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Mr. Bean

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Everything posted by Mr. Bean

  1. Ya know, ya got to have bullets in them things for them to work, right?
  2. Not sure, but I believe my Ballabio has the same non-Ohlins suspension as your LeMans. I can never remember which is preload, but the large, wrench-adjusted, setting does have a full 15 turns of adjustment. The little brass screw adjuster in the center only has about 5 or so turns lock to lock. Hope this helps, Randy
  3. You won't need the gas analyzer for the tb balancing. You will need a TwinMax or mercury sticks though. The software is necessary to adjust the mixture. I bought a copy from Techno Research that I use on a laptop out in the garage. To do the mixture properly though you will still need a gas analyzer. I use the software mostly for adjusting the TPS. Randy
  4. I understand they all do this to some degree. I notice on my Ballabio that when I'm just putting commuter miles on it...only 12 miles each way, not enough to really get the engine truly hot...the right side one will weep enough fuel to drip down onto the transmission casing. If I get it out onto a real ride then it won't do it. I also clean it from the outside every now and again with metal parts cleaner just to keep the works from getting all gummed up. Never caused any problems...more of that character thing I guess.
  5. Cool...I'll have to check the next time I lift the tank...If i can remove that, I'm all for it....one less thing to get in the way. I gotta admit that I have never had the fuel leak from the Guzzi, only the MZ which had a different cap. I agree that there is no difference in the tuning of the bike with or without the cannister in place. Obviously the engine will idle faster if the ports on the throttle bodies are not capped or plugged but otherwise no difference....
  6. Are you sure? On my bike this was the same hose with the infamous tipover valve on it. I was led to believe it is tied into the internal vent plumbing of the tank. If you are unlucky enough to have a tipover, gas will leak out of the under tank fitting onto your engine. I'm only guessing here based on my experience with my MZ. It had a tipover with the cannister in place and it flooded the cannister with raw fuel. Finally had to remove the cannister to alleviate starting problems from over-rich mixture. I ran that line as I did on this Ballabio. If I over filled the tank and left it in the sun it would drip fuel from the vent down the tube and onto the ground. Randy
  7. Others may have done it differently but.... I removed the whole setup that ran to the throttle bodies and then simply connected the two throttle body connectors together with a length of vacuum hose. The one that runs up under the tank I left basically in place in case I overfill the tank or something it will drain onto the ground below the bike. I just lashed the hose into place behind the crossover. R
  8. Looks and sounds like it was great ride...bummed I missed it. I haven't made it up to Mt Baker even once this year. R
  9. Shoot! Would love to go but no time today unfortunately...sigh. Have a good ride Greg...Take your camera .
  10. Never heard of him....of course I listen to country...
  11. Sorry I can't tell you if you busted something in the clutch slave...I do know however that you can get the SB to fit ok by grinding down the pointed end to match that of the original bleeder. I noticed when I got my speed bleeders that it was longer than the original and was pointed as you described. I took a Dremel to it and duplicated the flat face of the original and now it fits and works just fine. Randy
  12. I use the Formotion stick on. Put it on the little plastic bit below the idiot lights and between the two gauges. I have the black one that suites the ITI gauges pretty well. They also have silver that would probably look better with the Veglias. Only downside is that I do a lot of riding in the dark and the clock does not light up or glow in the dark. There are others with white faces that do though. http://www.formotionproducts.com/stickon.htm
  13. Looking real good Greg!
  14. I, for one, will be looking forward to hearing how you like these. Please do post pics as well when you get them installed! Randy
  15. Greg, I'll PM you. Randy
  16. Chime in I will... My opinion of the Laminar Lip is mixed at best. First off it is butt ugly...nothing to be done about that though. It's effectiveness seems to be dependent on the aerodynamics of your helmet. I used to ride with an Arai Renegade helmet and found the Lip to be effective in removing the buffeting. I recently retired that helmet and got an Arai Astral-X. The buffeting is back the way it was before! I have removed the Lip and replaced it a couple times with the new helmet and I guess it is just slightly better with than without but I probably wouldn't spend the money again. Part of the problem is that in order to make it effective in the first place I had to remove the black edging from the stock windshield...it didn't come off to cleanly so now without the Lip in place it looks crappy. sigh...
  17. Wow! I think I'll stop complaining now! Hopefully I won't be matching that trend Bill. I think it's worth sticking to the Powers then...they really are amazing tires when they have air in them.
  18. So I have been riding for about ten years now and in all that time have never had a flat tire....EVER. Around January I replaced the original Metzlers on the Ballabio with the Michelin Pilot Powers....love the tires! By far the best grip of any tire I have had rain or shine. I manage about 2000 miles on them before what looks like a small piece of formica puts a cut in the rear and I have to have it replaced. Now just a couple months later and 2000 miles later, another flat...this time courtesy of a simple, but large nail. These tires are noticeably softer than others I have had even to the point that I have regularly pulled out sharp pebbles from the tread that have luckily not gone all the way through. Should I just expect that this is the price paid for stickier rubber? Has anyone else had similar experiences with these tires or other sticky tires compared to their dual compound kin like the Pilot Roads? Now where did I put my karma bell....
  19. Did you slide the cold start fast idle cam off the assembly? The TPS is SUPER sensitive and leaving that on my be enough to bump it up to 180mv. You just have to remove the c-clip...be carefull when doing this as it has a tendancy to jump and try to hide in the corner of the garage . I use a tip I learned somehwere on this site to put a piece of tape beihind it to catch it. Then the cam will just slide down off the pin. Randy
  20. Check out Greg's bike: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8240 Maybe he can chime in here but I think Teo Lamers makes it?
  21. Good job Greg! Both on the bike and on FINALLY getting some pictures posted on this site! BTW, are you interested in assembling some kits of the required parts to do that windscreen relocation? It would be great to be able to walk in and get all the parts ready to go now that you know how to do it! I'm sure there would be quite a few others interested in doing this also. Randy
  22. I have the Techno Research software to work with the stock ECU. http://www.technoresearch.com/Products/VDS...S-Motorbike.htm I have the VDSTS Standard version. Randy
  23. Hmm...maybe there really is something to all those checklists they drill into our heads in flight training! Maybe it's time to come up with some for the Guzzi's
  24. Mr. Bean

    New Tires

    I have the powers on my bike as well. I agree they are incredible...especially on our wet roads around here. I am running 34 front and 37 rear. I found some tire pressures at one point on the German (I think) version of the Michelin web site. For some reason they don't show the pressures for our bikes on the American web site. Randy
  25. Parvo, I believe both types of mirrors are "correct." Maybe Guzzi just uses whatever is in the box they happen to open first on the assembly line... I have seen both types sitting side by side on the sales floor. Mine has the flat ones as well. Always kinda wondered if the other ones were less buzzy or not?
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