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footgoose last won the day on July 29 2023

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  • My bike(s)
    '02 V11LM Tenni #121

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Community Answers

  1. John Prine has a great writing style imo. A- not so snarky -protester. A similar, somewhat under the radar, lyricist is John Hartford Both artists have a boatload of tunes that are covered by others.
  2. a technique I'm not altogether opposed to, considering how our "tipped" employees are treated at income tax time. Just realize they are only asking...It's a convenience for some, annoyance for others (me).. if you think it's not appropriate, don't pay it. There is always a way around it. Stand your ground.
  3. Amazon seems to have it. free ship if you're a Prime member https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B097YXY9GC/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1
  4. can't tell if yours are the 'lane splitters' that I use on another bike. they have a quick pivot feature to easily bend out of the way when struck..
  5. Exactly. The Tenni was the first V11 I'd ever seen. I didn't even have to ride it. That said, any temptation regarding a motorcycle should be acted on.
  6. Leave it to Dr Peterson to so eloquently beard the lion. I've just moved to my new and presumably last home, after 26 years. No family so just a single guy's work and hobby junk. An amazing amount of crap. It forces one assign value to each item. I had to face the reality of the advice I had given a close friend not so long ago. He was bemoaning the amount of 'stuff' he had accumulated and didn't know where to begin. I told him that when he's gone, someone will walk through your things, look around, and throw most of it out. Little did I know at the time that he would pass within the year. Close family kept a small keepsake, auctioned or donated the rest. My girlfriend now gets to sort through her pile of belongings so her house can be sold. Country life awaits us. I have to buy a tractor. ... and a few other things
  7. "Yeo, standin' at the crossroad, tried to flag a ride Ooo, eee, I tried to flag a ride Didn't nobody seem to know me, babe, everybody pass me by" - Robert Johnson
  8. No. But they open doors to ours.
  9. I know some humans that function similarly.
  10. "looks like the beginning of a beautiful relationship"
  11. I had some parts shipped from Canada a while back. It took a long time and with no way to track, it looked ominous for awhile. The parts just showed up one day thankfully. Have you posted a list of wanted parts here yet?
  12. I can't help with the problem but, a photo of the Three Tenni's together would be fun. I've wondered how similar the greens are.
  13. they call it "grandfathered" for a reason docc
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