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Everything posted by footgoose

  1. ebay has a few listings for what seems to be a parted out Tenni http://www.ebay.com/itm/361197598075?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AITthe upper clamp is listed. it looks to me to be 129, but could be an 8, or 3, or 0. there are a few other parts listed fwiw. sad but inevitable loss.
  2. The Tenni is pretty much the same as all '02 LeMans, with a few parts switched out. (alm flywheel/single plate clutch, tiNitride coated forks, cf wrapped mufflers, extra seat) The ltd ed, and colors set it apart and are the reason for increased desirability, imo. In the US, I'd say a std LM in reasonably good cond is valued at 4 to 6k, depending on motivations. Add 20 - 25% for an equal Tenni. For the high end, I'd want the suede seat and certificate. 'Someday' all spine frame LM's will be more desirable, and Tenni Ed will no doubt increase a bit faster. I wouldn't look for increased values anytime soon..... hope I'm wrong:)
  3. hi Zooter, welcome. post a pic when you can. To each his own re: flywheel worries. Personally, I am not. I don't doubt that it has happened, nor do I argue the strength of alm vs. steel, but more curious as to actual numbers and circumstances of the incidents. At this point, I will look into replacing mine if I ever open her up for another reason.
  4. Tony, I once had the good fortune to come down your way in a car out of Nottingham. We made it to Plymouth, then up to Tintagel and back north. God.. the Ales, the cheese, the pasty's, the shellfish, strawberries & cream, the roads. You're in Heaven on a Goose.
  5. thanks Van! looking forward to it. Here's 121, back with me in Indiana. Bought her new, sold her, bought her back. I'm happy, she's happy.
  6. welcome Tony, the registry is in limbo at the moment. just post a note with Tenni number and a general location. maybe how you came about getting the bike, photo, interesting tid bits.... someone may update the registry at some point.?.? congratulations on the Tenni!
  7. that system sounds great. can't wait to see it up. thanks for the effort. It will be interesting to see a break down of the variants, which were limited ed, which were numbered, what special crap came with them. good luck-gods speed chamberlin
  8. congrats on #129 !! yes, please update the registry. folks will think green is out of favor ....If not a fixture @V11LM.com, then where? Maybe while we wait on the "garage thing" to materialize, we could continue with what we have? Especially if we're keeping the thread anyway. Are we having trouble finding someone willing to do the work? I would volunteer, but have no idea how to proceed. cheers
  9. "Xena" .... love it
  10. fwiw, I switched to syn in my '00 BMW K1200rs at 12kmi. Granted, the "flying brick" flat 4cyl has all 4 leaning left when put on the side stand. After a hot ride and an overnight on the side stand, I got a LOT of smoke that diminished over 15-20 mi. I hadn't noticed this before switching. My dealer tech told me, in convincing sciencebabble, that syn was not necessarily the best option for a motor designed for dino oil. He felt the syn got past rings and seals somewhat easier than mineral. He admitted it was his learned hunch, but often times his related service problems were improved/corrected by switching back. I switched back and my "side stand smoking" was reduced to "slight". Don't want to start a syn vs dino debate as I'm no pro on the subject, and since I'm no pro, that experience was enough for me to stick to the recommended lubes.
  11. #121 engine ***506. congrats on the Tenni
  12. left side front tire wear... http://www.rattlebars.com/tirewear/index.html
  13. Sean, it seems that if the bolt hole is now half the depth it was (if I read you right) and the threads don't want to re-engage, and nothing has moved, then possibly you've got the bolt mixed up with another that was laying around, or it's the wrong hole. sorry, sounds ridiculous, but in my haste sometimes, that the kind of stuff happens to me
  14. somebody on here was looking for a lo mile Tenni recently. #140 came up on Lakeland FL CL 3 days ago http://lakeland.craigslist.org/mcy/4381426995.html
  15. great trip, welcome post. thanks for the inspiration.
  16. I wouldn't have gone any further either.... without a google map sat view close up anyway Interesting the Appalachian Trail crosses there at the border as well. Bears probably cruise the trail for food.
  17. this road looks great! looks like the pave ends at the NC line, with a do-able gravel road continuing. also looks like a few miles further, at Waterville Rd (paved) a left turn will get you back to I40 and beyond. ever go out that way mz? thanks for the heads up on 32. ...always lookin'
  18. Spine Raider : if I read the emoticons correctly, I either am, or once was, or could be, a SR. If so, my wishes would be very close to the account of 2013. I haven't seen the Cherrycola in too long.
  19. I like it. I have 1 complaint and I will keep it to myself. I do wish I had that front CF fender tho. Also a fan of the side mount rad
  20. was that even a whole second? nice to see it tho, & thanks.
  21. V11LM.com @ the pocket.... beer tag on the back. (love 'em both) -OR the other way round. Whatever you end up doing, do it on a high quality shirt. I'm getting low on t's, so ...in time- for springtime?
  22. -that would be MG Cycle p/n 93222023 for the silent blocks. I didn't realize links could not be posted ----------------------------------- done deal.... thanks for the help docc
  23. oops, forgot. 2 of the dash rubber mounts (silent block) came apart on me as well. Those are what the 3 larger allen bolts holding the dash panel to the bike screw into. replacing those also, from MG ...they look like better than oem aftermarket parts and they are cheaper
  24. RE spinning bolts - the plastic bulb housing (body) is the culprit. I had to take the gauges off and pull it all apart. It looks like the anchors are molded into the housing and it just fell apart around them. I've just ordered a new one from Harpers for $5.80 p/n (02 76 63 00) Seems too good a price to be true, so double check p/n with fiche. I'm taking the occasion to refurb the dash - rubbers, speedo cable boot, etc. I also noticed where water has puddled in the back of the housing. Maybe I will drill a small hole at the bottom of each side. ?
  25. congrats on #147 Sharp eye catching the different tank top pad/plate. I hadn't noticed. I assumed the painted version started with the Tenni's. Guess it was parts bin luck. Doubt it was an option. Maybe something to sort out when most are registered.
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