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pete roper

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pete roper last won the day on February 25

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    GRiSO x 2, Aprilia Mana x 3!

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  1. It helps if we know left or right?
  2. On the bottom end there is always the risk of oil pick-up exposure on the ‘Broad Sump’ engines but it really simply depends on whether you’re willing to risk there being damage. If you grab the rods from underneath and try and move them on the journal, as long as they don’t noticeably move or make squelchy noises they are probably OK. If you want to make sure simply drop the rod caps off, push the pistons and rods up the bore enough to see the top shell and make sure. Now ‘Best Practice’ is to never re-use rod bolts unless they are ones designed to be torqued to stretch. The reality though is that many, many Guzzi owners regularly and repeatedly re-use rod bolts with no issues so if it were my engine? That’s what I would do. It’s not a race engine. It doesn’t need to be treated like one. If the shells show signs of wear? Flick a new set into it. You can give the crankpin a ‘Poor man’s linnish’ with some wet and dry as well if you think it needs it. If it is scored or pitted though it’ll need regrinding and the rods closing and grinding.
  3. Sorry, I haven’t been following this topic. I’ll have a scan through.
  4. No worries. You’re welcome.
  5. OK, so here are pics of my vast tool! Well, actually three tools. I’ll endeavour to get the pics up and then if anyone needs further explanation I can add some. The largest one is for the clutch boss nut, the intermediate one is I think the driven shaft nut and the two smaller, three gear shafts use the smallest one. The dimensions are nut OD and tooth size for the peg slots. Many thanks to Rolf for making them for me and sending me a set. They’ve served me very well over the last probably quarter of a century!
  6. On that, who should I meet outside the Bungendore pie shop on Monday but Bart! After raving about the Beetlemap Michael had just installed in his Greenie he went on the rant about having found the company that now owns the jigs for the S’toons. I think he said they were in Tassie? Anyway he’s sending his, (Terribly lightly damaged, like tiny surface dings, but this is Bart!) pipes off and they’re going to re-tube them for him. I think the sum of $800 for the pair was mentioned but I’m not certain. I’ll see if I can get more details…….
  7. Yup. None for the ‘Old’ six speed shaft nuts though. Sorry, Michael’s workshop is still a horror show from the crane installation. I wasn’t able to get near the ‘Special Tools’ box today. Hopefully I’ll be able to in the next few days and I’ll get dimensions and take some pics.
  8. Unless similar nuts are used in some of the later bikes, (And apart from the pinion nut in the CARC bevelbox I can’t think of any.) I would be very surprised if the factory still has them available. Certainly the CARC six speed boxes don’t use them and I’d be surprised if any of the smallblock, three shaft, six speeds do either. The V100 I know next to nothing about but from reading the manual I can’t remember seeing or having reference to any similar fasteners.
  9. I can probably measure mine in the next few days. They’re at Michael’s workshop though and his new crane is being installed at the moment so the place is a shitfight but I’ll see if I can dig ‘em out and measure them. Having a socket is infinitely better than buggering about with alternatives, believe me.
  10. Nice to hear from you again Dave. Nah. The two machines have little in common but, at least for me, they compliment each other perfectly. My sig is actually accurate but both Grisos are goers, although the red one is up for sale, but only my white Mana is currently working. The black GT has a blown motor and my red 2008 is ‘Hors de Combat’ at the moment with a buggered starter motor and/or solenoid that I haven’t got around to fixing. Did you ever get your Griso back on the road after ‘The Hammer’ buggered it up?
  11. You’ll get no argument from me……
  12. Bart! Look at the date of the ad! It’s seventeen years ago! And what are you doing chucking it on its side you dork!? Words will be spoken next time we meet!
  13. https://www.skf.com/au/products/rolling-bearings/accessories/lock-nuts/keyway
  14. I think they are MK or MB nuts or washers. I’ve got a link somewhere, I’ll see if I can post it up? Bear with me, I’m in NZ on holiday at the moment.
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