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Everything posted by stewgnu

  1. Hey up buellish, in your photo you can see the thermistor mount rod has snapped off. Below where it's sheared off are the 2 screw holes that fix it to the assembly (and provide an earth point i think?) So either the other side of the unit, in the photo, will still have the lower part of the rod attached, or it's scratchin about inside your tank? Wondering how it broke... Stew
  2. Cheers guys, i just need to hook up a small barnacle bulb, will have another look..
  3. Hey up All, I'm stumped. I've not had any low-fuel indication since replacing my broken ITI clocks with a koso unit. So, I replaced the thermistor assembly (2004 ballabio). I noted the 2 sender wires were yellow/white and black from the tank end. So i hooked up the Yell/Whi wire at the front to a bulb unit, and earthed it, but i'm still not getting anything. I had assumed it was fairly straightforward... Can anyone illuminate here? KRoy?? I still don't know if the old thermistor was faulty or not... Using the trip meter + manual, visual peeks into the tank for fill-ups at the mo. Stew
  4. Drained and cleaned forks, greased stanchions and replaced the forkin oil- she feels .... Better! Replaced the fuel level sender .... Still no low fuel light. Hmmmm.... Time to head over to tech topics.
  5. Real shame she wasn't honest enough to stop and admit the mistake.
  6. Heh! https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=beetlejuice+scary+face&newwindow=1&client=safari&channel=ipad_bm&biw=1366&bih=928&prmd=insv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjR-I3V_YPNAhXEAcAKHR83B98Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=HecFSn7DjNPrvM%3A
  7. Eek! Bit early for such scariness... Looks like feet-forward controls- John Waynes' motorsickle?
  8. Those apex ones look really nice. Has anyone fitted these tommasellis? http://www.discovolantemoto.co.uk/tommaselli-multi-adjustable-clipons-459-p.asp Or there's the tarozzi set with risers? http://www.discovolantemoto.co.uk/tarozzi-adjustable-clipons-semi-high-454-p.asp Stew
  9. Hi Antonio, is this noise exhibiting when you're moving off from standstill? Stew
  10. Heh! Mazel tov!!
  11. Yes, mine. 04 ballallabillio. Billalbo... Ballallubo... Tsk
  12. Anyone else look straight up her arse and think "hmmm... That's off some.." ?
  13. Also tried to 'shim' the rear plastics up to make the cowl look like it's designed to fit. Didn't work.
  14. I had a twiddle with my steering damper...
  15. I've had zero problems with my gs/yuasa battery.
  16. Hey up lucydad, this forum's fantabulous. And rightly so! V11's are lovely bikes... Do you own any spanners?
  17. 0r an hour or so's careful, patient work with a fresh hacksaw? Which could be less brutal than firing heat everywhere and smashing your bike about with a lump o iron? That's been my final resort on various metallic probs anyway. A good, sharp, small cold chisel to compliment the hacksaw and finish the job is often useful too. Best of luck with it. Stew
  18. Heh! Mine fell off last year- been riding without it since. Damn potholes.... impossible to set suspension to accommodate these roads
  19. Was it due to using the heavy red line oil?
  20. Hi, did you manage to sort your gear box leak then? And Happy Birthday man!
  21. Wow, nice one roy! A mini, laminated printout tucked under the seat could be invaluable
  22. You could stash a couple of chinese folding fans up your sleeves? Whip em out at the lights and give the heads a flutter.
  23. And if so- moly?
  24. Wouldn't it be the inserts that needed a squirt?
  25. Cleaned her arse-end somewhat. Bought an earthing strap for the regulator. Brought the instruments back on line after hitting a bad pothole shook summit loose. Ignored the slow weep from the upper sump..
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