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About capmarveljr.

  • Birthday 09/10/1970

Profile Information

  • My bike(s)
    Guzzi V65C '83, Guzzi Sp1000 '81, Guzzi V7 Racer '10, Guzzi Bellagio '07, Guzzi V11 Scura '02, Guzzi V10 Centauro '97

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  1. capmarveljr.


  2. Thank you, you all. Didn't find anything of my taste, so I'm thinking about making one by myself. Emry, if you could post some images with instructions, it will be very appreciated, thank you very much
  3. Hi. Please excuse me if it's not the right section. As a lot of people, I was wondering about changing the plate holder of my Scura (I think it's too "heavy" for the stye of the bike) but, due to my delay, I've problems on finding something on the market. So I ask you: is there any chance, for me? Honestly, I'm not so willing to change the rear light or the indicators. Maybe, someone is wiling to share his experience, maybe with something homemade Thank you very much for your help
  4. also # S457 is in Italy
  5. Any pic about V11 Tees? I also have seen pics of those Jaap made, but I think they aren't available anymore
  6. time to add mine. Tenebris, my V11 Scura n. S046 is located in Bergamo, Italy (ad it was too before I buyed it: last owner was in my same town) I want to ask in my club, Anima Guzzista: we have 21 Scura registered, all located in Italy, I think. I'll post results
  7. I'm desperately looking for the model in object I lost an online auction on eBay and, when I found it at a french seller, he canceled the sell 'cause he had no more. I already have the other 3 models of same line, Tenni, Le Mans and Sport, but I really would find this one 'cause is the replica of my Tenebris Thanks a lot! I post an image as example:
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