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The Pilgrim

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Everything posted by The Pilgrim

  1. Cheers Rossi. I appreciate any feedback. G.
  2. Hi Dudes, as it says in the title I would like you to share some of your knowledge on the forks on my bike! I am currently planning an overhaul and would dearly love the Maxton or similar treatment but unfortunately it wont be this year, SO, I know for sure that I need the top cap for the right leg as the brass adjuster in the middle has had a hard life and is butchered beyond use? Does anyone know where I can get this fixed or replaced? I would greatly appreciate any advice you all can give me. Oil weight, Amounts etc. Thanx in advance Gerry. (The Pilgrim)
  3. Mine too I've got mine less than a year so i'm not too concerned As long as it keeps flashing.
  4. Cheers Ferguzzi really enjoyed the weekend. Bit of a Guinness flu at the moment but i'm sure it'll pass.
  5. Steve Waller on his ' late '01 but built and registered may '03' Cali and The Pilgrim on his '02 V11 Sport will be joining you on Friday evening along with one non forum dude on a BMW.
  6. Was sucked into getting the Shark Evoline even though the Nolan is still under the bed? Very impressed. We have had some unusually warm weather here NI, and the shark has been a gem through out. It was initiall bought for 2wk tour of Europe as can be used with clear visor but without pulling chin bar forward. Nice touch in warm weather.
  7. Is this still happening?
  8. I'll be in touch japp. Im sure we can sort something.
  9. Cheers fellas. There seems to be a problem sourcing the airbox side. Thanks for the contacts and ill get on the phone.
  10. Can anyone help me with where to locate new inlet rubbers for my 02 V11 Sport? I have tried the local dealer in NI, but they cant get them?... Gutsibits are able to get th engine side but I would like to replace all 4 as they are all perished, even though only one has worn through. (Engine side on left of bike) Looking forward to some Interesting replies. The Pilgrim.
  11. Just got into Guzzi scene and would love to meet some of you lads so would be keen on a get together so Yeah. Count me in.
  12. Bought my first Flip up 15yrs ago in Paris. werent available in UK then? 1st one was a Shark, Loved it but fit was dubious, moved to 1st Shoei Syncrotech, Heavy but fitted lovely! moved on to KBC, cheap and good enough to buy 2 more after that! Currently using a Caberg justissimo, nice lid but had to retrofit a pinlock antimist visor as Cabergs system was shit. have a Nolan in storage as got a real good deal. Def wouldnt have a full face again, love the convenience of a flip but do admit to riding open face on my other toy the R1200GS. as for reccomendation? What fits well and is available at any given time.
  13. As described docc! Thanx.
  14. Cheers for replies lads Bike currently has a 180 Michelin Macaddam 100 on. I know the 90's were standard on 1200 Bandits, and Blackbirds so cant be bad? My bike has the 5.5 rim and i would be looking for a Sport Touring tyre so thanks for giving me something to go on
  15. Hey, guys, New to Forum AND New to Guzzis' Can anyone tell me what tyres are working on the V11 Sport? bike is '02. thanks in advance. G.
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