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Everything posted by MikexG

  1. MikexG


  2. So here is an update. Heads are done - needed 4 new valves and guides. Stock pistons are nowhere to be found. So I am sending my cylinders to Mike Rich to have honed to go with a new set of pistons. It all comes together next week.
  3. Pete - I bought this thing with Bubs pipes and a power comander. I don't think it ever ran right that way. I put stick pipes back on and took out the power commander. Ran better - but compression was off. I am at a loss here. I have a feeling it was apart at some time and not put together right. The nicks on the piston make me suspect an improperly installed oil ring. It broke as I took it off - I think it was already cracked. So here are my dilemmas - first - they no longer make the stock pistons . So I may need to go with Mike Rich's. But once I decide on pistons - I want to out this thing together ONCE and ride it. Here are my options I think: Option 1: Harpers can have the cylinders I bought replated. - around $400. That and new pistons/rings seems like safe bet - but more money . Option 2: Hone the cylinders with a Boron ball hone with new pistons/rings. Option 3: new pistons and rings in the cylinders without honing. Remember the set I bought looks clean and hone marks look good. I appreciate the insight MG
  4. Tom - that is good advice. I have done some digging and there is no consistent answer on nikasil. Some say hone and some say leave it alone. I have a set if cylinders I bought off eBay and they look great with good cross-hatch visible. Not sure it's enought for new rings to seal. Sending them to Mike may be the best thing.
  5. Gstallons - it's a slippery slope....
  6. GuzzMoto - t I spoke to Mike Rich. I am leaning towards using his pistons - but I am concerned about higher compression. Have you heard good things about these pistons? Btw - I am sending the heads out - might have Mike do them. Jwh20 - the bent rod check is a good idea. I looked and it's fine - I think. But I did see that's the connecting rod pin bushing shows wear - is this normal? Both sides look the same.. Thanks for all the avoid advice, you guys are great. MG
  7. I know I could have down a leak down test - but I figured if I am taking off heads - I will look a rings anyway. Remember the compression jumped way up with a bit of oil in there. I am including another picture. It looks like the oil ring was broken. I tried taking it off and it broke as I pulled it off. Let's see.
  8. Ok. Here is a picture of the other side that has decent compression.
  9. Kiwi Roy - the throttle was wide open. Also did lots of other stuff like adjust valves, check injectors, plugs, etc. the one thing I didn't mention is that the exhaust temperature was half the temperature of the other side using an infrared thermometer. By the way - I am bringing that thermometer with me any time any time I buy a bike or car.
  10. Hi I have been struggling with low compression (80 v. 120 on other side) in my left cylinder since I bought this 2001 V11 Sport a few weeks ago. I figured it was rings because compression jumped when I squirted a bit of oil in the cylinder. After trying marvel mystery oil and other things to free what I thought was a stuck ring, I finally pulled her apart. I am trying to figure out what I have. Btw - pulling other side off this weekend. The piston skirts seem abnormally scuffed. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Mike
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