i’m thinking of the various times my v11 conked out and left me stranded:
Toasted the battery once, toasted the rear brake, reg/rec failed, a rose joint snapped on the torque arm, gearbox spring snapped, tps went so out of whack i gave up, relay failed, rubber inlet boot developed an issue X 6 (damn those things), kill switch killed itself, alternator solder joint broke so drained battery, lost my lights once- in the dark and when it had started to snow, click no start was a fun one for a time, me left boot has been nicely coated in oil a couple of times too.. err.. that might be it..?
But yeah, I carry a 10mm + 13mm spanner, 4, 5 and 6mm allen key, 4 spare relays, set of fuses, few bulbs. Most of which weren’t a deal of help. So I had to get me van. 😠
But Thank All that is Heavenly for v11lemans.com