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About d1jezek

  • Birthday 05/16/1967

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  • Location
    Houston TX
  • My bike(s)
    2004 V11 LeMans

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  1. d1jezek


  2. uh-oh. i just had the one spare one i had installed last year. i'm currently hunting for the foot peg spring. you don't really think about how important that thing is til your peg flips up and your foot can't find it when you start moving again. i've ordered one for the Breva because the pegs look the same and the V11 spring is discontinued. i already tried an Aprilia one that looked the same but turned out to be a thicker gauge wire and so it wouldn't fit the peg. for months now i've just had a zip-tie keeping the peg from being able to jump up on its own again.
  3. i figured out the length difference when i went back to disassemble the second time.
  4. i've had this a few times. the connectors under the tank and also the switch itself seem to get cruddy and loose and lose contact. for a while you can swing the bars back and forth and suddenly it works but one day that trick stops working. the relay can be an issue as well, but as people have noted, the sign that's your problem is the absence of fuel pump sounds, and you'll probably have starter action, just no start. there's a screw right next to that relay that can bump it out of position.
  5. going back further to the parts list for the 2000 model gave me the diagram where part number 4 is the spacer Lucky Phil is probably trying to hip me to. i guess i need a couple of those, but only on one side. there must have been some other changes to these pipes and one of the ones i got is later than the other.
  6. what i think i have now is one wrong header. the one that should fit on the right doesn't have the correct diameter at the largest point. my current flanges are indeed trapped on the headers. there is no way past the engine end of the header, nor the crossover. so the new flanges are necessary. either i need a different header entirely on the right, or there's some kind of split insert that fits around the end of the new header and inside the flange.
  7. even in the parts list for the year these headers are used doesn't show anything i shouldn't have already. maybe the left and right header are just different in ways that will become clear as i go along. i'm just going to have to take it all apart again and see if that's what happens.
  8. the two new headers are different from each other. one is 7/8 shorter at the engine end and there's nothing to stop the flange. the other has a different end and the flange has something to snug up against like what i saw on the header that's currently on the bike. i took pictures but i can't figure out how to get them into a reply here.
  9. I didn't find my particular question answered here so I started a new topic. I've got the '04 LeMans. Mine is a sport/naked and it has the troublesome crossover. I've had the shims replaced with stainless, I've had cracks rewelded and now I'm just giving up and replacing with earlier header pipes that don't have the crossover. Got them and the crush gaskets from Harper's, who advised me to just reuse the sensors because they're stupid expensive. When they arrived I went to start the job and found that the flanges seem captive on the header. I actually put everything back and ordered some different ones. I have them now. The diameter is greater than the headers to the point they'd rattle. Did I not notice some kind of insert in the flanges that I could have removed, thereby freeing them? I don't see them in the exploded parts diagram but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I don't think I misordered the flanges, and they're billet and fresher looking so I want to use them. I just want to know if i still need some parts or if I just didn't notice the ones that are already there because I wasn't looking for them. Save me from another disassemble/reassemble just to find out.
  10. looks like someone in Germany had one, so I snagged it. So if this works out, I have three bulbs, two reflectors, three chrome rims and a spare screw or two. Plus some kind of rubber protector which is maybe instead of the chrome rim if it isn't in addition to the chrome.
  11. There has to be more distance from the front to where the side bolts are so that the chrome edge is positioned correctly in the fairing. this style would cause the headlight to look recessed behind the fairing. I measured all this stuff out once when I was trying to figure out which part I needed the first time but I guess I threw out whatever scrap of paper I used. Took pictures, too. I guess I can do that again but I'm not taking it back off the bike til I know it's not going to be needed because every removal so far has resulted in the loss of more little bits of plastic. right now I'm looking at eBay in german.
  12. I've had the thing on order with Harper's for months now and I'm apparently in the not-discontinued-but-not-in-stock limbo so I figured it was time to see if other avenues could be explored. Here's the story up to now. I've replaced the headlight before and in that process discovered that the bucket, which is all I needed to replace, is no longer sold by itself and that on top of this, the part number for the whole assembly (01740565) also has been superseded so it refers to something called 'optical group - Breva' 32740511. Everything was fine with all that, but then one day the new headlight gave some odd vibration noises and I discovered that the plastic had cracked up around the right mounting bolt. Too much time had passed to get them to treat it as a warranty issue, but they did try sending me what the US warehouse had as the last available bucket. Didn't work out because there needs to be some kind of captive nut, not included, holding the lower screw that goes through the chrome surround and holds everything together. since there was no part number or information about the captive nut I sent it back and decided i should just suck it up and order the whole assembly again. Time passes. So I'm looking for leads on headlight assemblies. Optimally, just the bucket since i now have two of all the other parts. This is the headlight that goes on the half-faired models and the original part number can be found in the 03 parts list. There were some models with a shallower (and less expensive) bucket, but this is the deeper one and mounts with two bolts through the sides of the fairing. Is it something that also is used on other makes? Aprilia? Ducati? is there an aftermarket replacement that anyone has had success with? MGcycles has something that looks close but I'm not convinced. Maybe one day Guzzi will ship one over to Harper's and the problem will be solved, but in the meantime I'm riding around with a headlight which is held together with box tape.
  13. i can't get the picture in this thread but i'd say my fairing is the closer fitting variant. from the side, you can't see any instuments or the headlight mount. looks about like your second pic. the bolts look good. one of the screws holding the screen onto the fairing was crossed up a little but nothing about it looked badly installed. up until needing to find parts i've always assumed it was just some kind of Sport or Ballabio model. i'm glad the fairing mounts the way it does. that has a cleaner look than the one with extra room between it and the bars.
  14. She's got clip-ons and clear lenses on the signal lights. Really everything on the bike looked fresh when i got her. that plus the fact that I don't see any of the upgrades that were on any of the other models makes me think there's just some error with the VIN and that what i have is a LeMans which has been outfitted with a sport fairing and that could have been a style choice on the part of the original owner. or maybe he busted up the front and these parts were easy to obtain instead of the original fairing. she didn't have many miles on her so maybe whover made the changes just decided that one accident was enough and had someone slap the new bits on and then sold her off. The mirrors are Rizoma, the hand levers are CRG and the cylinder guards were interesting aluminum jobs with cutouts, but i couldn't find those so i'm switching those for the simpler looking kind. if this had been a Nero Corsa i can't figure why someone would change out the red porkchops and cylinder heads, plus change the tank and tail section. there's no way ALL of that was damaged so it seems more likely that none of it was and that most of the bike really is stock except for some minor accessorizing.
  15. yes! I thought she was perfect. that's why my goal is to just return her appaearance to just the way she looks here after I scuffed some parts up. the fairing was the biggest puzzle. that paint scheme seems to be rare and the mounting system isn't what you'll find in the diagrams for the 04 models. But if the original owner just liked the sport fairing better and switched it out, maybe it was easier or cheaper to do with the 02 parts. nothing else on the bike seems unusual for a standard LeMans. the black forks, grey pork chops and cylinder heads and the red/black paint scheme all seem the same as the half faired LeMans, and I don't see any special parts like a Nero corsa would have. On the thread where i originally posted about this, someone gave a breakdown of VINs by the first 6 characters. Mine starts ZGUKTC and the letter C is the one that might mean something about the specific variant of V11.
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