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nobleswood last won the day on December 7 2020

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About nobleswood

  • Birthday 08/23/1962

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  • Location
    Columbus, Ohio
  • My bike(s)
    2004 V11 sport, 2013 1200 8v Griso

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Community Answers

  1. I was having this conversation at ( a rare thing ) my local Guzzi dealer, because I was confused why MG would name a bike after a villain The book, ‘The Betrothed’ is by my reading chair, where to my shame I am halfway through it. It’s an interesting book but a heavy read & my attention driffted. So in the conversation we learned that, later in the book, Griso who has been sent off to do the bad guy’s dirty deeds turns on his master & saves the day. This is a book that I understand is part of the Italian school curriculum, so Griso is known as a hero in the culture. When I finish the book, I’ll add more details
  2. London in the early ‘80’s, many of the dispatch riders had Mk l / ll LeMans & that glorious sound
  3. I am very happy with my Termignoni & Beetle map
  4. A nicely illustrated ride Bill. One day I’ll tag along for the riding as well as the mutton.
  5. Same? Maybe Intoxicating ? Oh yes !
  6. Audiomike, your link explains where I’d picked up the idea there was V7 club racing, I was likely on the Guareschi website. Yes, we are lucky to have Admin & Docc keeping this site alive & going
  7. Thanks all. Considering the popularity of the V7, I’m surprised there isn’t a dedicated website. A place where you can look up past threads & learn more about your machine. I never found FB to be very useful in that way.
  8. I heard somewhere that there was active V7 Club racing in Italy but have never been able to find much about that. So from that I’d assumed there was a V7 enthusiasts page somewhere. I’ll pass that on . Cheers
  9. nobleswood

    V7 website

    A friend & relatively new rider, recently stepped up to a Moto Guzzi V7. They asked me if there was a website I could recommend. This lead me to wondering, I spend time on 2 model specific sites, the V11 Sport & Griso, where members ask questions about the V7. But is there a V7 specific site ?
  10. I’m a bit late to the party here, but has anyone taken Andreani up on the offer ? My bike has the later Marzocchi forks with preload & rebound adjustment on each leg, no compression adjustment that I am aware of.
  11. I will endeavor to take pictures of me with a beer in the company of any Guzzista’s I meet with motorbikes in the background. 👍
  12. Coming up next Saturday in Cincinnati is the custom & modified build bike show held, for free ( threw that in for the suspender snapping Guzzista’s ) at the Rhinegeist Brewery, Cincinnati. It’s a reason for me to get out the house & dream of warm days to come. And maybe drink a beer 😁 & see a friend or two https://garagebrewed.com
  13. Enjoyed that memory; as an 18 year old my Dad hit his mid life crisis & bought the 2.0 four cylinder model that came before the V6. I fell in love with the sound of the engine, the look of the car & the handling
  14. Motorcycles aren’t so very much more dangerous than horses, it’s the other drivers that make the situation worse. Great photograph there !
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