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  • My bike(s)
    V11 LeMans 2004,850-T. Ducati 900 GTS ,CB 500 Four , 250 Fazer

andrei's Achievements


Rookie (1/5)



  1. andrei


  2. Zackly .
  3. Checked the plugs in June they were fine . Got spark , got fuel . And on it goes .
  4. Both plugs were black .
  5. Plugs were dry-fouled black as coal . Changed them . Same thing .
  6. That's next .
  7. Not new , had it for the last 6000 miles . it was running fine , went on a 1500 mile trip a while back , didn't miss a beat . Going to Walmart to pick up some plugs shortly . Noticed that when I work the left injector manually , it revs better than the hand-throttle ? Sounds like Throttle bodies , TPS maybe ?
  8. At first I thought water in the tank , drained it , changed the air filter . No go .
  9. left one , looking forward .
  10. 2004 LeMans . Starts no problem ( cold ) idles quite well , won't rev much above 3 k , starts surging , running on one cylinder , stalls as she warms up , stalls , Any ideas ?
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