Leave it to Dr Peterson to so eloquently beard the lion. I've just moved to my new and presumably last home, after 26 years. No family so just a single guy's work and hobby junk. An amazing amount of crap. It forces one assign value to each item. I had to face the reality of the advice I had given a close friend not so long ago. He was bemoaning the amount of 'stuff' he had accumulated and didn't know where to begin. I told him that when he's gone, someone will walk through your things, look around, and throw most of it out. Little did I know at the time that he would pass within the year. Close family kept a small keepsake, auctioned or donated the rest.
My girlfriend now gets to sort through her pile of belongings so her house can be sold. Country life awaits us. I have to buy a tractor. ... and a few other things