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pete roper

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Posts posted by pete roper

  1. I only designed the one plate for 'Broad Sump' engines and it fits all models. If the plagiarists who stole the design have changed it slightly it would be unnecessary. I believe, from memory, that the later plates have a slightly longer dipstick slot to prevent the stick fouling on the plate but apart from that my design never changed when I was manufacturing them.

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  2. 40 minutes ago, po18guy said:

    If you are:

    1.  MUCH Older,

    2. UNHEALTHILY Skinny,

    3. Have long stringy gray hair WITH THINGS LIVING IN IT 

    4. A matching wispy NECK-beard,


    6. Wear waxed cotton/ancient full leathers, THAT SMELL RICHLY OF WEE.

    7. A pudding bowl helmet and goggles, THAT AT RALLIES DOUBLES AS BOTH POTTY AND FOOD BOWL.

    ...it might be just the bike for you.

    Fixed it for you.

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  3. Behold! In sooth it is the turdy-most! An originally flatulent and boring motorcycle with the handling characteristics of an occasional table with castors, one of which is missing, the appearance of a 1940's Belgian croissant delivery cart that makes a noise like a parson farting in the bath.

    To compound it's horridness large parts of it are missing and acquiring them will mean you will have to spend time interacting with other owners of noxious, antiquated BMW's. Now if old Guzzi owners are notorious for their corn cob pipes and resistance to anything that even hints at modernity BMW owners are infinitely worse! Never mind the corn cob pipes, the BMW crowd all speak in high squeaky voices, have stained cardigans that stop, (Usually because the knitting is unraveling!) above their navels revealing their undergarments that are always covered in unmentionable stains! Their beige trousers have a crotch about at knee level and the bottoms of the legs are always frayed as they are far too long and as a result have been trodden on by their leatherette brothel-creepers. Often the trouser cuffs will have dogshit on them as well because these people are usually accompanied by small, yapping, dogs that crap everywhere. Crowning the whole lot will be a tartan Tam-o-shanter that looks like it's been farted on by a horse.

    When you talk to these people it's always important to wear at least a mask but preferably an airtight helmet of some sort as they are incapable of normal speech and their shrill utterances are always accompanied by torrents of spittle and half digested food.

    If you do, mistakenly, go ahead with such a purchase it must be remembered that within 18 months you too will resemble the type of person portrayed above! I'm sorry, but it is inevitable and cannot be avoided.

    Remember. Just say 'No' to BMW's. It's for your own good.

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  4. An even better idea would be to do as was done on the CARC bikes and replace the impossible to get at bleed nipple on the slave cylinder with a hose to a remote bleed nipple up under the seat somewhere. It's a brilliant system. I can't for the life of me see how they overlooked it on the V11's.

  5. With us Bill there is no point in worrying. Bungendore is a sort of Las Vegas for Tiger Snakes and Browns are common. It's just something you live with, like bears in your neck of the woods but at least with snakes if they do kill you it won't be with any sort of malice!

    As for Erika? She's a scientist. Deeply committed and fully aware of the dangers. She's not like those idiots you see on YouTube trying to pat lions or stroke a bison! I worry more about her being attacked by some toothless meth-head in Queanbeyan than I do about her fondling of venomous animals.

    Mind you I'd hate to be the meth-head who tried it on with her! She's a not insubstantial young woman used to hard physical labour and while she's not a fighter I feel that a right uppercut followed by a left hook would probably render most aggressors senseless on the ground with birds tweeting around their head like a cartoon villain!😆

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  6. Well you won't have to worry about mice!😆

    We get Tigers, Red-Bellied Blacks and Eastern Brown snakes in our yard Bill and the Garage is full of Redback spiders too which are pretty nasty. Any of the three common snakes will kill you, the Eastern Brown is in the top five most venomous in the world! They're generally OK though. If we leave them alone they leave us alone.

    Its my daughter that worries me. She works for the Dept of environment and conservation and one of her projects is studying Whip Snake numbers. Problem is the little whip snakes, (Which are venomous but have tiny, ineffectual little fangs.) live under the same rocks and logs as dirty great big Eastern Browns and she gaily goes around 'Counting' them by picking up their cover and annoying the shit out of them! She hasn't been bitten......Yet!

    • Confused 1
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  7. 3 hours ago, Scud said:

    My Stelvio is very efficient. I got close to 50MPG on a 400 mile ride recently, and I was not being gentle. However, a carbon Mistral slip-on fuel injection trim module are the way. So I will try to be less efficient.

    Interestingly, the FI Trim Module (from MG Cycle), claims to work with Mistrals on Stelvio, V11, and several other Guzzis. I have the Moto Guzzi Titanium Race exhaust on my Scura, but have not messed with the ECU. I think I will try this plug-and-play module on the Scura. I assume the MG race exhaust is similar to the Mistrals.

    So is the Mistral POS an air temperature sensor spoofer or a lambda sensor spoofer. Both are awful and both have issues. Given the fact the W5AM ecu is an open book using these crappy *solutions* is madness.

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  8. You know how many complaints or even suggestions of dissatisfaction I've heard about Joe's gears?

    None! Not one! Nada!

    If you want gears they are the ONLY decent option.

    The End.

    Oh, and John, i Havant been ignoring you. I've just been busy with a lot of non motorbike crap. I'll PM you when I have a moment. Sorry.


    • Thanks 1
  9. I'd have to disagree with the 'Anything is possible' supposition.

    How do you get a motor to make more power? The bottom line is you either have to get more molecules into the combustion chamber or you have to excite them more once they are there. Preferably both. Unfortunately the Guzzi Hi-Cams, both old and new, have several limiting factors in their overall design and engineering that preclude the ability to get significantly greater volumetric efficiency, thermal efficiency or mechanical efficiency, (Although the 'New' hi cam and to a lesser extent the MGS01 engines do have significant changes and waste reduction strategies incorporated into the design.).

    Whilst it might, conceivably, be possible to make the motor produce 120 RWHP to do so would make it very peaky and would gut it of bottom end and midrange. We've done a fair bit of experimentation on this with the Nuovo Hi Cam and the simple fact is that chasing top end is a fool's errand. The Hi-Cam is what it is. When mapped correctly and running a long pipe with a dB killer installed it will make *About* a genuine 100 RWHP. Doing all the stupid shit that people expect to work because they've been told it will by charlatans with something to flog, (Open airbox's, shitty air (Non!) filters, loud, short pipes, too much fuel etc.) may yield a handful of extra ponies up the very top but what makes the Hi-Cams so enjoyable, their incredible, flat torque curve and tractor-like ability to reel in the horizon with the twist of a throttle from any speed in any gear WILL be severely compromised. We know. We've done it. The results were disappointing and spoke for themselves.

    As I always say to people who say they want their Griso to make 130 HP? Forget it and love it for what it is. Don't try and make it into something it can never be. The early Hi Cam is less mechanically efficient than the later one so you're already behind the 8 ball there. There is no 'Magic Bullet', only 'Magical Thinking'.

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  10. Sadly the 8V Hi-Cam is no more. Too dirty and too thirsty for starters and of course something so much fun wouldn't be countenanced by the droids at Piaggio who see Guzzi as their platform for hipsters and cranky old white men who think pushrods are a pinnacle of engineering excitement.....

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  11. There have been endless claims for stupid HP figures for Guzzi Hi-Cams both first and second generation. Certainly the MGS had substantial lightening and friction reducing additions to the early Hi-Cam but whether these would of been sufficient to glean the boost to performance claimed I remain fairly skeptical.

    The internet is also awash with claims of stupid power increases with the 2nd generation Hi-Cam. Usually coupled with a breathtaking ignorance of the laws of physics and bucketloads of 'Magical Thinking'. In this, as with so many other examples of idiocy, I part my buttocks and break wind vigorously in their general direction.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Cabernet said:

    Cresting blind faster than you can see, over in the UK you wouldn't have claim, and had you have struck said vehicle or a pedestrian you could be charged with reckless riding. Might be worth investing in an advanced riding course. I realise you might be sensitive to your riding being critised, but I'd rather upset you, than hear you made the same gaff again with more serious consequence. That could equally have been a dog or child running out. Don't travel faster than the distance you can see to be safe.

    Over here it would very much depend on the road marking and signage.

    A good few years ago my mate Johnny the Sheep Fucker crested a hill and found a bloke doing a U turn over double lines in the middle of the road towing a fucking caravan. Johnny entered under the draw bar on the van and probably died instantly but it didn't stop the driver completing his U turn and only stopping when he thought the van wasn't towing right.

    He pleaded guilty to negligent driving. A plea that was accepted purely because if a charge of Culpable Driving Occasioning Death had been pursued and lost then the widow and family would of got nothing from the insurance company.

    Driver got a three month ban and a fine <$1,000.


    Be careful out there. Even if you are the victim you need to consider your family........ Even if you aren't around to consider them yourself...... 

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  13. Just a heads up on those earlier 'Pork Chops'/side plates. They changed the design for more than just cosmetic reasons. The early ones are much, much more prone to cracking, even a bad drop at a standstill can do damage that may not be immediately visible but severely weakens them. It's worth doing a penetrant die test before fitting to check their integrity.

    Remember, it's those plates that hold the swingarm on. If one breaks the other one will too and the back of the bike falls off!

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  14. Don't think it matters. You're simply powering down the whole system and it's this that clears the trims. One assumes that even on key off there is some slight parasitic drain for the security LED and one presumes the base functions of the ECU. 

    Only thing I know is that if you remove the power the trims are cleared but I'm just a spud-thick motorbike mechanic.

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