I bought the Ace hardware swivel head like JBBenson, took it apart, screwed it onto a 12 inch flexible line, put it on my grease gun.
Then lift the bike so the back wheel is off the ground to make the most angle on the shaft you can. Then position the zirk so it is on top. Fish the tip up in there with your left hand and use your right first 2 fingers to guide it on and wiggle a lot until it works its way on. Have some grease just coming out of the tip and wiggle in a small rotational and it will finally pop on. After about 3 pumps or you can see if coming out lots of gentle wiggling to get it off.
I spent hours trying until I bought the set up and then literally had it on there in less than a minute. Let me know if you need pics. I also understand that each one is a little different from manufacture.