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stewgnu last won the day on October 2 2023

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About stewgnu

  • Birthday 12/12/1977

Profile Information

  • Location
    Sheffield, UK
  • My bike(s)
    2002 V11, 1999 W650, 1991 NC30, 1981 Monza

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Community Answers

  1. How are her shades not falling off?
  2. cripes, wish mine was that clean- looks fresh off the showroom floor that
  3. and i love my v11
  4. i’m thinking of the various times my v11 conked out and left me stranded: Toasted the battery once, toasted the rear brake, reg/rec failed, a rose joint snapped on the torque arm, gearbox spring snapped, tps went so out of whack i gave up, relay failed, rubber inlet boot developed an issue X 6 (damn those things), kill switch killed itself, alternator solder joint broke so drained battery, lost my lights once- in the dark and when it had started to snow, click no start was a fun one for a time, me left boot has been nicely coated in oil a couple of times too.. err.. that might be it..? But yeah, I carry a 10mm + 13mm spanner, 4, 5 and 6mm allen key, 4 spare relays, set of fuses, few bulbs. Most of which weren’t a deal of help. So I had to get me van. 😠 But Thank All that is Heavenly for v11lemans.com
  5. stewgnu

    Happy xmas all

    Wishing All the best for you Lovely People 🙂
  6. guzziz make their own music
  7. No i’ve never seen the show, was responding to the clip in isolation. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not a completely heartless wanker. Deadwood! Damn i loved that one! Shame it just stopped wasn’t it? Fargo was ace too, at least the first 2 seasons particularly.
  8. yep, and you could take the piss out of jag owners back in the day- heyy nice jag, oo it has ford switches etc etc haha
  9. Heh! dark, but funny, but also dark… but still funny
  10. This thread reminds me of a job i did maybe fifteen years ago. Now, i love a Good coffee, have one every morning using a wee Dualit machine with Lavazza espresso beans. Yum. I was on a job plastering this chaps chimney breast and I’m working away, spread spread spread, he’s got a few chums round having a natter, then this smell of coffee wafts through to the room i’m workin in… dear gawd it smells divine, like really really good coffee. So i’m working away there, spread spread spread, and after a while he pops his head in and gives it: “That’s looking really good there Stewart, would you like a brew at all?” “That’d be super, thank you, I’d love a coffee cheers” I says, smackin me lips in anticipation (I can still smell the Good Stuff on the ether). 5 mins later he comes in and hands me a mug of nescafe. Git.
  11. could the solder be failing at the alternator wires? Happened to me recently and left me stranded. Then one of the little tab/posts snapped off of course when i looked at it. Always get more jobs than expected when i fix my guzzi- it’s great value
  12. i strapped one half to the wall and the other to my van tow hitch and rolled the van backwards… that worked. Although mine was already bent due to a rod end snapping on the torque arm and jacking the whole shebang, so it was a last ditch effort haha
  13. well it may or may not be pertinent to your troubles, but i had dreadful fuel consumption once that i eventually realised was due to a nasty crack in the exhaust near the lambda sensor (crossover area). So maybe check that whilst you’re scanning about?
  14. yes it looks like it feeds into 85 on the start relay
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