. Any more offers? would like a few choices!
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