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Rox Lemans

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Everything posted by Rox Lemans

  1. Rox Lemans


    From the album: Rox Lemans

  2. Rox Lemans


    From the album: Rox Lemans

  3. From the album: Rox Lemans

  4. Rox Lemans

    My LeMans

    From the album: Rox Lemans

  5. Rox Lemans

    My Scura #354

    From the album: Rox Lemans

  6. I'm surprised guys would pull that with you . You're pretty reasonable. Btw- still got that fuel sensor? Lol ;-)
  7. I use the Tech Specs. I like them. They can be had cheap on ebay and work well. Worst case is if you don't like them you can always use the paper tracing that they're stuck to and buy a generic grip sheet you like and trace and cut yourself.
  8. Was riding the Ole Scura the other day in the hills I would get some chatter at around 6000rpm in 2nd and 3rd gear ( it's at least the only gears I've had it at 6k). The flywheel and clutch assembly are brandy new. Of the reading I've done folks say numerous things from check the valves to the gear box is about to explode . Any ideas?
  9. Master cylinder was definitely replaced. Twin piston too small.
  10. Just about anyone who does pretty heavy sport riding will agree that the tiny little rotor with that twin piston caliper on a heavier bike like a v11 is just too small. Might be adequate for some but for me personally? Hell no. The day Scud is referring to I could of easily bit it if I kept hustling without a rear brake. I don't want to bust out the chalkboard and try tutoring guys here on proper corner braking but all in all I know it works for me. Btw- Those Galfers are pretty sexy.. ;-)
  11. Viola. Guzzitech has a custom bracket to fit a rear 4 piston caliper onto your v11 Sport. Another plus is the bracket has a better wheel spacer thanot what came from the factory. So far I am loving it but need to get used to it because the rear now has some serious bite.
  12. Pardon my lack of knowledge. What's a Roper Plate?
  13. Scura 354 in SoCal with new loyal owner.
  14. Southern California. It's amazing how different these 2 bikes behave. Both 2002s. Two different animals.
  15. Finally together. Scura#354 is home. :-)
  16. You can get a standard LeMans flywheel and have it lightened. That's what mine has.. You're lucky it didn't explode . The history on the aluminum flywheel is interesting . It was never intended to last. It was a straight racing clutch and flywheel designed to last about 20,000 miles( a tad over 32,000km). I bought mine with a lightened steel flywheel which weighs as much as the aluminum ( don't ask me how they did it but they did). I know they had some issues with the clutch(was switched to a standard sport clutch) later in the fix but now was done right with the proper Scura clutch .
  17. Anyone know anything about this Guzzi?
  18. Best I can do on my v11 is about 400-500 miles a day. After that between the wind, vibration and my beat up body it's just not fun any longer and have to stop. With these bikes reliability isn't the issue. It's the rider.
  19. Hiccups at 3k rpms with the V11 is notorious. It's normally either there throttle bodies fell out of synch or the valves need a tweak adjust. Before I had a synch and adjustment ( along with a good map) my bike would cough at 3 grand all day to the point I hated riding it in traffic or around town. I'm told a slight random cough can be normal but after mine was tuned it's pretty much cured.
  20. If you wanna be less flickable we can trade suspension. Your Ohlins for my Marzocchi and Sachs set up. What do ya say..;-)
  21. Great to hear! Gordon from MG Cycles is good people. The Mistral seems to be better constructed when you compare them. A new crossover changes the bike a bit. Almost no restriction.
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