After the demise of my Tenni I purchased an 8V GRiSO, I am very happy with it. The things I miss however, are the lower, shorter bars and the fairing. I also hope to get the suspension sorted to match the ride of the Tenni. My GRiSO came with a Termi pipe installed (which I like). I find the stock exhaust a little over stylized, though I will keep it boxed for the next owner. I didn't move forward expecting an upgrade but a newer model may help keep me ahead of wear items and repairs. I will say all indications are that you should buy a post '12 or "rollerized" low mileage unit. Read threads on GRiSO Ghetto to get a handle on this issue. You mention riding position as a reason for making a move. The change to the stock bike is not that dramatic, many GRiSO owners opt for higher bars and lower pegs. I suggest you test one at a dealer to see if you like it.