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  • My bike(s)
    2003 V11 Sport Naked (sold), 76 RD400, 76 Convert, 03 GW1800

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  1. dank1945


  2. I would very strongly recommend Charlie Mullendore, he could find him in the "loopframe_Guzzi" group of the Yahoo Groups. I believe he's located in Maryland. He is the utmost authority in Loopframe work and restoration. Very honest and straightforward. His website: www.antietamclassiccycle.com/ Cheers, Daniel Klestorny
  3. I have left and right side brackets (pork chops) for a 2003 V11 Sport naked, may fit others? Paint peeling on right side bracket, left side is like new. $100 for both plus shipping. If you look up the cost from the stealers, you'll realize that this is a bargain. It never hurts to have a spare.
  4. I have a pair of porkchop brackets for a 2003 V11 Sport Naked, left side in very good condition, right side paint is peeling off, but otherwise no damage. $100 plus actual shipping for both.
  5. Hi everyone, I am posting my V11 Sport Naked (2003) for sale, $6,995., 6,200 miles, like new. Located in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Cheers, Dan
  6. Hi pete, Being a newby i have no idea what they are. Could you please explain briefly? Thanks
  7. Hi Monkey, I will follow your advice, thanks very much. Dan
  8. hi Monkey, I'll have to do that, certainly. I picked up this unit in February, with 6K miles from Georgia, USA. It looks like new. But of course, I don't know what maintenance has or not been done to it. It's leaps and bounds ahead of my 76 Convert, that's for sure. It handles like a toy, compared with it. High fibre grease: is it like high fibre food? Just joking, of course. It should give more bulk at the exhaust, right? Where do you find it? Cheers, Dan
  9. Thanks Monkey! That is good advice. Now, what is that about the cush drive? Cheers, Dan
  10. I FOUND IT! It took a long time, but I found someone that says their product meets and exceeds those specs: Cost is $16 per tube, or $11.67 per tube in cases of 30 tubes. (all plus shipping) Here's the contact info: Mark A. Cross Cross Oil Co., Inc. 580-762-4377 office 580-765-1307 fax 580-761-6776 cell crossoilco@yahoo.com On another topic, from what I can see, it will be necessary to remove the driveshaft to grease the u-joints, is that correct?
  11. Hi My 2003 V11 sport naked manual says for the driveshaft ujoints to use: "Saponified grease with class 2 consistency lithium and 265/295 penetration, dropping point 180C, must not contain MOS2 additives" Does anyone know what/where to get such a magic potion? Thanks for any and all help. Dan
  12. dank1945

    Tenni Owners

    Hi, I have a 03 V11 Sport Naked, 6,200 miles (approx) American bike I just picked up this year from Georgia. I'm the second owner, it's pristine, and unmolested. I'm in st. Catharines, Ontario, but I wouldn't part for less than my total cost to bring it up here which is $6,500.
  13. G as in George. Dan
  14. Hi, Thanks to all that pitched in, i appreciated it. Could you shoot me a close up picture of the OEM paddock stand? Where to buy it? Maybe I can make my own...
  15. Hi, new to the forum, and V11's, but not to Guzzi's. I have a 72 Nuovo Falcone, and a 76 Convert. Love them both. Just bought my new to me 2003 V11 Sport naked. I need to remove both wheels simultaneously to have new tires installed. How do you do safely lift the bike? Swing arm stands (do you remove the swing arm cover/mudguard? hydraulic lift on the oil pan? Thanks for any input on the matter. Dan K. in St. Catharines, ON
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